New Runners All Welcome! October 13, 2009

Cindi - That sounds like a fun trip! Have you done anymore runs in your FF shoes? How are they working for you?

Lisa - I love the pics! We take lots of those kinds of pictures, too! LOL!

I did 3.1 miles today completely in my FiveFingers shoes. It went great! I could really feel it in my calves when I was through, but luckily no blisters! Next, I came home and did a third day of 1RM tests! Almost done! I have only about 10 more exercises to do! I'll polish those off after my CC run tomorrow.

Missing Morningstar and Janis, and Sydney! I know I'm missing others, but can't think of names right now! So, hello to all - hope to hear from you soon!
Hi ladies.... was out of town for the last week... still running. I get to take another fitness test probably tomorrow or wed.....this time no situps!!! so just running and pushups :) will let you know how it goes....

Lisa... love, love, love the doggies!!!!!
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Good Morning Everyone!

Last night I did the following workout:

8 Rounds of:
10 Jump Squats
100 Jump Rope
10 Pull-ups
10 KB Swings

I was planning to go running tonight but there is a 80% chance of rain! :confused: So if it's raining I will probably either do Insanity or HSTA.

Lisa ~ I love the pictures of your doggies! :)

Sydney ~ Good luck on your fitness test. I know you'll do great!

Tricia ~ I'm glad you are enjoying your FiveFingers shoes! You have such patience to do all the 1RMs.

Waving hello to Janis, Morningstar, Cindi, Alisha and the rest of the gang.
Hi everyone - I haven't run in 5 days - just too busy. I have Kung Fu tonight and will run 2-3 miles afterwards. Not sure if I will wear my FF or my regular shoes yet.
Hi ladies!

I got in a 4 mile run with Donna last night. It is the longest steady state run I've done in a while :eek:. I got so addicted to Cardio Coach for a while but now I'm trying to be more balanced.

I did Push/Pull this morning but skipped the floorwork since I was in a hurry. I'm going to try to run this evening with Jennifer ~ probably about 3 miles.

The dogs say thanks for all the compliments :D.

HI! I'm new to the boards and your thread caught my eye. I'm new to running (I'm just finishing the couch 2 5k) and also tried Cathe for the first time today. I really liked the workout and will be purchasing more. :)

I'm wondering how you all are incorporating Cathe and running together? Thanks in advace!

Welcome to our little group! I'm working the C25k program again.

I jog more than I do anything else. I hadn't really thought about it until Tricia said that. But, its true. I jog 2-3x a week (health permitting.) and I used to do 3 days of Cathe but now its just 2 days so that I have an extra rest day.

My rotation broken down goes like this:

Sunday: Jog
Monday: yoga Today dot com wo
Tuesday: Jog
Wednesday: Cathe step wo
Thursday: off
Friday: Jog
Saturday: Cathe step ckt wo

My month kind of looks like this:
Wk 1 Low impact wo like LIC (low impact circuit), and Low Max or a Cardio Hits wo
Wk 2: Medium intensity: Cardio/Weights, Original IMAX or RS(Rhythmic Step)
Wk 3: High intensity: SJP (step jump and pump) and IMAX 2
Wk 4: 4DS

The nitty gritty: I have to pay a parking ticket tomorrow. I almost forgot lol. Anyway. I did go for a jog this morning. Our DSL line was down all day, they had to replace a transmorgifier or whatsit. Tomorrow should be a Cathe workout. I'm in weight loss mode and I think I'm smaller :D But I'm too scared to get on the scale :eek: I will do the personals tomorrow. I love you guys, I think of you when I lace up.

Songs to run to: Micheal Buble "Haven't met you yet." Puts me in a good mood.
Hi ladies! Finally got in a workout last night. Kung Fu class was pretty challenging actually. We did loads of pushups - I think close to 200 throughout the class. The teacher uses them as 'punishment' so if someone doesn't say 'sir' or isn't listening during drills, we all drop and do 10 or 20. Needless to say, some people were NOT paying attention last night! During our independent time (when we can work on our own sets) I did my workout of the day (from my iPhone - it's a cool little app) which was 2 rounds of 75 lunges and 75 squats. Then I ran 2 miles.

Hoping to run again today.
Hi Everyone,

I didn't get my run in yesterday so I did Firepower (AOS Kettlebell workout) twice through with short rests. Today I have to be at my parent's house after work so I'm doing my prison-style kb workout with walking lunges, bear crawls, squats and jump squats mixed in.

Alisha ~ I never get on the scale. I go by how my clothes fit and feel.

Cindi ~ Great workout last night. Wow...200 push ups!!! Do you have to do them all on your toes or can they be modified?

Hope everyone has a great day!
Alsiha ~ Good luck with parking ticket. At least you remembered it in the end.

Jane ~ Your workouts all sound so interesting.

Sydney ~ Good luck on your fitness test!! Let us know how it goes.

Lori ~ I run or walk 3-4 days a week (I'm trying to do 2 days steady state and 2 days interval now, for a while I was doing virtually all interval). I try to get in two Cathe weight workouts, one kettlebell workout and some yoga or stretching.

