New Runners March 2010

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to give you an update. Mom DID NOT have surgery yesterday. She was taken at 4pm and then was back up to her room at 6pm because they had an emergency and needed the operating room. So now she is scheduled for tomorrow but we don't know the time yet. She better be the first on the list. Poor mom. She has been great though...very positive and upbeat. Please pray for mom and that she has surgery on Thursday.

Hi ladies!

Last night Honor had tennis at the club so I dropped off the boys and did 35 minutes on the bike and 50 on the eliptical - it's not really an eliptical - it's called an AMT by precor.
I really like it.

Lisa - Yes it did p*ss me off. :) Interestingly I went to PT yesterday and she wanted me to run to see how I would feel, but after last Friday's run, I really don't want to. Maybe this weekend I'll try an easy easy jog so I can give her some feedback. I need to take some time to figure out now what my training plan for the relay is going to be.

Alisha - Good job with the candy. :) Hope you feel better soon. I'm not a bath person, never liked sitting in the water.

Tricia - that's so good that they are sending you another glove! Impressive. Your dinner sounds great - we had subway last night after the gym. I would have prefered stuffed squash. I was poking (lurking) around the other check ins and saw the starter dough thread. Sounds like fun and I would love to join, but I don't have the time for bread baking right now. I really like Nancy Silverton's books. Her bread book has a recipe for sourdough onion rings and doughnuts. AMAZING! (But, I will say her method for making starter is probably more complicated than it needs to be.)

Jane - praying for your mom.

I made a small batch of gluten free brownies this morning and I had two. They were good and I enjoyed them. But, I will be good and put the rest in the freezer (not in me:p) For dinner I have an Asian chicken stir fry with veggies planned.

I'm still resting. I plan to be back at it on Sunday.
Its a beautiful day here. I'm going to head to the orchard and run with the dogs. I haven't run very regularly in a while so we'll see how it goes. I did Providence last night.

Tricia - High and Tight is from BBL. I might do Sculpt tonight or in the morning. It is the only one I haven't done yet.

Alisha - Mmm, brownies. I love brownies.

Cindi - I hope things go well for you and that the PT helps!

Jane - Still thinking of you and your mom and hoping things go smoothly for her tomorrow.

Good evening my running friends!

Jane - Oh, how frustrating that must be! Good for your mom for keeping such a positive attitude! I'll be praying that they get her in and early so she can have her surgery and be done!

Cindi - Oh, yes! I'm having a blast with my little yeast starters! Whenever you have a chance and feel like joining us, please do! The more, the merrier and the more variety of starters we all get to try! WTG on your workout last night! I know how you feel about causing yourself more pain by trying to run, but maybe she'll be able to figure something out by your feedback! Good luck!

Alisha - Don't freeze those brownies, ship them over here! My DH will eat them all! I'll have one! LOL! I'm making some cupcakes for DH this weekend. He's been craving something sweet and I don't keep ANYTHING like that in the house!

Lisa - Hope you enjoyed your run with the pups! Ah, BBL! That's another one I have to put on my ever-growing list!

Take care all!
I ran yesterday. I went to the park hoping to run into a friend so I did a lap with each dog - 0.8 miles with Nell, then with Pip, then with Ben. It was busy at the park so a good time for the dogs to get out in public and have to run politely on a leash like "read dogs" :D. Then we met my friend and walked a lap with her. Then we went to the orchard so the pups could run offleash and did another two miles - I ran all the parts that didn't have new, fresh loose gravel. All and all, pretty good. We are planning to walk at the orchard today. I'm going to try to do some resistance training at home tonight but it just depends on how I feel. We are planning to climb again on Saturday.

Cindi - You are lovin' some Travel Fit! I can't wait to get it! Enjoy your cardio - whatever you end up doing!

Lisa - Sounds like you had a lot of fun running with your dogs!

I actually got up this morning and did my cardio which was was 4DS Kickbox including the abs and stretching! Woo-Hoo! I got up at 5:45, got dressed, came downstairs and got going! The only thing I noticed was that my legs weren't quite as warm as I would have liked, but that's just age! Ugh! Going to try for it again tomorrow for my Bi's, Tri's & Shoulders (STS). Of course, that being a much longer workout, I'll have to get up earlier! Wish me luck!

