New Runners All Welcome! October 13, 2009

Janis ~ I love John Bingham :)

Lisa – Now, what exactly is your job(s), I have completely lost track of all the hats you seem to be wearing.

Totally understandable! I can't keep track of them either.

During the school year I teach horticulture at a community college and manage our plant tissue culture lab (this is what the open house is for). I also teach group dog obedience classes and do in-home behavioral counselling.

During the summer and breaks, I work as a guide leading horseback rides on the beach and sometimes work at a coffee shop.

OMG! Everyone just jumped out of the woodwork today! I had to plug everyone's posts into Evernote so I could keep track of what everyone has been doing these last couple of days!

Good Evening to All!

Before I address individual posts, I must tell all of you about my CC Vol. 4 workout tonight after work. Forgive my self indulgence here:

I ran a SS on Monday, but we had rain and cloudy weather the rest of the week until today, so it was indoor workouts :( Don't get me wrong, they kicked my butt! Anyway, today, the sun FINALLY came out! :D I went for a run and had a fantastic CC Vol. 4 run! It was the first time I had done that one and at the end when I was doing my final steady state before stretching, I turned my head to look out across the river and the sunset was beautiful! The sky was orange and yellow and there were a few thin, white clouds along the horizon. The lights were coming on in the buildings in the City and I had to smile! This is my last sunset run for the year, I thought to myself. It made me smile at the pleasure of it, but sad at the same time. Time changes this Saturday night and my running will be held to the weekends. I know myself too well to think I would ever REALLY get up early in the morning to go run no matter how much I want to. I've tried before and it never works.

So, it is the end of a season for me. Sigh.


Sydney - Sounds like you have a good solid workout rotation there to me! Let us know how it works out for you!

Cindi - LOL! Cute joke! Run like the wind, girl!

Jane - Good luck in your 5K tomorrow! I know you'll do great! We'll all be there in spirit cheering you on! Can't wait to hear the details when you're done!

Alisha - I'm glad your brother is getting his high BP under control! That can be so dangerous! I'm also happy to hear the news that your Aunt's cancer is responding well to her treatment! That's wonderful news! Yoga sounds great! I finally took the plunge and signed up for Yoga Today online. I'm looking forward to trying some of their novice routines! It will be great for my rest day between STS weeks!

Lisa - Wow! You have been busy! Glad you've been able to get some stress relieving workouts in! I find it helps so much on high stress days to get a good workout done! I find all of your "jobs" so interesting! Must keep you from getting bored!

Hi Janis! You really sound like you've been filling your days - all 24 hours of it! It must be frustrating to not have your dishwasher fixed yet! I'd be threatening someone! I couldn't live without mine around Thanksgiving (although this year, I'm going to have to)! I cook everything from scratch - no cheating - and it's just my DH and myself! I'm glad to hear that your ankle has been doing well! Sounds like you're working your way back just right! I can't wait to read Running for Mortals! It's on my list, but I'm still trying to finish a book on string theory and a Stephen King novel!

It was great to hear from you!

BTW, just so I can beam with pride :eek:, my DH was accepted to Boston College for his double Masters! He starts at the end of January! Yea! :D I'm so glad he got in! (In case I already told you all this - oops, sorry!)

Have a wonderful night everyone! Shouts out to Christine, Morningstar, Jenn and anyone else I might have missed! Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Hi Everyone!

I ran my race this morning. It was HOT!!! It was about 80 degrees at race time with lots of humidity! It was a hilly course and longer than a 5K so my time was a little off.

I've got a busy day today. I'll try to BBL! Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Wow! 80 degrees! We were excited to hit 70 today! It is extremely windy and somewhat cloudy though.

Congratulations on completing your 5K! Can't wait to hear the details later!


Hi Everyone!

I ran my race this morning. It was HOT!!! It was about 80 degrees at race time with lots of humidity! It was a hilly course and longer than a 5K so my time was a little off.

I've got a busy day today. I'll try to BBL! Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Good evening ladies,
I did the floorwork part of Butts and Guts this morning - I hate floorwork, I don't know why. And I did a half an hour of yoga. I got my tv up and going and love having FitTV again. I'm sure true yogis don't think much of Namaste yoga but I like them. They are just long enough for me to feel like I'm getting some benefit and not long enough for me to get bored and wander off.

I'm going to go do CC V1 now. Why I waited until almost dark to feel motivated I don't know :). Happy Halloween!

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