Need your prayers please


My new grandson is not doing very well. Was hoping for prayers or good vibes for him. Born the 24 of this month weighs 7 pounds.

I'm here at my daughter-in-law and son's house.

Adrian is very sick, he wouldn't eat or take the breast, losing weight, and making faces like he is in pain. Also he spit up bile. He went to the hospital today for tests to try and find out what is going on with him. I'm here alone and cleaned up their house, did everything a grandma can do. My son will be here soon to pick up things to stay at the hospital. Will ask it I can come too. Would really like to support them in anyway I can.

Please say prayers to have a good outcome for little Adrian. I've held him for many many hours while everyone was sleeping in between feedings and fell in love with him the moment I saw him. I even was allowed to feed him numberous bottles myself while mom is trying to get her milk in. He is so beautiful!

My heart aches.

I'll try to keep you posted when I can.

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Oh I'm so sorry to hear this, I'm not very good at saying the right thing during times of distress, but just know my thoughts are with you and your grandson. As others say, sending you and your family {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and positive thoughts.
oh Janie! that's heartbreaking! I will definately keep your grandbaby in your my thoughts and prayers! Please take care of yourself and your kids are lucky to have you there to support them! (((((hugs))))) to you and your family! Keep us posted on how little Adrian is doing!
Janie: I am thinking of you and the new little guy. My DD was born prematurely and I remember how terrifying that time was for us. She is now a very stubborn and healthy almost 4 year old. I have faith that he will come through this just fine- soon you'll be posting about his terrible twos. :) Please know we're thinking of you and of him. Keep us posted when you can.
Oh Janie, I'm so sorry to hear this and well send prayers to Adrian, you and your family. I hope the best.

Hugs and Prayers


I am sending hugs for you and praying for your precious grandson. I am so sorry your family is going through this. I am praying for God to heal Adrian and comfort you and his parents.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Janie, I'm really sorry to hear about your grandbaby. Please keep us posted. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Adrian is beautiful...

My prayers are with him.

Adrain is beautiful because he has your love and the love of his parents....He is a child of God. dmd
Janie, so sorry to hear about your grandson. Will keep you, your family, and especially Adrian in my prayers.
Oh my many prayers, love, hugs and good vibes going out to poor little Adrian and his mommy and daddy too! So sad when a little one is sick.

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