My dear friend just passed on.

Chris K.

Active Member
Ladies and Gentleman. A dear friend of mine had just passed on early yesterday morning. [Frown]

Some of my other dear friends were very close to her as well. She lived near me.

I am so saddened by this ordeal. [Cry] All my family and dear friends are. [Cry]

But I do now accept people passing on, as they go through a tough time, and now I am glad that they do not have to deal with this nonsense anymore.

But still I am so sad and bitter that she is no longer with me [Annoyed] . I lose my temper now sometimes here and there because of this, but I realize that that's not me, and I apologize to those for getting angry. [Cry]

I am going through a self destructive pattern, but I very much realize that I need to take care of myself, and the ones I still have that I love and that love me, including my family and friends, and those friends include you people. Now by self destructive, I mean I wanna overindulge, not food, but spending my money on outlandish or luxurious items.

I am sorry that I wrote this in the first place. I did not want to make you all sad and depressed. But I had to tell somebody, so I thought I could tell you if that's ok.

Sometimes I question my existence on this earth, but people tell me to keep my chin up and be positive. And that's what I will try to do.

Thank you so much and always god bless yourselves.

Thanks so much Gabrielle dear. I appreciate it.

Hugs back to you my dear friend.

Love to you and your family and friends,
Oh Chris! DH and I send hugs from Utah. We both think you should find somebody near you to talk...a a friend. Grief is terrible...all of the stages are so confusing. We lost my DMIL last year and trust me it is not a fun experience. Take good care of yourself.
To Melissa and Your Darling Husband, thank you both for your hugs and support. I appreciate it very much. I am going to therapy next week I hope and I told my all of my family and friends about this. I'm sorry sorry for both of you for your Darling Mother In Law's passing. I am in tears for this. Hugs back to both of you from me all the way from New Jersey.

And to lkl, thank you so much for your condolences too, I appreciate it. Hugs to you too. I will get better soon my dear.

Take care to all three of you my dear friends.

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Hey Chris,
We all have our way of coping. Eating, spending, yelling, crying. It just goes to show that we are all human. Part of the joy of life is loving and I am sure that the love that you have for your friend will live on through all the great memories that you have had, . .those happy memories never really leave us. Hang in there. Sending you hugs.
To Liberty, thank you so much for your condolences, love, and prayers. I very much greatly appreciate them my sweet dear friend. Hugs to you Liberty

To Janie, thank you so much also for your kind words, and for reassuring me that what I am feeling is a part of life. I will remember those words for the rest of my life. Hugs to you too my sweet dear friend Janie.

And to Kassia, thank you so much too as well for your kind words and condolences. Hugs back to you as well Kassia. You are my sweet dear friend too.

Thank you so much for your love, compassion, and support. And the same to everybody on here. I will give you the same when you need it. Take care.

So sorry for your loss, Chris! Take the time to grieve, but give yourself a break. It's not easy losing someone you love. Remember her in happy moments!

Lots of hugs!

Thank you so much Tricia. I appreciate your sweet words too as well.

I am going to try and remember her in happy times. It will be hard at first though I'm sure, but I will remember her in happy moments.

I will give myself a break and I will pass through this.

Again Tricia, thank you my sweet friend.

You take care and love to you and to your family and friends.

A hug for you too.

Chirs- All I can say is that you are going to get though this. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. BUT YOU WILL> The best thing you can do is come here for support. I know of what I speak. Please read my only two entries to my blog. " Promises to mom was written right about where you are now" You will know where I'm coming from. I speak the truth. HUGS.
Karen my sweet dear friend, and a great mother and a great wife. YOU ARE RIGHT!!! I will get through this. One day, I swear. I promise you. It might take long, but you know best, I will get through it and end this ordeal and get on with my life!

Your blog is one of the best ones I ever saw. Your story about your mother made me cry. I am glad though that your bond after her passing is stronger than ever. Your promise is going to work out well for you for your life.

I'm glad that you are doing better and well now.

Thank you for your kind words, condolences, love, support, help, and inspiration. I really appreciate it.

Love to you and your husband and three girls.

God bless you all. Take care.

Chris, it's so hard. I know you can do it just like me. One day at a time. It will never be the same. Some days are much harder than other but I'm finding my way. You will too. I'm glad it helped. Like you, it was hard to put it out there but now I know I did the right thing for myslef and for people like you who get it. Hugs and Love to you my friend.
Karen, I promise you, I can do it, AND I WILL DO IT!!! One day at a time, little by little, I WILL DO IT!!! I will find my way too. You are right about that. I'm glad you told me and if you ever need any help and support, always come and tell me and I will always be there for you. Hugs and Love to you too sweet friend.

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How is it going today Chris. Hope you have a new outlook if only for today. Day by Day. Where I'm at it is sunny and warm. My family is here and I am healthy. So today is a good day. One i'm thankful for.
Chris - lots of hugs to you. I hope that you are feeling better about your outlook. It is such a hard thing to lose somebody that you love but just remember - that person does not want you to be unhappy. You must honor her memory by living out your life in the best way that you can. Sure, cry - it's only normal - but then try to remember the happy times and be thankful for your blessings here on earth, and look forward to a time when you will see her again.

And welcome to the boards!
Chris I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have lost someone close to me as well and I know how hard it is. Thinking of you and praying for you.
Hi Karen. How are you today? And how is everybody in the family? Me, I'm great, thank you so much.

I have a great new outlook today and will have one day by day very much so.

Here in Jersey it is sunny and warm too. My day is great and I am blessed to have it.

Everybody in my family and friends is ok too. Glad to hear that you are doing great as well as your family.

Thanks so much for checking in Karen my dear. Love to you and your family and friends.

Shana Banana, lots of hugs back from me to you my dear sweet lifelong friend. It was hard for me to deal with this nonsense, but I have a positive outlook in my life now. I understand that my friend wouldn't want me to be miserable. I will honor her and live my life sweet and to the fullest.

I am trying to remember the good times my friend and I had together, and I am grateful for my good blessings here on this planet. I very much look forward to seeing her again.

My love goes out to you and your family and friends also Shana. Thank you so much for your sweet message with condolences. And, god bless you.

And to Mary, Thank you so much too for thinking of me and your sweet words and condolences. You're my sweet dear lifelong friend too. I'm so sorry for your loss of your close one. My love goes out to you and your family and friends too. Hugs to you as well.

Love you all. Thank you so much and I will be back shortly.

Peace and love,

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