New Runners All Welcome! October 13, 2009

Janis and Morningstar - The two of you have moved me to tears!

Janis your poem is beautiful!

Morningstar - Your story about your 5K today is inspiring and has also brought me to tears! Congratulations! I, too, remember the pain and huffing and puffing just climbing one flight of stairs before starting to workout and run!

I WILL run a 5K! All of you are my inspiration as well. I'm glad to have this wonderful group of women to connect with, draw from your experience, your knowledge and varied methods of working out! I consider myself in great company and am honored to call you friends!

I think we should make this our group motto, assuming Morningstar is willing to share it!

"I am running for the woman I was; I am running for the woman I am; I am running for the woman I will be."

{sniff, sniff} Okay, enough mushy stuff from me!

My DH ran a half marathon this morning in the most horrid conditions. It was pouring rain, windy as all get out and the surf was breaking against the walls by the road at 6 feet high! He said the roads were flooded and everyone was trying to dodge huge puddles! Still hasn't gotten his final time results, but he thinks he did better than his last half.

I would like to send a shout out to all of our other wonderful women in this group tonight and hope that everyone has a terrific Monday!

Agan, congrats to all of our 5K runners this weekend!
Morningstar ~ Congratulations on your run!! I'm so proud of you!! Thanks for the sharing your race report. I love this line. Congrats!!!

"I am running for the woman I was; I am running for the woman I am; I am running for the woman I will be."

Janis ~ You wrote a very beautiful poem!

Tricia ~ Congrats to your DH as well for not only finishing the half marathon but running it in horrible conditions.

This morning I did Cathe's Gym Style BSB and parts of Chest and Triceps. In the afternoon I ran 6 miles with my sisters. It was a beautiful afternoon!

Hope everyone has a great evening!
Hi ladies - boy I missed a few days and this thread has 3 pages of posts!!! I'll do my best to catch up - please forgive me if I miss someone.

Tricia - I really want to know how you like running in the 5 fingers. I have two friends who run in them and also do kung fu in them and really like them. Are you wearing socks? Injini makes toe socks for runners that are very nice (I like them for long runs.) I don't think I would wear them without socks but I think most people do. I like MS's quote too! We need t-shirts :)

Lisa - great job! Having fun is the most important part of a race and really what difference does a few minute make in your life? My son had his last Cross Country meet Thursday and it was so cold and rainy - those poor boys looked like they were going to freeze and snap in two. This was not a good fall for cross country.

Jane - congratulations on your run! Cool weather can make a huge difference in your time, and the effects of training do add up. I never think I'm getting better when I train, then I go out and do a race and I'm faster than ever (still slow for me, keep in mind!)

MS - EXCELLENT JOB!!! What an inspirational event. I always teared up when I did the Girls on the Run 5K with my daughter - all those young girls running their first 5K's with supportive teachers, parents, volunteers. You think about the women THEY will be and it just makes you tear up. That's what I love about 5K's - anyone can do them. Just don't worry about the time and get out there.

Hi Janis! and everyone else.

For me - I ran 3 miles on Friday, Saturday I went to a baking glass with two friends - no running, some walking, too much eating but really good! Yesterday I ran 6.5 miles (10:18 pace made me very happy). .25 mile walking warmup and .5 mile cooldown to make sure the achilles was doing ok.

Listened to runrunlive podcast - they did a product review of Brooks 800 (designed for chirunning he said) and Zensah socks/calf sleeves. If you are interested - you can get 20% off with this code: runrun20.

Have a great day everyone.
I'm a w a k e

I'm up. I have study to do all day on Filemaker, video to upload, and a yoga today workout for this afternoon. I'm finally starting to feel human again. I think I mentioned I went for a jog yesterday. Its rainy today. I even vacuumed my room last night. I hate doing yoga on a dusty floor. I'm going to just check-in three times a week due to my study schedule also if I don't set limits I would be on the forums all day. Which doesn't make me any smarter or richer (except in my heart but not in my pocket book.) I will see you guys MWF.

MStar!!!!! I am so happy for you and your race experience. I love races! And I’ve only done one.

Janis- That was a beautiful sentiment.

Lisa- I think that splitting firewood is a workout.

Tricia-Your DH has guts. Seriously, surf at 6 ft? Wow:eek:

Jane- I wish I was up to running 6 miles. It must be nice to have sisters to run with. I have a sister but I don’t think she runs because of her health issues.

Hi Tana, Sydney and everybody else (I know I’m forgetting someone, but its not personal, its my brain.)
Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure what workout I'm doing today. I was up at 4am to take my sister to the airport so I've been at work since 6:30am. I will do something, I just don't know yet.

Alisha ~ Yesterday was the first time I ran 6 miles in a long time. I want to start running 6 miles consistently now. Next year I want to start doing more 10K races.

Cindi ~ So glad to hear that you achilles is doing fine!!!

Waves hi to the rest of the gang!!
Hello Everyone!

