New Runners All Welcome! October 13, 2009

happy happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Tricia!!!

You made it all the way to now! Thats awesome with special birthday sauce (ice cream or bourbon) on your cake!:D:eek::)
Ok, onto this morning. I got some sort of flu bug last night and was up all night being super sick. So, I took today off. I was planning on doing a step workout. Its ok. I will walk tomorrow and then do step on Saturday. It will be fine. I'm looking forward to beginning my training again in earnest on Sunday. I hate being sick because I can only keep carbohydrates down, but I try not to worry about it.
Janis - Too funny! I can't add anymore either! And, how did you know german chocolate was one of my favorite cakes??? Hmmmm . . .

Alisha - Sorry to hear you've got the bug! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest and fluids! The workouts will still be there for you when you get well!

Cindi - Did CC Vol. 3 for 3.2 miles in my FF shoes yesterday with no ill effects! My calves will probably be a little bit sore tomorrow. I'm find that I'm never sore the day after I use the new shoes, it's 2 days later that I feel it!

BTW, I NOW HAVE STS!!!!! Janis - I can start STS the first week in November! Yippee!! I have to get all my 1 RM tests done! Planning on starting that tonight and hoping to finish up Monday night so I have a few recovery days before I hit it!

I'm soooo excited!

Have a great Friday everyone!
Tricia - I woke up thinking about doing a CC today. Must have been the power of your mind influencing me. :) I feel a little soreness today in my calves/ankles. Definitely the muscles were worked differently with the FF. I think I'll try again today - put a band aid over the blister and see how it goes. I'll play with the strap too - good tip. If it starts to bother me again - I can switch shoes. The problem with running outside of course is if you are running out and back and have a problem - you are left to hobble back home!
Janis - Too funny! I can't add anymore either! And, how did you know german chocolate was one of my favorite cakes??? Hmmmm . . .

Silly girl! YOU told me!

BTW, I NOW HAVE STS!!!!! Janis - I can start STS the first week in November! Yippee!! I have to get all my 1 RM tests done! Planning on starting that tonight and hoping to finish up Monday night so I have a few recovery days before I hit it!

I'm soooo excited!

YAY! Did he give you the discs or the downloads? Welcome to the land of push-ups (meso1), drop sets, back off sets, and double wave loads (meso 2) slow and heavy (meso 3) and of course chin ups/pull ups (both meso1 &2) Great stuff, STS!
So...what else did you get? Curious minds need to know!
Good morning ladies,
I have a lot on my mind this morning so bear with me! My mom just left this morning. It was great having her and she is so sweet and comes and visits me! My big issue is that I get incredibly stressed when she is here at my house and I don't really know why that is. I do just fine when I go home to visit her and my dad and okay when they come to visit my down on the OBX. And I don't have this problem when just my dad visits. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel bad because I get shorttempered and she's not doing anything wrong but I'm just stressing out. It's worse because my mom and I are really the closest in the family (I have three siblings). Okay, I got that off my chest ~ thanks!

I was okay with my 5K last weekend until I realized that I ran it in 30:30 four years ago. I intentionally set a slower pace than I normally would since I was running with a friend who hadn't been running but I could have been a little less conservative. I've been doing mostly CC and interval runs so I guess I need to make sure I'm being more balanced and getting in more steady state runs.

I did PLB this morning (omitted floorwork due to time constraints, but did all 5 sets for each exercise). I'm supposed to run with my friend again this afternoon. We'll do the race route from last weekend again.

I'm headed to WVa for a girlfriend's wedding tomorrow and drive back on Sunday and I have a big presentation next Tuesday so its going to be a C.R.A.Z.Y. weekend.

Alright, thanks for listening! I hope everyone is having a great day. It's grey and drizzly here but it isn't cold yet so it should be good weather for running.

Hi Everyone,

I'm late posting today. I was at my parent's all day today. Yesterday I took a rest day and I did the following workout tonight. I didn't have lots of time.

Max Rounds in 30 minutes
25 Ball Slams
200m run
50 Jump Rope
200m run
25 Kettlebell Swings
200m run

Tricia ~ We are the same age although I am 2 months and 2 days older than you! Congrats on getting STS. I have it but have only done a couple of the meso 1 workouts. I never did my 1RM.

Alisha ~ I hope you feel better!!

Lisa ~ I have no words of wisdom for you. I have a great relationship with my mom but it's been hard lately with my dad having dementia. Sometimes my mom loses patience with my dad and get angry with him. Sometimes that bothers me because my dad doesn't know what he is doing. I know my mom is stressed so she doesn't mean it but it just gets to me sometimes.

Enjoy your weekend in West Viriginia!

Waves hello to the rest of the gang!!
Hi Ladies!

