Woo hoo! Thank you, Cathe, for sharing with us the "blow by blow" account of your encounter with Mr. Carey.
I was thinking about it all weekend long. I have read the posts in Mr. Carey's article and the responses I have seen
on this Forum on on Videofitness. I have been thinking that perhaps this is exactly the reaction Mr. Carey was looking
for. Are there videos out on the market that are truly effective? or, are they a way for some people to just make a
video for the fun of it (BodyFlex comes to mind). If this is the case, Mr. Carey certainly did get what he was looking
for. He found that there are home videos out there that are challenging and are for those of us who take fitness
I look forward in seeing what he writes. We already know that it will be witty and the use of "Babe" and "Tomato"
will be used throughout his article. But, it will be interesting to read in between the lines. I'm sure there will be a
positive message there.
Sorry for the philosophical discussion. I truly was pleased with your account, Cathe. I was grinning ear-to-ear and
was pleased that you made him work hard!

I wonder how well he was walking the following day? }( }( Lorrayne