New Runners March 2010

Jane - we were posting at the same time. That looks like a great exercise. I really like the walk out to a pushup move in general. Adding the weights makes it a good total body move.

Edited to add...Did Jillian Michael's new Yoga Meltdown today - Level 1. I really liked it. Not yoga in the traditional sense - athletic yoga.
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Hi Running Buddies!

Alisha - Sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you are better tomorrow!

Jane - I always forget what Mr. Spectaculars are until I see the vid! Those look tough! Enjoy your run tonight!

Lisa - Have fun in Hatteras and get plenty of sunshine! It works wonders! You are a very strong woman and you can get through this! Cardio Kicks was a total blast! I'm getting to where, even though I'm not very coordinated, I really love the kickbox workouts!

My DH was laughing at me tonight doing MIC! He said he needs to video it and post it on You Tube! It wasn't fair! That was the first time I ever did MIC! LOL!

Cindi - Glad the kids are really enjoying the gym! Today was our first day of having any decent sun! It's supposed to be sunny and 50 for the next 3 days here! Yippee!!!!!!

The arm seems considerably better, but there's still some minor pain at times. I would say I'm 90% now. As I said, next week will tell.
Happy Sunny Saturday Afternoon!

Well, I just had to chime in here and tell you my story about our run this morning. Usually, it's my DH, Milo (our hyper beagle) and myself on the morning weekend run. Today, DH decided to take Peanut. I usually take her for a short walk after our run. I took Mile and DH took Peanut. We started out as usual with DH/Peanut in the lead, but Milo was pulling like mad to get to DH! He was killing me! We weren't even down the block yet and I was huffing and puffing from trying to hang on to him and get him to go at my pace! DH figured it out and got behind us. After just a short while, I finally had Milo going with me instead of pulling me! Peanut did great! She trotted along behind DH! (She doesn't like to be right next to you. Guess she thinks she might get stepped on?)

He had to walk with her a bit after 2 miles, but DH said that as soon as we got out of sight of her, she'd start trotting again to get back in the line of sight! LOL! We did 3.6 miles today - didn't want to go too far with her as it was her first run. She was a trooper! Milo had me going faster than my usual pace and I was not able to keep my focus on my breathing and pace as much as usual. Takes a little getting used to - running with a dog!

Tomorrow, we're going down to Newport to run a path from Ft. Adams, down Ocean Blvd. and back. It'll be 6.28 miles! Wish me luck! I've never gone farther than 4.5 miles!
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Good morning!
Its a beautiful sunny day here in Hatteras and I went out and did CC V8. It felt so good to run outside in the sun and I did okay considering how little I have run lately. My level 4s were a little slow but hey you have to start back somewhere, right? I really wanted to cop out during challenge 3 but I didn't and actually made myself push harder for the last couple of hills because I was almost done. Tomorrow I'm going for a fun ride that should last 4 or 5 hours. I really want to do a full-body workout or kettlebells this afternoon but I don't want to totally fry myself before my ride. I'm just going to see how I feel this afternoon I guess.

Tricia ~ Yay for Peanut! That's great. I understand how hard it can be to run when the dog is pulling on you. It really makes a difference. I actually left the dogs home today (felt totally guilty) because I was feeling marginal about my ability to get through V8 and, even though they are really pretty good, it adds to the challenge. How's the arm feeling today?

Cindi ~ How did today's run go? For someone who averages 12 miles on a good week, you are a real runner :D. I've finished a 1/2 marathon, a couple of 10Ks and plenty of 5Ks but I still can't quite call myself a runner. Most of my runs are still in the 3 mile range and I'm just too darn slow. 10 minute miles are my goal race pace - woo hoo! I love the John Bingham (I think) quote, "Start slow and ease off". That's my motto.

Jane ~ Mr. Spectaculars look hard! I'm sure that's a great overall burn. Once again, a little too motivated for me :eek:.

Alisha ~ Hi! Hope you are feeling better and having a good weekend. Not gaining weight is just as much of an accomplishment as losing it.

Hi Lisa!

It is beautiful weather up here as well! For once!

The important thing is getting back in gear no matter your pace! I think it's great you jumped right into Vol 8! The key is pushing yourself to the finish or to go harder or faster - that's where your improvements come from! So, kudos and congrats to you on your CC run today!

We drove down to Newport for our run today. We took Milo and left Peanut home to recover from yesterday. We don't want to push her too much too soon and have her end up with joint issues or anything else! I still felt guilty like you even though it was the best and smartest thing to do!

Well, we were supposed to have a 6.28 mile run planned from Ft. Adams to Ocean Drive along the beach road (beautiful view, btw) and back to Ft. Adams. It ended up being over 7.5 miles!!! My DH used MapMyRun to plan it out, but it didn't take the loop inside Ft. Adams before we got to the road. Yikes! I made it just over 6 miles nonstop, then the hills became more frequent even though they were slow rolling hills and I just started to lose my energy, or my oxygen balance started to shift, my legs were fine. So, I'm not sure what happened at that point, but I had to start slowing down and then walk in short bursts up those darn last hills, then run again for the last mile. I still think it wasn't too shabby for my first long run!

