Good evening everyone. Big yaaaaaaaaawwwn!! I'll have to keep this brief and to the point.
The mental rehearsal technique worked very well for me today. I came home from shopping and immediately poured myself a big glass of water (I was very thirsty and feeling tired), brewed a green tea, put away some groceries, then prepared and ate my 3rd meal of the day. I got through the danger zone! I used the technique again as I came home from the kids' swim lessons tonight. I've noticed that "coming home" is a huge cue for me to eat a treat. I feel like it helps to relax me, transition me into being home, and reward me for whatever it is I just did. Apparently I find leaving the house stressful!

. So, this will be something I have to condition myself out of: walking in the door, and away from the kitchen!
My homework is to continue to practice this technique, while I try to read another chapter and find another technique to incorporate.
Laurel - THANK YOU for writing out your experience! Wow!! This stuff really works, doesn't it? It's great to know that you've been successful, although still have your struggles. I imagine it will be that way for most of us. Just like an alcoholic has to accept that s/he can never have just that "one" drink, we have to accept that we will always have to exercise some degree of self-control around food. That's just the way it is. I hope you keep sharing your experiences with us.
Kariev and Becky - I'm sorry you both had binges recently

. Eating that much food at once must feel really unpleasant. Why do you think you do it? Every behaviour that we repeat frequently has some kind of reward for us; something that reinforces it and makes us want to do it again. Is it an emotional charge from eating the food itself? Is it a means to avoid something else? Keep in mind that we've only just started this process, and that it won't be fixed overnight. There's going to be a lot of trial and error before we get better habits firmly planted over the old ones. Becky, thanks for the detailed intro. I'll try to do the same another day, when I'm not half asleep.
General idea to the whole group: A good starting point, when you're ready, is to pick an eating behaviour that you want to change, and focus on that behaviour for the next while. Instead of making this about losing a certain number of pounds, make it about extinguishing bad eating habits. Make a list of the ones that you're currently aware of, and start setting yourself behavioural change goals. You are what you eat.......change how and what you eat, and you will change who you are.
Welcome to all new members!! Thanks for the podcast suggestions. They both sound very interesting.
G'night everyone........zzzzzzzzzzz