Janis - Sorry! It's the over 40 thing! I guess I completely forgot I already mentioned that! :eek: Oops!

Cindi - I love when psychic vibes travel over space and time! (Think Twilight Zone - the original) Let me know how it goes! Me, it was too cloudy and windy for a run, so I came home and did step, then my first round of 1RM tests for STS!

Lisa - My Mom and I are great friends and way too much alike! We love each other and get along great unless we spend more than a couple of days together! Because we're so much alike, we tend to clash at times. Being aware of it, when we snap at each other, we stop and make jokes about being too much the same and just try to laugh and relax. Not sure if that's the same thing you experience, but that's me and my mother! Plus, if you get us side by side, we look exactly the same!

Jane - You should start STS with me! Think about it - we could keep each other motivated! Weight training is where I'm weakest. I used to love it! I guess I'm going through a cycle of super love for cardio again!

Janis - Okay, here it is my short, but very wonderful birthday gift list:

A pewter butterfly hair clasp that was made by hand right in Santa Rosa, CA!

A handmade, leather Kindle cover with a beautiful tree design. Both this and the pewter hair clip were made by Oberon Designs.

My DH got me the entire Cathe library!!!!! I have so much to choose from now! I can actually do the rotations! I never had enough of her dvds to put anything together until now, but I'm starting with STS and hoping to get my body fat down some!

So, I'm all set. All I need now is the push pull tower and a barbell set.

Have a great night everyone! For me, it's more STS 1RM tests tomorrow. It's supposed to rain, so I'l probably do some step, too!
Janis - Okay, here it is my short, but very wonderful birthday gift list:

A pewter butterfly hair clasp that was made by hand right in Santa Rosa, CA!

A handmade, leather Kindle cover with a beautiful tree design. Both this and the pewter hair clip were made by Oberon Designs.

My DH got me the entire Cathe library!!!!! I have so much to choose from now! I can actually do the rotations! I never had enough of her dvds to put anything together until now, but I'm starting with STS and hoping to get my body fat down some!

So, I'm all set. All I need now is the push pull tower and a barbell set.

EXCELLENT! What a great birthday! You deserve to be showered with gifts.

Brendan Smith's stuff is beautiful! Which hair clip??? I love the butterfly, but my hair is too fine, they just slide out. :confused: I've seen a dragonfly that is pretty too.

Now that you have the whole Cathe library there's no stopping you! :D:D:D
Good evening ladies!

Tricia ~ That sounds wonderful. You must be soo excited about all the new workouts you have to do! Have fun trying them all out.

Janis ~ My hair is really fine too. There are a lot of pretty clips and barretts that I just can't use.

Jane ~ A couple I'm friends with is having a similar problem. He has dementia and she is the primary caregiver and its so hard for him and so hard for her at the same time.

Hi to everyone else!

I had a great three mile steady state run with Jennifer yesterday. It felt really good even though I didn't expect it to. I didn't do anything today but drive, eat, drink and dance a little bit. The wedding was wonderful ~ definitely the coolest wedding I've been too. I even cried and I'm not a wedding person. (Yeah, this beat the horses on the beach wedding :) It was great and so were the pomegranate martinis ~ YUM! And the cupcake bar with the chocolate covered strawberries... It was so good to see Cori and finally get to meet her family that I've heard about for years.

Tomorrow I have to drive back to the mountains. I'm going to try to squeeze in a run with the dogs before I leave but it may not happen. I'll get back on track Monday either way.

Hey Janis!

I loved the dragonfly, too! It's still on my list! The butterfly one that has the pin that goes through the wings is the one he got me. It holds beautifully, but I have that wild, do whatever kind of coarse hair! LOL!

I know what you mean! I just started downloading today. It's not too bad. The worst one took an hour, but I think it sped up a bit. I can't download them all yet as my DH has to get me more storage space first! So, I'm just downloading what I need first, which is STS. I've done Discs 1-3, one of the stretch workouts, some abs and KPC for a change of pace in my at home cardio when it rains!

Whew! This is going to keep me busy for a while! I'm doing the 6 month STS rotation. I'm almost halfway through my 1RM tests. Man, that alone has me sore! I expect I should be able to finish those Monday, then let my body recover and start Nov. 2nd.

Hi Lisa!

Wow! What a wedding! That pomegranate martini sounds terrific! So does the cupcake bar! Yummy! So glad you had a good run yesterday! We're going to try to go to Salem tomorrow since the weather was so bad today. It's supposed to be sunny. We just had a terrible storm pass through about 20 minutes ago!
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Tricia- What a great B-day present!!! Oooh! That’s amazing!! I see a pair of terabyte drives in your future.

