My DH needs a fitness program


He travels a lot, works long hours and eats on the road. It has caused him to gain 25-30 pounds. I have been trying to motivate him but don't want to say "you are FAT". He saw the infomercial for P90X and was VERY interested. He does run 3-4 miles every other day (sometimes less).
Is p90X a good program for him???
He CAN commit more time to exercise than he currently does, but just needs the right motivation.
Any suggesstions???
Did you order STS? My husband and I are going to do it together. My husband has foot issues (recently had to have 1/2 of his right foot amputated and he is NOT diabetic) so may only do the upper body workouts, which is a commitment of only 2 days per week for about an hour each time. (he may get on his recumbant bike to perform cardio in addition to STS) Your husband may enjoy STS, especially if you think he'd enjoy P90X.


I've only seen bits and peices of P90X and done a few of the workouts a few times. It is a great program but quite advanced. I am sure the P90X grads on this site will have better information about whether p90X is a good program to get started with.

Another thought for you - perhaps he may want to consider starting with Power Half Hour or the previous series Power 90. I have absolutely no personal experience with these so I dont really know what I am talking about.

If he travels, combining walking/jogging or machine cardio with resistance training may be a more viable option so that travel does not disrupt his routine.

You may want to try a cardio coach or itrain cardio workout for him to get started on cardio. My husband wont do videos with an all female cast but he likes Cardio Coach, iTread and iClimb.

The strength coaching from Coach Nick (iStrength) is pretty good too.

Cardio Coach Pump is a quick workout that gets in a reasonbly quick basic total body workout with just a pair of dumbbells and can even be done at a hotel gym. It can be a good way to get started before graduating to P90X.

I also think the STS idea is very good. He could do fewer of the sets to work up his fitness levels the first time around.
At least he does something, my DH used to ride his bike 20 miles a day and workout in th gym..his waist was 29 inches, since we started the company, he stopped exercising and has gained at least 30 pounds but will not exercise! Its worrisome.
I think P90X is a very guy friendly program. If he's only running as exercise now, I think he'd even benefit from including only the weight training portions...if doing the whole program as-is was too much commitment-wise.

For the exercising when traveling dilemma, Eva Twardokens (former Olympic skier and Crossfit trainer) posts workouts on her blog that use bodyweight only exercises. These are great for travelers.

Here's her blog:
Here's a compilation of workouts she's posted:
I'm going to chime in for kettlebells BECAUSE he will really feel it and get results fast. I would think AOS Providence would appeal to him: It's led by a strong guy, it's outside, and it's an iron ball (how manly...). I think I've finally recovered from my Providence experience 5 days ago (my thighs, oh my God) and I'm trying to figure out how to gradually work kettlebells in with much more regularity (so as not to wind too sore to do anything for 4 or 5 days...). But, be warned, the upper body workout ain't all that great. Still, it would be a great start for him. He gets used to that first, then he can move on to something more comprehensive (STS, P90X, etc.). He can always do a little, then a little more, until he has the whole thing down. Nobody starts at the top.

One word, as someone who used to be quite overweight. Be careful being critical of his weight. People who are overweight know it and don't need to be told by people who aren't. Insecurity and paranoia will result. It's tricky because if you try to get him to work out with you he'll know what you're doing and feel judged... In a lot of ways, I think people have to come to fitness when they're ready. You can't shame someone into being what you think they should be without risking them becoming that person and leaving you for someone who never had the opportunity to be critical of their less-than-perfect self. I can tell you a lot of men in my past would really regret passing me by now and slimmed down fat chicks never forget who ignored them before they got hot.
Hey Ellie:

I don't know much about P90X, but I have one of Tony Hortons 10 Minute Trainer series, and can only handle the guy for so long... although, have heard you either Love him or Hate him... Guess the program you choose will have to depend on whether or not he would continue doing the workouts when he travels, therefore, needing something that requires using equipment that is protable and compact... in defense of the 10 MT series, they do not require anything more than a tube, door attachment and a door... the rest is all up to you! I'll PM you about this... maybe you would like to try it... I don't use it...

