Last saturday i get home from work to discover that we have no water. I call the landlord! She calls the handyman to come out and look at the well. He said that it would have to wait until monday because the stores are closed that has the parts he needs. THAT WAS FRUSTRATING...so here it is almost a WEEK LATER and i still have NO WATER.
This same handyman (that obviously doesn't know what he's doing) has been working on the well for 6days now and he still has no clue what the problem is. She called another man that has worked on some of her other properties(who is apparently very expensive because she complained about paying him). He came out and gave his advice to the handyman....and i still don't have any water. WTH???
Monday & Wednesday evening i had to haul 5 loads of laundry to the laundry mat.
Every day this week were having to go over to my MILs to take showers and fill up our jugs of water for the next day
I live on a lake(which im thankful for now) because im having to go down and fill up the dogs water bowls and get water to flush to toilet
Im MAD AS HELL and came very close to going off on her yesterday...she wouldn't go this long without water All she is concerned about is how much this is costing her. I even asked for a discount on our rent...she sighed and offered a ten dollor discount( TEN DOLLORS.....????, i spent more than that on gas to MIL's this week) i told her to forget i asked.
I don't want to get any laws involved because we need to stay here until were able to buy a house. Which will be very soon....hopefully before the end of the year.
sigh...im just frustrated and sick of it all....i pray that we will have water soon Thanks for listening and letting me vent
This same handyman (that obviously doesn't know what he's doing) has been working on the well for 6days now and he still has no clue what the problem is. She called another man that has worked on some of her other properties(who is apparently very expensive because she complained about paying him). He came out and gave his advice to the handyman....and i still don't have any water. WTH???
Monday & Wednesday evening i had to haul 5 loads of laundry to the laundry mat.
Every day this week were having to go over to my MILs to take showers and fill up our jugs of water for the next day
I live on a lake(which im thankful for now) because im having to go down and fill up the dogs water bowls and get water to flush to toilet
Im MAD AS HELL and came very close to going off on her yesterday...she wouldn't go this long without water All she is concerned about is how much this is costing her. I even asked for a discount on our rent...she sighed and offered a ten dollor discount( TEN DOLLORS.....????, i spent more than that on gas to MIL's this week) i told her to forget i asked.
I don't want to get any laws involved because we need to stay here until were able to buy a house. Which will be very soon....hopefully before the end of the year.
sigh...im just frustrated and sick of it all....i pray that we will have water soon Thanks for listening and letting me vent