Still thinking of you Jane and your mom's surgery! I pray they got her in today and she's doing fine!
Hi All,

Mom came through her surgery great yesterday. There were 2 nodes that were a little inflamed that could be due to a variety of issues one of which may be cancer. So if it comes back cancer she will have a dose of radiation.
She will have to be in the hospital until Tuesday or Wednesday. This is due to her blood thinner issues. They just want to make sure all is well before they send her home.

My only exercise has been walking around the hospital and up the stairs to mom's room which is on the 7th floor. So I'm getting some exercise in and have been eating healthy. Being in a hospital is a great motivator for eating healthy.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They mean so much!!
Jane - So glad to hear your mom came through sugery ok! Being in a hospital makes me want to hit the vending machines - they make me nervous. :) Good for you for eating well and hitting the stairs.

Tricia - great job getting up this morning. I noticed my gym has an early morning spin class and I'm thinking maybe that's a good option to get me going in the morning. I have a hard time pushing myself that early.

Lisa - that dog run sounds fun. I just love animals but we aren't home enough for doggies. I'm working from home today though and my Lucky-cat is sitting on my lap while I'm typing emails. He's pretty much a living plush toy - doesn't do much else other than sleep in his bed or lay on someone's lap.

Last night I did 40 minutes on the eliptical and then took a spin class. My first ever. It was hard! But I really enjoyed it. The change in cardio for me has jumpstarted my metabolism I think - I've lost a couple pounds this week. :)
Good morning ladies,
I tried to go for a long walk with the dogs and a girlfriend last night but it rained on us so turned around and ate pizza instead :D. We have a fabulous pizza place here in town.

This morning I did Insanity Cardio Abs which my friend lent me. It was hard! I followed it up with Sculpt from BBL which was pleasantly and surprisingly tougher than I had expected. All-in-all I really like BBL (despite Leandro's accent, slight silliness and the fact that he gets out of breath really quickly). I feel that positive things are happening in my thighs/butt/waist, especially my waist. Now if I could just stick to something vaguely resembling a rotation.

This afternoon I am going to run - CC or steady state. Tomorrow is climbing.

Tricia and Cindi ~ I do get a real kick out of running with the pups. It's harder for me because I can't focus quite so much but is such a very good "pack building" exercise. It's always funny when I get in a new foster and run with them for the first time. For so many dogs, its a revelation when their human actually runs with them and they just get so excited and love it. My dogs love it (except Nellie who only loves running off-leash, running on-leash is too much like work). I like getting to spend a little one-on-one time with them too because with three they never seem to get all the individual attention and training they really need.

I love my kitties too (I have three) but they are mostly lap ornaments too :D. However, their "assistance" while typing is never very helpful.

Jane ~ I'm glad your mother's surgery went well! Now we are hoping for a quick and speedy recovery along with good biospy reports. Good for you for keeping on-track. I am such an emotional eater that I would have been a wreck.

Alisha ~ Hey, how are you doing?
Jane - I'm so glad your mom's surgery went well! We'll keep her in our prayers for good lab results on the nodes!

Cindi - I am SO not a morning person, but this has worked out great for 2 days so far! I plan to keep it up as I'd rather have my evenings to myself especially with warmer weather coming (eventually anyway)! I'm glad you enjoyed your spin class! I despise it! Maybe I didn't have a good instructor. I was so uncomfortable on the bike! My back was hurting, too. I don't think she set me up right, plus I was horribly out of shape at the time!

Lisa - Pizza is a good consolation prize for not being able to run! I hope you were successful today!

Alisha - I hope all is well with you! How is your heel doing?
I'm ok, it was my hammies. I'm back. I went for a short easy jog this morning, it was perfect. Unfortunately, it looks like rain this next week. Thats good for pulling weeds and bad for jogging. But, hey, I got MMA to keep me company.

Hi everybody!
Hi Alisha!