The arm is doing well this week, but I'm taking the Ibuprofen 2x a day and it's no weights this week, so next week will be the true test as to whether there's been any real improvement or not!

Lisa, enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a great ride tomorrow!

Helloes and happy Sunday to everyone else out there too busy enjoying this beautiful weather to post yet!
Hi All,

I had a busy day yesterday and didn't have time to post. I did do P90x Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps.

Today I went out for a 10K run. I cut 4 minutes off last week's time! YIPPEE!! I'm so happy. Each week I feel stronger and stronger. The weather was beautiful - sunny and in the 40's (I think). There was no wind so it was nice.

Tricia ~ Congratulations on your run yesterday and today. Wow...7.5 miles!! You go girl! I loved reading about your run with your dogs. Keep up the good work!

Lisa ~ Great job today. Yes you have to start somewhere. Look at where I've been. I've cut my times the last 2 weekends so consistently is the key. Just keep working at it and it will get easier. I think you can handle Mr. Spectacular. My sister didn't want to try them but she did and she did fine. You just have to take them slow. When I did then in a circuit I was only able to complete 3 or 4 which is just fine in the beginning. My sister did them with 10# kettlebells. Lisa you are a runner!!! I'm a slow runner too!

Waving hi to Alisha and Cindi! Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
Hi ladies! Quick check in for me - ran 12 today. (Thanks for the comments, Lisa - I'm slow, slow myself). :)
sick as a dog

I did go for a hike this morning. I thought I better. Yesterday was my cheat day and man did I ever lol! Although, I am not so sure I really enjoyed it cause I can barely smell anything.

I hope everybody is doing well.

Hi ladies!
I'm back, a little sunburned and a little saddle sore but back and happy :D:D:D. I spent over 5 1/2 hours in the saddle with Chip, my favorite horse, and a good friend. We rode a trail I haven't been on out through the woods, up past the Hatteras lighthouse, back out to the beach, down the beach to our regular trail and back to the barn. It was lots of fun. For someone who goes months without riding and then jump in with both feet - I have to admit that I rock :D. The kettlebells really help too. That is the only workout that has ever really improved my riding. My seat bones will be sore tonight though. A little time in the saddle always makes me happy - its like climbing or whitewater - it doesn't matter what is going on, riding makes me smile.

Jane ~ How are you liking P90X?

Alisha ~ How was your hike?

Tricia ~ That sounds like a great run! You know your are working if you have to walk at intervals towards the end.

Cindi ~ If you are slow, then you rock even more in my book! I use the fact that I am slow as an excuse not to run more miles - it would take to long :D.

I'm off to take a shower because I'm a little aromatic. You know you stink when the dogs sniff you and start to rub up against you...

These pics aren't great but I can't help it. The view on the beach and my favorite little spotted *ss in the barn after our ride.


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Hi Everyone!

This is the workout I did tonight. It was killer!!!

3 Rounds
45 Ball slams
45 Sit ups w/med ball
200m Ball run
200 Step ups w/med ball

Lisa ~ Love the pictures!!! Wow....5 1/2 hours in a saddle. I think you will be a little sore too! I remember doing an overnight ride and I was so sore but it was a good sore. Glad you had a great time!

I like P90x but I haven't done the whole rotation all the way through. I still do bits and pieces of it. Tony annoys me a little bit.

Waving hi to Tricia, Cindi and Alisha!

Hope everyone had a great day!
Jane and Cindi - You two are my idols! I dream of the day I can do 10-12 miles! I'm riding high just knowing I could push through a 10K! Good for you for knocking 4 minutes off your time too Jane!

Alisha - Awww, you poor thing! I hate wasting a cheat day when I'm congested and can't taste or smell anything! Get well soon!

Lisa - Your ride sounds wonderful! How peaceful that must have been! 5 1/2 hours though. I could barely do 1 hour on a horse right now! Haven't been on one in quite a while! Your Chip looks like such a handsome horse! ROFLMAO about your dogs rubbing on you! Mine like to lick me to death after I work out! Guess they like the salt on my skin from the sweat!

Day 1 of STS Meso 3 done today! Yay! As much as I'm enjoying STS, I'm ready for a change! The 6 1/2 month rotation was good for the first run through, but from now on, I'll do the 3 1/2 rotation. 23 more to go! Wednesday's my first run at plyo legs. I hear it's a killer!
Hi everyone! Yesterday was International Women's Day and work had a day long meeting which was very nice!

Spring is definitely on it's way here. I was hoping to run outside last Saturday but the rain started. I will be out this week sometime for sure.

Tricia - loved the story about your dogs. What a great long run you had! No shame in walking the last mile when you almost doubled what you typically do!

Lisa - I love riding horses. I don't do it much but I just think horses are such wonderful animals. And you are definitely a runner! John Bingham is great inspiration. I also love the Two Gomers Run a Marathon podcast. They are funny, slow and runners. :) Yep - my long runs take forever and a day. I usually run around 11 min/mile pace on long runs.

