Need to Vent,sorry so long :(


Last saturday i get home from work to discover that we have no water. I call the landlord! She calls the handyman to come out and look at the well. He said that it would have to wait until monday because the stores are closed that has the parts he needs. THAT WAS here it is almost a WEEK LATER and i still have NO WATER:mad:.

This same handyman (that obviously doesn't know what he's doing) has been working on the well for 6days now and he still has no clue what the problem is. She called another man that has worked on some of her other properties(who is apparently very expensive because she complained about paying him:mad:). He came out and gave his advice to the handyman....and i still don't have any water. WTH???

Monday & Wednesday evening i had to haul 5 loads of laundry to the laundry mat:mad:.
Every day this week were having to go over to my MILs to take showers and fill up our jugs of water for the next day:mad:
I live on a lake(which im thankful for now) because im having to go down and fill up the dogs water bowls and get water to flush to toilet:mad:

Im MAD AS HELL and came very close to going off on her yesterday...she wouldn't go this long without water:mad: All she is concerned about is how much this is costing her. I even asked for a discount on our rent...she sighed and offered a ten dollor discount( TEN DOLLORS.....????, i spent more than that on gas to MIL's this week) i told her to forget i asked.

I don't want to get any laws involved because we need to stay here until were able to buy a house. Which will be very soon....hopefully before the end of the year. just frustrated and sick of it all....i pray that we will have water soon:( Thanks for listening and letting me vent:)
Amelia - sorry you are having to go through this. If it goes on much longer, I would not keep my mouth shut (ok, my patience would have already flown out the door and I would have spouted off and called somebody to get her butt in gear.) That has got to be super frustrating. It is great that at least you have some sources for water but what if you didn't? She needs to do something pronto AND give you a free month of rent or something. HUGS to you :) And bless you for your patience!
Amelia - sorry you are having to go through this. If it goes on much longer, I would not keep my mouth shut (ok, my patience would have already flown out the door and I would have spouted off and called somebody to get her butt in gear.) That has got to be super frustrating. It is great that at least you have some sources for water but what if you didn't? She needs to do something pronto AND give you a free month of rent or something. HUGS to you :) And bless you for your patience!

Thanks for hugs and listening...
um sorry but this violates like a ton of health code laws! the property could be temporarily condemn without running water. i don't know what laws you have in your state but where i live the property managers would be ordered to fix it at any expense or risk the property being condemn b/c without running water it is consider unlivable. the same with electric and any form of heat.

i know you don't want the law involved but they will protect you from problems including being evicted b/c you stood up to her cheapskate butt. sorry but NO excuse for this at all. it violates health codes which were put in place to provide and protect tenants with the good living situation.

I totally agree with IDY_SOLANA. You have been WAAAAYYYY too patient. Time to demand water OR be put up in a hotel. Time to make some noise girl !
Sending giant hugs and kishies to Amelia. I agree that the landlord should be putting you up in a hotel until this problem is resolved. Time to put on your game face! :) Or I could come out there and open up a can of whoop a**...your choice.
I agree with PP. She needs to put you up in a hotel until this gets taken care of. It is not safe to live without running water.
{{{{{Amelia}}}}} I totally agree that your landlord should put you up in a hotel! This is crazy! If you called the health dept she'd be in deep doody. ;)
this is ridiculous. your landlord needs to get someone in there that knows what they are talking about. are these handymen or professionals she's got there. i'd look up some people in your area that specializes in these problems and give your landlord the names. then insist that she calls them or put you up in a hotel. you pay rent so she should have plenty of money to fix things and she should stop her complaining. i had plumbing problems in my apt one time (one bathroom apt) and my landlord dragged his feet to get it fixed, so i called a plumber to come fix and sent the bill along with a note explaining the deduction in my rent.
this is ridiculous. your landlord needs to get someone in there that knows what they are talking about. are these handymen or professionals she's got there. i'd look up some people in your area that specializes in these problems and give your landlord the names. then insist that she calls them or put you up in a hotel. you pay rent so she should have plenty of money to fix things and she should stop her complaining. i had plumbing problems in my apt one time (one bathroom apt) and my landlord dragged his feet to get it fixed, so i called a plumber to come fix and sent the bill along with a note explaining the deduction in my rent.

I totally agree with everyone - I too had a similar problem and my landlord suggested I get a hot water heater from Lowes and install it myself ?!?!?! Needless to say, I called a plumber, and deducted it from my rent.

