My road trip from 2 years ago!! (Long)


The irony of this just dawned on me. The July RT to Cathe's falls on just about the identical dates of prior RT, one taken about two years ago to Sherman Oaks, California, in the hopes of becoming TaeBo certified. I am 100% confident of a different, and better, outcome with Cathe's trip. Allow me to explain...

A few years back, I was a Community Leader on the Billy Blanks Club website. I had the opportunity to work out with Billy at QVC studios outside of Philadelphia on two occasions, and a 3rd time at an outdoor fitness festival, again outside of Philly, and found Billy to be the same person we all see on the videos...a down-to-earth, yet in-your-face fitness instructor who only wants everything you've got, which is what I need, and why I am with Cathe today.

I had a chance to witness first hand what fitness can do for our mental outlook, and my own background as a depression sufferer and survivor, made me want to be able to pass these benefits along to others, so I decided to become certified, and enrolled with several other Billy Blanks Club members for the July 2006 RT for certification.

We were given fair notice by prior camp members that Billy would be far more serious than we saw on the videos. I was cool with that, I have a serious side as well, as does everyone, there's a time to get down to business for us all.

To continue, I must backtrack to the final QVC taping I did with Billy. After the taping, a couple of us students approached Billy and asked if he'd like to join us for dinner. Just then one of his certified instructors stepped in and stated they were going to a certain steakhouse, and we could tag along if we wanted to. As we were getting cleaned up, Billy and instructors took off in the limo that was provided for them by QVC, pretty much leaving us in the dust. I gave Billy the benefit of the doubt...nah, he wouldn't do that to us, but DW, who came along, was 100% sure we were snubbed, I argued with her...who do you think turned out right?? Stay tuned..

I proceeded to gat into incredible (for me) shape for the camp, I spent 3 months before the event basically going to work, coming home, and working out, adding about 250 daily pushups to an hour of TaeBo almost every day, pretty much shutting my wife, and everyone else out of my life at that time. This was my time to show the world I was good enough for Billy Blanks!!

July 2006 finally rolled around, and I was more than ready, DW and I headed to California, where we met several forum members for dinner the night before camp started. Then I noticed it....DW was right...some of the instructors decided to join us for dinner, and they sat at one end, us at the other, there was a definite clique, and I hate cliques!! Then the first day of camp rolled around...

I experienced the most inhuman experience of my life...

Billy's studio had no air, and it was 105 degrees

We were told up front to expect people to pass out and have to be taken to the hospital, happens all the time, almost like they were proud of it.

We could not receive a new bottle of water from the camp assistants unless we wrote our name on the bottle, and returned the empties, despite the $500 camp fee and the heat.

We had to take a written exam immediately after a 90 minute workout, with no chairs, had to sit on the very floor we had just spilled buckets of sweat on, one person suffered an illness and swears it is from this.

The bathrooms hadn't been cleaned in what seemed like years.

The worst of it was Billy Blanks himself....he belittled us every chance he got, saying we could all leave, he doesn't need any of us, he has enough teachers, he could care less about us. I understand all about getting down to business, but I still expect to be treated somewhat human, I train people yearly where I work, I wonder how they'd feel if I said to them...hmmmmm, I don't need any more clerks, you can leave.

Billy gave me a load of #$@! because I was struggling to learn a kick we had never see before. I wanted to walk out, the fact that I didn't remains a highlight of my life in fitness.

3 10 hour days, leading up to a practical exam on the final day, and I couldn't even walk, at that point, all I wanted to do was to take my wife and go to Disney Land, but I got through it, with the knowledge I had no shot at getting certified, which I didn't, and which was just fine because there was no way I would have accepted certification, I can't represent an organization where there is an alomost class distinction between teacher and student, one of Billy's people from the videos got right up in my face and told me I dare I waste her time!!

I posted this on Billy's site when I returned, knowing full well what was in store. Students and instructors alike dumped on me, so I left, it was the worst period of my fitness life.

A few months later, I got KB certified through another organization, will be teaching this winter, and discovered an instructor by the name of Cathe Friedrich..some of you may know her....:)

So, as you can see, I am looking a little more forward to this RT, than my last one. Heather, if you read this, your RT novel is what a RT should be, about a group of people coming together to laugh, work, and play, and to be treated like humans, I can't wait to experience it!!

Thanks for reading, nap time's over!
That's awful Jerry!!! I promise you that the Cathe RT will be the complete opposite of everything you experienced on your last RT. That sounds absolutely horrible. I would probably have been turned off to fitness forever. Heck, I would have probably beaned Billy in the head with one of those water bottles!
Funny thing about Billy and water bottles, Liann...

Apparently he has a reputation of knocking water bottles out of people's hands during classes when he feels they aren't working hard enough...I can't say for sure what I'd have done if he tried that tack with me.

I do remember an instance in my camp where he gave a woman grief for dropping to a knee at one point, he spent the next 5 minutes telling us all about her lack of respect to the rest of the class!

You will NOT be treated by any of us as Mr. Blanks treated all of his guests. How awful! I knew there was a reason why I didn't care for his workouts. Now you just reinforced why!

See you in July.
I'm so disappointed to hear that Billy Blanks is like that! He comes off as so Christian in some of the TaeBo workouts I own. I guess people are not always as they appear. Bummer. :-(

To be fair, I cannot say enough good things about his original workouts from the 1999-2004 era. IMHO, things went downhill after that.
I am upset to hear that to. He always seems so great in the DVD's.
OMG, how horrible! I echo what everyone else has said...Cathe's RT will be so much the opposite of what you've just described it will make your head spin! A couple of examples:

- Plenty of water bottles for all! (And food. And coffee too...if I remember correctly, a couple of people were going to go out for a coffee run, and when SNM found out they went out and got some for everyone who wanted it.)