Hi to Tricia, Morningstar, Janis, Tana, Cindi and anyone I'm missing.

My run last night got rained out (along with puppy class ~ *sniff*). I did 30 minutes of yoga this morning and have a long walk with the pups planned for this afternoon.

Jane - teacher doesn't allow knee pushups in the class. He does allow shallow push ups so I don't go as deep as I can from my knees. That helps a little bit, but class last night was particularly punishing. :) You'd be surprised though how many you can crank out if you are going less deep and have little breaks along the way.

Nice day today - ran 6 miles on the nearby running trail. LOTS of beautiful leaves in the trees and on the ground. I love fall leaves. :)

Good luck Sydney!

Lisa - have fun with the pups.
Evening Everyone!

Sounds like some good runs and workouts going on this week!

Cindi - I wore my FF shoes for a 5K distance SS run on Monday and MAN do my calves hurt - STILL! LOL! THEN, to add more fuel to the fire (almost literally), I did KPC last night! So, it rained yesterday and today. I thought I was going to "take it easy" on myself today and do a low impact step as a workout. I picked Low Max - OH BOY! That kicked my butt! I never knew how intense low impact could be until I did this workout! I've done other ones in years past and none of them had the intensity Cathe's low impact w/o has! I'm REALLY going to be hurting tomorrow!

It's supposed to be sunny, so at least I'll get a break and can go for a run!
Low Max is a tough workout!

I have these calve sleeves from Zensah that help with calf soreness - you can wear them while you run or afterwards. I like to wear them after my runs to help with circulation and keep the fluids from collecting in my calves - which are huge on a good day, ginormous on a bad day!
Hi Everyone,

I'm doing the following running drill tonight. It's beautiful today - sunny and in the mid 80's. This one should be fun!!

"Unleash That"
Max rounds in 40 minutes
200m run
20 kb swings
200m run
20 push ups
200m run
20 sit ups
200m run
20 Squat Thrusts
200m run

Cindi ~ have a tough teacher. Great job in getting through the workout.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks Cindi! I'll have to look into those! I was hurting so badly, I could barely get down my stairs yesterday morning! :eek: They are much better today, but I fear my glutes will be more sore tomorrow as it was too cloudy and dark to run when I got off work. :( I ended up doing KPC again! I'm just a glutton for punishment! Besides, it was so much fun!

Convinced my DH to go with my on Saturday for CCPP weekend! Yea! This will be his first Cardio Coach workout. Can't wait to see if he likes it!

Hi Jane!

Sounds like a great workout for you today! How'd it go?

I sure am missing our MIAs these days! It's awfully quiet without Morningstar and Janis around to keep us guffawing at their musings!

Hello to all and I hope everyone is well!

Low Max is a tough workout!

I have these calve sleeves from Zensah that help with calf soreness - you can wear them while you run or afterwards. I like to wear them after my runs to help with circulation and keep the fluids from collecting in my calves - which are huge on a good day, ginormous on a bad day!
Hi ladies...

Well I didn't get to take another fitness test. :mad: But really I can't be too upset, my doctor has not cleared me. I still have some work to do on my abs:( But I am still running and pushing (push ups). I am thinking about cutting down on my weekly mileage and adding some HIIT workouts.
I started to read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle- I have actually had this e-book for about 2 years, and i want to see if I can work towards a goal. Fat loss!!!!
so I think my schedule will look something like this:

Mon: Total Body weight Circuits, Cardio (3 miles)
Tue: HIIT, yoga
Wed: Total Body weight Circuits, Cardio (3 miles)
Thur: HIIT, yoga
Fri: Steady state cardio (6 miles)
Sat: Total Body weight Circuits, yoga
Sun: Rest

Now I haven't gotten to the workout part of the e-book, so the routine may change. I just think that I should work on reducing my bodyfat and running faster.... what do you think?

Hi to everyone and happy running!!!
Good Morning Everyone!

I'm taking a rest day today. I have a 5K race tomorrow morning! It should be fun and I'm sure lots of people will dress up in costume. I will be dressing up as Jane the runner! ;)

Tricia ~ I loved the workout I did yesterday. Non stop work for 40 minutes. It really gets the heart rate up and stays up for entire workout.

Sydney ~ I think you have a good rotation planned. HIIT workouts are great for dropping weight. My sister had good results when she added HIIT into her program. I have Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle but I haven't read it all the way through. I had good results when I upped my protein intake and reduced my complex carbs.

Waves hello to the rest of the crew. Where is Morningstar and Janis?
HI all!

Sydney - I think that is a good plan. I feel like I get better results when I add weights onto my short run days. Your plan is very balanced.

No running yesterday - did two Kelley Coffee Meyer Workouts (Cardio Blast and Weights) each workout was about 30 minutes long. Hoping to get in 4 miles today but it will be a busy day. 3 tomorrow.

Have a great weekend! HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Oh - here's a joke for you...What do you call the monster who ate all the cornflakes?

A Cereal Killer! :)
Where are MStar and Janis?