Janis- Good Morning

Lisa- I think the thing with your Mom is that you don’t want to let her down, but I bet that she wouldn’t think that you were letting her down at all if you just relaxed a bit. I love the idea of a cupcake bar, I think that’s a great idea for a wedding or just a party.

Jane- Thanks Jane

I’m about to go on my morning jog. I will be doing the old 1 min intervals and I hope to be out there for more than 20 min, more like 30 min. Do a 5 min warmup, then 30 min. of intervals, and 5 min. cool down.
Hi Everyone,

Alisha ~ I hope you enjoyed your run this morning.

Tricia ~ What a fantastic b-day present! I love KPC! I would love to do STS with you, however it's not feasible for me right now. My time is tight on certain weeks when I have to sleep at my parent's house so I'm not doing any rotations right now. It's just whatever I can fit in. I know that you'll do great though!!

Lisa ~ Hope you have a great drive home. I love the idea of the cupcake bar. I just saw a piece on the news where there are cupcake stores popping up all over the place.

Hi to Janis, Cindi and Sydney.

Yesterday I did Shoulders and Arms from P90x. I'm doing a 6 mile run this afternoon with my sister!

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Hi Everyone!

Alisha - Have fun with your intervals! Or, I guess I should say, I hope you had a good interval run this morning!

Jane - Hope you had a good run, too!

We just got in from Salem. Walked all over the place, so no workout for me! Besides, I was sooo tired this morning and am sore as all get out! I took that as a sign that I needed a day off! I'll pick up on my 1 RM tests tomorrow and get a run in as well. At least I'm not starting STS until next week, so I have plenty of time to finish those and still recover! I don't do much weight work, so this is making me hurt! Guess I'd better get used to it!

Anyway, doing laundry now and going to whip up a bit of homemade tomato-basil soup here in a bit. Made the puree yesterday, so the soup won't take long today.

Take care all!

Helloes to all our MIAs out there! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
HI! I'm new to the boards and your thread caught my eye. I'm new to running (I'm just finishing the couch 2 5k) and also tried Cathe for the first time today. I really liked the workout and will be purchasing more. :)

I'm wondering how you all are incorporating Cathe and running together? Thanks in advace!
Hi Lori and welcome to our little, fun-loving group!

Most of us spend more time just running than anything. I'm starting STS next week and am going to use my running as my cardio in between (hopefully!). We have kettlebell-ers here, and some who create their own mixes of workouts, too! You'll get lots of support and ideas from this crew!

Hope you hang around for a while and get to know us! We certainly would love to have you and get to know a bit about you, too!

HI! I'm new to the boards and your thread caught my eye. I'm new to running (I'm just finishing the couch 2 5k) and also tried Cathe for the first time today. I really liked the workout and will be purchasing more. :)

I'm wondering how you all are incorporating Cathe and running together? Thanks in advace!
HI! I'm new to the boards and your thread caught my eye. I'm new to running (I'm just finishing the couch 2 5k) and also tried Cathe for the first time today. I really liked the workout and will be purchasing more. :)

I'm wondering how you all are incorporating Cathe and running together? Thanks in advace!

Hi Lori!


I do a mixture of workouts. I try to run 3 days a week. One of them being a 6 mile run, the other is about 3 miles and then I do one workout that is running drills. The running drills usually consists of running 200 or 400 meters and mixing it with other exercises like kettlebell swings, squats, push ups, etc. I also do kettlebells and 1 day of isolated weight work. My Cathe workouts mainly consist of weight workouts.

Congratulations on finishing the couch 2 5K program! Which Cathe workout did you do?

I hope to see you around here.
Hi Lori - I try to do shorter weight workouts to complement my running. I do a wide mix of workouts from different instructors. Cathe's workouts are nice because so many have premixes to choose from and chaptering so you can fit your workout to your time and needs.

Hi everyone! I haven't run for several days now - too busy. Walked a lot on Saturday. I was with my 2 seventh graders on their school fieldtrip to Springfield IL. We saw the old and new capital, Lincoln's tomp and the memorials there, the Lincoln museum, and Lincoln's Springfield home.
Lori ~ Welcome!

Alisha ~ I think you are totally right - I'm looking for criticism that isn't really there.

Yesterday I got in a little hike before leaving WVa and heading back to NC. I was going to run but forgot just how steep and rocky the trail is so after rolling my ankle a second time, we walked. The requisite dogs-posed-in-front-of-or-on-top-of-something picture is posted below. In this case, they are posed on Raven Rock in WVa. Just for giggles I'm also posting a picture I took during a break at work the other day.

I did abs and stretching this morning ~ Core Max 3 and Stretch Max were on FitTV so I did those. It felt good. Hoping to run this afternoon - thinking 3-4miles of steady state.



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