- Take a break whenever you like. No big deal!

- The gym is freezing, although you'll still sweat plenty when the workouts start! But then you can enjoy the cooling breeze from the BIG ASS FANS!

- The cleanest locker rooms I have EVER seen!

- And of course you already know what Cathe is like in her classes. She is happy you're there, and just as friendly as she seems on her videos. Plus everyone else is too!

Looking forward to meeting you in person Jerry!
Jerry - I hate to hear of your bad experience. I'm glad you posted it, however, because I used to be a fan of Billy Blanks in the past (I'm like you, however, only really liked him a long time ago!). I have all of the Live ones (Vols. 1-12) and the two Get Ripped Volumes (unfortunately all were on VHS -- but still are great!). I agree with you that everything went downhill after that, in my opinion as to the quality and intenseness of his workouts. I ordered several of his later DVDs, but couldn't enjoy them because they weren't intense enough (nothing compared to Cathe!). I'm really disappointed in him because he puts himself out there to be a Christian, but after what you posted, he definitely doesn't ACT like a Christian. Part of the reason I kept ordering his stuff was because he held himself out to be a Christian and I thought that was a good thing. Apparently he only uses that as a tool to further himself in his business. That's shameful in my opinion!!!

Rest assured that your experience this July will be NOTHING like that. As Jodi said, there will be plenty of water, plenty of cool air from the BIG ASS FANS and lots of wonderful people! Nothing like you experienced on THAT roadtrip! Heather's roadtrip "novel" is a perfect example of what will take place. I'm so glad she wrote what she did because I couldn't have said (or written it) better!

Again -- looking forward to meeting you in July!!!

OMG, Jerry, you are in for a real treat!!! Cathe's roadtrips will make you feel like a king after that experience! Between her friendliness and the wonderful hospitality of the coordinators, you will be one exhausted but happy camper.:D Oh, and I've never done any BB tae bo dvds.After hearing your story, I never, ever will. Take care, Nancy.J.~~
What a horrid experience! So sorry you had to deal with that.

I for one only have that 1st set of the Tae bo vhs tapes and I never jived with him. Even back then nobody compared to a Cathe workout in my opinion :D
So what is the philosophy behind his torture tactics? Is he trying to be a drill sergeant? I wondered if he had a military background, and saw through some net research that he doesn't. Did he ever say why he treats his students like that? I don't think I'll ever buy any of his workouts again. I have some old ones that I like, but I won't buy more.
I have no clue what he was trying to accomplish with those tactics. Like I stated in the OP, I train people on a yearly basis as part of my job, and my boss knows that my #1 philospohy when it comes to new employees is to make them feel welcome, not make them want to leave.

Why didn't I just walk out and snag DW and head to Disney Land is beyond me!!!!
I hope you don't mind if I add in my two cents. Some people have a bad experience and then tend to dump on the focus of that bad experience. However, I can vouch for what Jerry said as I was there with him. I like the old workouts so much better and actually returned my T3 set because it wasn't what I was looking for. Now, I have to tell you that Billy gives an awesome workout (especially live) and can push you farther than you think you can go, but I really don't like the fact that he refused to use AC because you have to 'push past the physical'. I did become certified but did not go back to recertify for several reasons.

I have to run now, but I saw this and wanted to post my opinion as well in case anyone wondered if Jerry's comments were real or inflated by his experience.

By the way, I'm jealous that I can't go to the road trip!
Oh, Jerry.....I'm sorry but there one downside of Cathe's have to remember a quarter for the locker room lockers.....every time.;-) ;-) ;-)

I'm sorry for your bad experience. I used to do TaeBo, but quit a long time ago because I realzed that Billy has a tendency not to count and make 'things even on both sides'. Anyway, I also just quit working out at that time.

Regardless, you will notice a slight difference with your next RT, I can assure you!;-) Just a slight difference!;-)
I am sad about your experience Jerry. Billy was my first at home workout, I owned all his older ones which were great, the new stuff sucks. He sucks too now that you posted this. Hum, he is getting divorced too. He also works in the boxing world with world class fighters...wonder if its gone to his head or something?
Hey Amy -- I think I read on the road trip forum that we don't have to worry about lockers anymore at the road trip because they are going to have a secure room for us to keep our stuff in. I know last year that's what I did and never did get a locker -- never had any problems -- the staff made sure nobody bothered our stuff!

Having taken some classes at Cathe's club, I can certainly vouch for the cleanliness of the place, it almost sparkles! I don't want to get into the unmentionable horror I came across at Billy's mens room in Cali, it's too close to dinner time!

Jill, thanks for your input!! If I live to be 100, I will never forget that final day where my whole body just quit on me while doing pushups, it literally gave out on me. The other event that sticks out was Julieanne's treatment of us, it was deplorable, and a big reason why I can't bring myself to ever do another TaeBo workout is knowing that she's in the videos, her people skills are akin to tree sap.

This is all starting to pour out of me, I remember trying to grab some air in one of the air-conditioned areas (not on the gym A/C there), I could barely stand and Shannon walked by and told me to get back in the room, or Billy would fail me, I just gave her a look of disbelief.
I did use the lockers during the RT; I liked being able to access my stuff whenever I wanted without having to wait for the room to be unlocked. I didn't go through that many quarters, maybe a couple of bucks' worth, tops. It worked fine for me.

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