On Wednesday, I spent the day in town taking my older brother to the dentist. We thought he just needed a filling but he had an abscess. We were referred to an oral surgeon that afternoon. The visit to her office was a little bit scary, his blood pressure was too high to be put under anesthesia because the anesthetic that they use would raise his blood pressure into the red zone/stroke zone. So, we had to go to the hospital and get some antibiotics and pain killers for him and we made a doctor appointment to get his blood pressure down. He is now on blood pressure medication and we bought him some new tooth brushes (he hates brushing his teeth.) So we have to wait until he gets his blood pressure down before the doctor will sign off on him to get his root canal. I hope it comes down soon, he doesn't feel good at all. So no exercise on that day.

On Thursday, I drove my Mom to Stanford which is in Palo Alto close to San Francisco. We went there to see my Aunt Peggy who had been referred to see a specialist in her kind of cancer because the oncologist in Eureka was not sure what to do for her next. We got very good news. It worked out beautifully. We learned that she is responding very well to the chemo and that she doesn't even need the radiation. I love that idea. Because the radiation would kill her thyroid gland. Also, the cancer was so pervasive throughout her chest, arms, and up into the base of her skull, that radiation wouldn't be enough in a small area. All of us were so happy. Aunt Peggy was so happy she was in tears. So, today she has chemo and is at home. Yippee! So, of course no exercise yesterday either.

Today, I'm resting, doing chores, and studying. I'm just worn out. I will do some yoga and then tomorrow I will go for a jog.

Jane- I thought about dressing up as a runner on Halloween too.

Tricia- Ooh, home made tomato basil soup sounds good. Low- max always kicks my butt.

Lori- newbie

Cindi- it sounds like you had a fun time with the school field trip
We have a lot of the fallen leaves in my yard, they are a little slippery but very pretty.

Lisa- I hope your ankle feels better. I love doggie pix.

Sydney- Good luck with the fitness test. Your rotation looks good to me.
Good morning ladies,

Yesterday I did PLB and went for a 4 mile run with Jennifer in the evening. The weather was beautiful yesterday. We were both a little stressed so we ran some and walked some through out. All together a great way to unwind. This morning I did PUB and 20 minutes of yoga for runners (which was great - targeted a lot of tight areas for me). I might do a CC workout this afternoon.

I'm spending today and tomorrow getting ready for a big open house Sunday at work. I'll be really excited to have it over, I had a big presentation this Tuesday and I've just been really stressed the last couple of weeks. It will feel good to be back on top of my schedule again!

Alsiha ~ Glad your brother is getting things under control and your aunt's prognosis is looking good. I had an abscessed tooth that was scary - went to the dentist and was sent to the ER for IV antibiotics, etc. I'm glad you are getting it taken care of. Where would your family be without you?!?

Sydney ~ Good luck with your training.

Jane ~ Good luck in you 5K (even though you don't need it!).

Waves hi to everyone including Morningstar and Janis!

Hi Ladies

It’s a busy time in my household. We made it through the back-to-school madness; today is the Halloween Carnival at school, then soccer games and more Halloween fun tomorrow. The end of October marks the beginning of the busy, busy time in my household. (a decidedly more hectic time than just busy) We have three birthdays, our Wedding anniversary, and Thanksgiving. Plus my ding-dang dishwasher is still not repaired despite three visits from repair people.

I have been running twice a week. I am up to walking 3 minutes and running 7 minutes, 3x for a total of 30 minutes. My ankle seems to be doing well. I did Drill Max last night and it seems fine today, although my knees seem to be protesting about the endless pulsing motion in that dvd.

I am off to swim now, but thought I would post these “pearls of wisdom” from John Bingham’s book, “Running for Mortals.”

“Through running we learn about succeeding and failing, about reaching past the probable and accomplishing the impossible. The struggle to find one’s potential as a runner is the most frustratingly satisfying pursuit that many of us ever undertake.

Running is the greatest teacher there is. Running is a kind but insistent instructor. It listens but doesn’t compromise.

What we learn is often determined by what you need to know. If you think you’re weak, you will learn that you are strong. If you think you are indestructible, you will learn you are fragile.

In the end, though, you will learn that you are human. You are no more and no less than all those who are learning their lessons as you learn yours.”

I totally am hearing him on the indestructible/fragile dichotomy.:D

Tricia – have a great Cardio Coach Press Play day with your DH.

Cindi- I had to put down Chi Running. Danny Dreyer is interesting, but I needed a break. Did you take your workshop with him?

Jane –I am wishing you fleet feet and a happy heart for tomorrow’s 5k.

Lisa – Now, what exactly is your job(s), I have completely lost track of all the hats you seem to be wearing.

Syndey – I have great respect for Tom Venuto, and his program worked for me. He doesn’t outline an exercise program specifically, but does suggest if you are totally new, to begin with full body weights workouts and then work towards splits.

Alisha - Isn't Palo Alto and Menlo Park beautiful. I am glad your aunt saw the specialists there, and it was good news. My husband went to grad school at Stanford.

Gotta go.
Busy time.
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