Alisha - Nice to hear from you! I'm glad you're back to running a bit! Sounds like you've got a lot going on! You do what you have to do and come visit when you can!

Cindi - I tried the shoes on with the socks and couldn't get my toes in the fingers with them on! I like the t-shirt idea, too!

I ran in the FiveFinger shoes tonight after work. You're supposed to ease your way into them, so I ran my first mile with them on with no socks. They feel so comfortable on my feet! It was like just wearing socks actually! after the first half mile, I could feel the bottoms of my feet either tighten or stretch, not sure which. It wasn't painful, just a bit uncomfortable, but it didn't get worse or anything as I ran the last half mile back to my car to change shoes. No blisters, but we'll see if I have any soreness tomorrow. I didn't see any real distance guidelines as to how far to go at first or when to increase, so I may drop back to between 1/2 mile and 3/4 mile with them until the sensation eases off, then increase from there. I would guess it won't take too long before I'm running in them all the time!

We got the KOS50 so we can wear them for everything. I can use them rock climbing, sailing, rowing, hiking, even for weightlifting, etc. There are some nice mocs that I may get eventually to wear to work! The best thing was that they were about $40 cheaper than the running shoes I was looking into getting! Anyway, I'll keep you posted!

It was nice to have sunshine today! It's also supposed to be a little bit warmer tomorrow - in the 60s! Yea! I'll enjoy my run in the sun! Probably do a CC which means I won't wear the FF shoes because there's no really good time to change during an interval run and I don't want to carry my sneaks with me.

Anyway, hellos to Sydney, Tana, Jane, Morningstar, Janis, Jenn, Lisa, and anyone I may have missed!

Have a great night!
Thanks for the reviews Tricia! I have to try these shoes out. I remember a review of them in runner's world maybe a year or so ago and the reviewer recommended not running more than 6 miles in them. My friend from Kung Fu class runs about 5 miles in them and has been doing that regularly for months. I'm not sure how he transitioned into them though. At my chirunning workshop - the instructor said he planned to run a marathon in them but he also cautioned you have to work up to them.

I think what you are doing sounds about right - try for a mile or so, switch shoes and gradually increase distance as long as you feel your feet are ok.

Ran 3 miles yesterday while my two sons scootered along. It was a beautiful day. Rainy today but that's ok - I have Kung Fu. There's also a running store near by that has the five fingers - so maybe I will pick some up and run a little on the track aftwards.

OH - and as of Sunday I have run 800 miles this year. My goal is to reach 1000 miles by the end of the year.
Good morning ladies,
Yesterday I did Push/Pull and a 2 mile walk with the dogs then agility class with Pip Squeak. This morning I did Providence and teach an obedience class this evening. My mom is in town so I will probably do more walking and less running this week.

Tricia ~ Your shoes sound interesting. I wonder how they would do rock climbing though. Having your toes smooshed together actually helps you bear down on small footholds better. I can't see them being really useful on thin face climbs but imagine they would be neat for slabby, smeary routes. Let me know how you like them for that application. I doubt I'll give up my Cobras anytime soon though :).

Alisha ~ Good luck in your studying and cutting back. I find myself checking the forums pretty obsessively when I'm trying to avoid doing something productive. I like to think that splitting firewood is a workout too...

Jane ~ What did you wind up doing for your workout?

Hi Morningstar, Janis, Tana, Jenn, Cindi and Sydney!!
Hi Everyone,

I doing a 40 minute run tonight. I can't wait. The weather is beautiful.

Lisa ~ Yesterday I did a 3 mile walk. I was really tired but I went with my sister Mary and she power walks and I was having a hard time keeping up with her. A couple of times I started running but then I would have passed her up. :D:D:D:D

Hope all is well with everyone! Looks like lots of us are having nice weather ~ finally!!!
Hi Everyone!

I'm off today waiting for my friend to get here! It's so exciting! I haven't seen her in almost 30 years! We were great friends in high school, then she joined the Navy, etc. We hooked back up on FB! She's on her way to the Cape for meetings and is going to spend some of the day with me today!

Cindi - Sounds like you had a great workout! My calves are a bit sore today - DOMS, I guess 'cause they weren't sore yesterday! At least my feet aren't sore! 800 miles is impressive! I"m nowhere near that, but to be fair, I only started running back in May. I know you'll easily hit 1000!

Lisa - I would hope that I could use my toes more effectively for grabbing small juts by having full "range of motion" with the FF shoes, but we shall see! I also have good climbing shoes, so if these don't work well, I have a back up!

Jane - How was your run last night?

It was absolutely beautiful here yesterday! Mid-60s and sunny! I wanted to go for a run so badly, but had committed to a workshop on intuition with a friend (hey, it was free), so I didn't go! I plan on getting out there today at some point though! Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, if anything, as it's my birthday and DH wants to pick up dinner on the way home! Yes, we're eating in! I am getting my Indian food though! Yummy! This way, we can be comfortable and open one of those fantastic bottles of wine we got in CA! No dressing up, waiting for service, dealing with horrible parking conditions and it's supposed to rain again tomorrow anyway. Who wants to deal with that? Basically, I'm saying, I prefer the comfort of home!