My DH is a TM fanatic... but I wish he would branch out a bit (so I can get a walk in on the dumb thing every once in awhile)! He has super "runners" legs (you can read that as 'lean white chicken legs' in that description! LOL) but would never want to discourage him, because at 50 years old (in 20 days) he looks damn good! Yet, he refuses to do any upper body or core work.. pokes fun at me for all the strength DVD's, weights, etc... that I have gotten into since joining the Cathe scene in August... give me a few more months with Cathe and STS and watch out... I could take him! :D

I wish that DH would consider doing STS with me... There are several buff guys grunting along with the Cathe regular crew, so maybe your DH will feel like it's more a unisex workout rather than just a bunch of buff chicks (sorry Jerry :)) I guess it would be hard to do since he is on the road so much unless he stays or has access to a DVD player and weights and other equipment on a regular basis... I know how crappy I ate and how hard it was to exercise when I was gone for weeks at a time this past summer and fall...
not much help, but wanted to tell you that I am there with ya babe!
You didn't mention if you have the equipment needed for him to workout at home, but I have done P90X and think it may be a good one for him. My opinion is that it isn't heavy weight lifting but also uses body weight such as for the pull ups and push ups.

It focuses more on the upper body than the lower and to me that seems more guy friendly than some of our Cathe DVD's.

However, I think the Pyramids and Gym Styles would be good also. Of course STS if you have ordered already, but that is pricey.

I do look at it though as not having to pay hundreds for a gym membership a year and figure if I spend $200 a year for DVD's it is still cheaper in the long run if you have the equipment necessary to complete the workouts.

Best of luck finding something to interest him. I think it is great that he is running already for cardio - just think what gaining some muscle would do to drop some quick weight and tone him up. Nothing better for a guy's ego than looking good without a shirt on ! :p
Thanks everybody for all your suggestions.
He's ready for a program, just didn't want a girly one!!! I am excited for him to get started. We are in our mid 40's and have very young children. So it's not that I care what he looks like, I just want him around for a looooong time
I'm a little afraid of P90x myself. Maybe I'll try his when he's at work!!!
Sorry Ellie. I missed the part about him already running when I wrote my original response.

Don't rule out Cathe for your husband. My DH prefers Cathe to Tony Horton.
He loves the GS and Pyramids U&L.
Tony's voice grates on my husband's nerves, but I love him! Don't fear the X, the program can be for the intermediate exerciser with a few small modifications(assisted pull ups and lighter weights).
Hi - so here's a guys two cents. I think P90X rules. I did it - twice... and then moved on to p90X+. Since starting the program, went from 230 lbs to 175; from 28% body fat to 10%. The results speak for themselves. You can check out my story here:
If you like, I would be happy to give you further details. As much as I love the X, I also add in some of Cathe's cardio - she is more hardcore in that department :)
I'd say go with the X - he'll be bringin' it in no time!


Thanks so much for the male imput!!! My DH really is ready to begin, I just didn't know where to start. I read your story, it was awesome. Hopefully, he will like it too..... cause I'm showing him tonight. Thanks
My DH lost 15 lbs. in the past four months ... had high blood glucose levels and needed to drop some weight.

I don't know if your husband would be willing to give Cathe's other (besides STS) videos a try, but mine does Cathe with me on the weekend. He won't do complicated step videos (so Rhythmic Step is definitely out), but he does do: Kick, Punch, Crunch; Cardio Kicks; Muscle Max; Muscle Endurance; Pyramid Upper; Push/Pull; Supersets; and Power Hour.

He was pretty fit to begin with, but says that Cathe's workouts are very challenging -- probably because of the higher reps and slow pace that she lifts. He likes the kickboxing but doesn't have too much patience with learning cardio stuff. And he doesn't find Cathe's workouts too "girly" at all.

I hesitate recommending that he start P90X if he's not been lifting or is out of shape because that is a very challenging workout and he may become discouraged.

Another thing to consider is the fact that while he's eating on the road, he could probably be making better choices. Maybe he'd be willing to look at his diet and see where he could make changes to cut some fat and calories. Maybe look into the "Eat this, not that" books. They have restaurant-specific recommendations.

Good luck! It will get easier for him (and you!) once he gets started with regular workouts and starts seeing progress.
Travel/body weight plan

He travels a lot, works long hours and eats on the road. It has caused him to gain 25-30 pounds. I have been trying to motivate him but don't want to say "you are FAT". He saw the infomercial for P90X and was VERY interested. He does run 3-4 miles every other day (sometimes less).
Is p90X a good program for him???
He CAN commit more time to exercise than he currently does, but just needs the right motivation.
Any suggesstions???

This kind of plan is the kind he can do while travelling - requires little or no equipment:

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