Glad you're okay and still with us! We do notice when someone is away! LOL!

I know what you mean! We are expecting heavy rains again beginning tonight and not ending until Wednesday! I hate that! It doesn't mess with my running as I'm still only running on the weekends, but I hate when it rains heavily at night! I don't sleep well. (as you know)

This week will be my first full week of getting up in the morning to work out! Last Thursday and Friday were great! I loved having my evenings to myself!

This has been quite the eventful weekend! As an example, today we got up, ran 5 miles, came home, I showered and made breakfast, then immediately launched into making another batch of tamales! I finished around 1:30 (had help this time from my DH), cleaned up the kitchen and took a nap! Whew! I was exhausted!

You don't even want to about yesterday! Suffice to say that I forgot to put salt and baking powder in my AP flour for my biscuits, so they didn't cook, melted butter went everywhere in the oven and caused tons of smoke and stink! I spent most of my day cleaning the oven out and retesting the oven to make sure it wasn't going to smoke anymore! Later, I made cupcakes for my DH. Luckily, I had plenty of leftovers still so I didn't have to cook for dinner! I think I'm looking forward to going back to work! Of course, I could use a day off from my days off!

Have a great evening and a happy Monday!
Hi All,

Mom was released from the hospital on Saturday which was a big surprise because they originally said Tuesday or Wednesday. She is doing really well and doesn't have too much pain. We still are waiting for news on the 2 nodes that they removed but other than that she is doing really well.

I survived the rounds of cuts in the office as well but now I am the only admin person here. I also think my boss is being moved which is a good thing because he is a jerk. That being said, I'm still looking for a job because I just don't have much respect for this company. They should have been doing this a couple of years ago instead of waiting until they are on the verge of collapse.

This is the workout I'm doing today. Yesterday I ran 4 miles.

Max rounds in 30 minutes

Kettlebell Swings x10
Push ups x10
Kettlebell Walking Lunges x20
Kettlebell Rows x10 (each side)
Kettlebell Thrusters x10 (each side)
Slasher to Halo x10
Kettlebell Pull/Catch/Squat x10
Kettlebell Sit up/reach x10
3 Driveway runs after each round

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi ladies! The kids are on spring break this week so I won't be around much. Just wanted to let you know. We aren't going anywhere, but lots going on around the house. I'll be back in a week.

Hi ladies,
Saturday wound up being too cold for rock climbing so I did Bum Bum Live and Cardio Axe in the morning and walked the dogs in the afternoon. Yesterday was cold and rainy and I did nothing at all. I read two book and that was it - I did nothing productive at all. This afternoon I'm going to run and maybe do weights when I get home.
Hi Ladies!

Jane - That's wonderful news that your mom got to go home earlier than expected! It's better to heal at home! More restful!

Ugh! How stressful that must have been! I don't blame you for continuing to look for a new job! Your workout sounds like a great stress-buster!

Cindi - Enjoy spring break with your kids!

Lisa - Bummer about the rock climbing! Sometimes you just need a day to relax and read!
Hi Everyone!

It was beautiful today. I did the following workout in the yard.

Max Rounds in 30 Minutes (I did 4 rounds)
5 Renegade Manmakers
100 Jump Rope
30 Ball Slams
15 Swings

Cindi ~ Enjoy Spring Break with your family!

Lisa ~ Reading is productive. What books did you read? I love reading!!

Tricia ~ Is it still raining where you are?

Alisha - Hi! Hope all is well with you!
Hi Jane!

It finally stopped raining about 3 this afternoon! There is some serious flooding going on and that will get worse of the next few days or so. Getting to work was tough. There was one spot on the road right to my office that was so flooded it was scary! The problem was that no one knows how to drive up here! They were all stopping, yes, stopping in the middle of the flooded area which is the absolute wrong thing to do! I was so glad to get home this afternoon! We're supposed to warm up and get sunny, so this should dry out pretty quickly.

Where we live is high and we didn't have any problems with water in our basement or anything, thank goodness!

I'm glad you got to workout outdoors today! Our weekend is supposed to be beautiful again! I'll definitely getting my runs in!

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