Well, going to go get me some coffee and wait on pins and needles to hear from my friend!

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Nice day here yesterday. DH had to stay home from work - our daughter had a cold. Then her brother came home with tons of homework. So we didn't go to kung fu last night. Instead I did 3 miles outside and did 40 minutes with a new Wii game (EA Active).
Its Yoga time

Today I have more Filemaker study to do, I'm uploading footage on another a computer as I type this, and I have a yoga today workout for later this evening. This afternoon I'm taking some video of the construction site. I did ok not visiting the forum yesterday. The trick was not turning on the computer. I found so much time I didn't realize I had :D I even had time to practice the piano. Bach is good for the soul.:) Tonight its violin practice. See all of you on Friday. I know that there are others in our group who I did not mention, but thats only because I didn't see your post, thats ok though, I still am thinking of you, run on running friends!

Jane- After I get my stamina back I plan on training for a 10k.

Tricia- Hi, I love hearing about your new shoes.

Cindi- Its fun to read about your chirunning workshop, thanks for sharing. I hope your daughter feels better soon.

Lisa- you hit the nail on the head, I gravitate to the forums when I am trying to avoid something so I really have to crack the whip on myself, Self get workin!!!!

Jane- Power walkers are no joke, my mother is one of those just naturally, and it was so hard keeping up with her when I was little.
Good Morning Everyone!

My run yesterday was great. The weather has been really beautiful here and it's so nice not to run in the heat.

This is my workout for tonight. It looks fun but I know that it's going to be a killer. I'm going to start with my 25#med ball but I'll have to go down in weight to do the overhead walking lunges.

Set up 2 markers (I will probably go the length of my yard).

Start with medicine ball at point A, and sandbag at point B.

Sprint from point A to B with medicine ball in hands
Do 15 med ball slams
Sandbag bearhug carry from point B to A and back to B (non-stop)
Overhead walking lunges with med ball from point B to A
10 push ups at point A.

Do as many rounds as you can in 30 minutes.

Finisher ~ 100 med ball slams

Tricia ~ Have fun with your friend today. I hooked up with my childhood friend on FB. She was my BF from kindergarten until the senior year in high school. Then we started growing apart and she ended up getting married very young. So 28 years later she finds me on fb, emails me and apologizes for her actions and we are back as friends. We had a 2 hour phone conversation and it was like we had never been apart. Hope you get your run in tomorrow.

Cindi ~ Hope your DS is feeling better.

Alisha ~ I'm glad you were able to stay away from the computer. I have a very boring job :confused: so I find it hard to stay away. Have fun with violin practice.

Waves hello to Morningstar, Janis, Lisa, Sydney and Tana.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Thanks ladies. Daughter is feeling much better today and went to school. Son is better too - he got all his homework done! :)

Other son was happy - he had no homework last night. LOL!
May I be the first to say -


May your 47th year bring you mucho happiness, pleasure and joy!

and many opportunities to run, play, climb, jump and enjoy life!

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Happy Birthday Tricia! I hope you are doing exactly what you want to do today!

I got the Vibram 5 - fingers. Did 3 miles in them just now (with a couple walk breaks to do a body check - see how I felt). I felt really good except I got a blister on the back of 1 heel now. I was on a trail and thought maybe a piece of rock got in there. Hopefully that won't happen again. I rather not wear socks. But I do have the toe socks if I need to wear them. But wow - what a different feeling. You really have to pay attention to your form. I like them. I'll let you know if I'm sore tomorrow.
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes!

Janis - I'll take 47 again! It's actually 48, but who's really counting anymore, right? ;)

Cindi - Congrats on your FF shoes! Maybe you had the back strap too tight? Ouch! I hate blisters! Haven't gotten any of those yet, but I've only worn them for 1 mile at a time so far! Hope it gets better!

I'm going to do a CC tonight right after work with the FF shoes before coming home! It's a beautiful 70 degrees out today! Nice!

We're having Indian food for dinner with a bottle of that lovely Cinq Cepages from Chateau St. Jean - yummilicious!

Don't know what's for dessert yet! That's a surprise! One thing I can say, is that my DH always does a wonderful birthday for me! He's the best!

Thanks again! Have a beautiful day!
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes!

Janis - I'll take 47 again! It's actually 48, but who's really counting anymore, right? ;)

Shit! then that means I'll be 46! My addition skills might explain why I just finished a brutal back and biceps workout! {laughing} oh my god - what was I thinking!

We're having Indian food for dinner with a bottle of that lovely Cinq Cepages from Chateau St. Jean - yummilicious!

what a great combo! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Maybe is what your hubby is bringing home! (again, enjoy enjoy enjoy!):D

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