Jane - great job on the 10K Sunday! Tony annoys me too, but I do like the P90X leg/back workout. I like alternating P90X weights with running.

Alisha - I hope you are feeling better today.

I'm running and doing Zumba tonight.
Can I just also say there is way too much craziness on the OD board these days? What is wrong with people?
Jane and Cindi - You two are my idols! I dream of the day I can do 10-12 miles! I'm riding high just knowing I could push through a 10K! Good for you for knocking 4 minutes off your time too Jane!

Tricia - I did a 10K not 10 miles so Cindi takes the idol crown!! :D:D

I'm working my way up there though. I'm saving Sundays for my long runs. Right now I'm at 6.2 miles. On March 21, I'm upping it another mile to 7.2 miles. Then in April I'm upping it another mile. My goal is to do a 1/2 marathon maybe in October. I don't want to jinx it by saying that I'm actually doing one because the last time I was going to do a 1/2 I got hurt. :(
Hi Everyone!

I'm taking a rest day today. I have to go to mom's and do her taxes. :confused:

Tricia ~ How did your arm feel after yesterday's workout? I think it's great that you are sticking to the STS rotation. What kind of results have you gotten so far?

Cindi ~ How nice for your company to recognize International Women's Day. I'm glad it's getting warmer by you.

Alisha ~ Hope you feel better!

Hi Lisa!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi everybody! Thanks for wishing me well, it seems to be working. I'm feeling a bit better.

Lisa- Neat pix! I love seeing what others are up to.

Tricia- I hope your arm is better

Lioness- You are so right, I have seen those nasty posts and I'm just sort of avoiding it pretending like I never saw it at all. I don't even open them to look anymore its just too icky.

I really hope you get to do the Half this year!

I did enjoy my hike yesterday. Then it hailed in the morning. Its nice and sunny today. I will be doing CW (aka Cardio & Weights from the IMAX2 disc.) in about an hour. I'm going to work on my ear training and then some keyboard practice. The birds are singing. I love spring.
Hi everyone,
Let's see, Sunday night I did Push-Pull and then Monday I rode. Today I did CC V4 on the beach with the dogs. It was beautiful - warm, sunny and the ocean was slick calm with the dolphins feeding offshore. After that, I went and rode for about 3 hours. Tomorrow I am supposed to fun ride or maybe take a group out - either way I'm going to need some Desitin to make it all happen :eek:. I may get some Cathe in on Thursday when its supposed to start raining.

Alisha ~ I'm glad you are feeling a little better!

Cindi ~ Some of the drama is amazing! It reminds me of one of my favorite cartoons. There's a woman on the computer and her husband calls from the other room, "Come on in here honey" and she replies, "I can't, there's someone whose wrong on the internet!" Seriously people, get over it and be adults, right?

Jane ~ Good luck with taxes! I've been putting mine off.

Tricia ~ Chip is a great little horse. Thanks for the compliments! I've been trying to buy him for two years now. I am totally in love with him but can't convince his owner, the woman I work for in the summer, to sell him to me. It drives me nuts because I really want him.

Cindi - Running and dancing - what a wonderful combo!

Jane - Well, I won't admit to misreading! I'll call it a premonition! LOL! You'll do it - I know it! We can challenge each other each month to see who can run the farthest! Ha, ha! The arm was a teeny bit twitchy at the beginning, mostly during one arm dumbbell rows, but by the time I got to the second round of rows (horizontal), it was fine. Just a tad sore this morning, but after an Ibuprofen and some time moving, it was fine. I'm still waiting to call it a "victory" until after I do lateral raises on Friday. That was the worst exercise, so we'll see, but I'm hopeful!

STS has been great! My BF is down 4% and I can see a little definition in my muscles now. I think it would be better, but I have been doing a rather conservative rotation. I think I underestimated my 1RMs. I'm not upset about it as I considered this round my learning rotation. Next rotation will be 3 1/2 months and more aggressive! I'm not unhappy. DH checked my BF with the calipers over the weekend and, if he did it right, I'm at 21%!

Alisha - Yay! You're feeling better! Will keep sending healing energy your way! The weather sure has been crazy this year! Have a great workout and fun with your ear training!

Lisa - What a beautiful run that must be! It's amazing to me what a difference it makes to be in a scenic area for running! Takes my mind off the distance or time! I believe in the power of positive thinking! Believe you will obtain your dream (Chip) and it will happen! There's a meditative technique for it utilizing a Reiki method that's wonderful. I say meditate on it and let it go, and it will happen! (I know, just call me weird!)

Ladies - I am ignoring the bickering in OD. I read the posts I'm interested in or by people I've followed for advice and encouragement and leave the rest. I'm happy to say I'm oblivious to what's been going on. Ignorance CAN be bliss!

I hope I haven't missed anyone or anything! Have a beautiful night everyone! See you tomorrow!

Love and happiness to you all!

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