She cannot evict you because your rights as a tenant were being violated - she is behaving like a slum lord! Call the Health Dept and you should have some sort of renters protection agency that is through your state government. I hope this mess doesn't last too long for you {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}
Punka, I'm a landlord. check your landlord-tenant laws. Your remedy will be spelled out in there. Most likely you are well within your rights to deduct and bill but read before you do. The laws can be very specific here so make sure you check.

As a landlord I would have knocked some money off the rent automatically. After 24-48 hours I'd have put you into a hotel. The reasons why it's not being taken care - or taking so long - are not your problem.

Also, just felt the need to mention that just because someone is a landlord doesn't mean s/he has plenty of money lying around (per a comment upthread.) Most landlords in this country are "mom and pops" and use most of the rent to go towards the mortgage on the place. Again, couldn't be less YOUR problem, if the landlord doesn't have the money, I'm just sayin'. :D
well I called the county health department who told me to call Enviromental health who then told me to call the code inforcement. Code inforcement told me that they can't force someone to fix something that is on their property! They said that i do have the option to move or to hire a lawyer and thats all that they said....

I also looked into the tenant-landlord handbook for the state of GA and it basicly said that it depends on my lease.

hopefully it will be fixed soon....thanks for listening guys and giving me your input:)
amelia i don't know the laws in your area but you can go to the courts and THEY will collect your rent and hold it until the landlord fixes the property. i can't believe they won't make somebody fix something that they are getting money for,WTF is wrong with some of these laws.

we had an issue with an apartment with mold, it was everywhere behind the walls eating through drywall in the ceilings. a lot of us in the complex had kids with special needs which made it worse so we went to the courts and paid them rent. they didn't spend or anything they just gave the property managers 30 days from the day of a notice was sent to fix the problem or they were going to be taking the rent we paid and using it to fix the place for them which meant they wouldn't see a dime of the rent b/c the courts and the county would be using it to hire their own ppl to fix the apartments. the same rules apply if its a private owner renting out a house. granted not everything is 100%,they do just good enough work to not get in trouble but NO water is ridiculous, i hope karma comes to bite them in the ass, i really do. i hate to wish harm on somebody but good ppl shouldn't be punished for their inability to control their responsibilities.

again JMHO
Kassia...Wow,sorry to hear about the mold problem! thats awful:( i wish i could get something like that started here,the landlord owns 7 rental properties in the area and there ALL like this. Ive talked to several of the tenants and they have the same problems that i do. Sigh....i need to go workout!
Last saturday i get home from work to discover that we have no water. I call the landlord! She calls the handyman to come out and look at the well. He said that it would have to wait until monday because the stores are closed that has the parts he needs. THAT WAS here it is almost a WEEK LATER and i still have NO WATER:mad:.

This same handyman (that obviously doesn't know what he's doing) has been working on the well for 6days now and he still has no clue what the problem is. She called another man that has worked on some of her other properties(who is apparently very expensive because she complained about paying him:mad:). He came out and gave his advice to the handyman....and i still don't have any water. WTH???

Monday & Wednesday evening i had to haul 5 loads of laundry to the laundry mat:mad:.
Every day this week were having to go over to my MILs to take showers and fill up our jugs of water for the next day:mad:
I live on a lake(which im thankful for now) because im having to go down and fill up the dogs water bowls and get water to flush to toilet:mad:

Im MAD AS HELL and came very close to going off on her yesterday...she wouldn't go this long without water:mad: All she is concerned about is how much this is costing her. I even asked for a discount on our rent...she sighed and offered a ten dollor discount( TEN DOLLORS.....????, i spent more than that on gas to MIL's this week) i told her to forget i asked.

I don't want to get any laws involved because we need to stay here until were able to buy a house. Which will be very soon....hopefully before the end of the year. just frustrated and sick of it all....i pray that we will have water soon:( Thanks for listening and letting me vent:)

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry for your ordeal Amelia. I hope it ends soon!
Not sure if anyone made this suggestion yet, but check you Lease. There may be a clause regarding timeliness of repairs. If so, bring that up and try to scare her into fixing it more quickly by threatening to take her to court over a breach of lease.

Worth a try.

Thanks for the hugs girls

LOL Melissa, i may take you up on your offer soon. A good ol'a$$ whooping may do her some good;) the landlord is paying to get a new water line put in, they have come to the conclusion that there is a leak somewhere( but it isn't visible). I always thought that if there was a leak there would be wet ground to show where its at? There isn't any wet ground around here?

anyways, there suppose to start on it in the monring. cross your fingers that i will have water here by tomorrow evening:)

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