My cancer ruined my 2 years of hard work

My thoughts and prayers are also with you. You've been through a tough battle but with time I think you will be on your way back to a healthy life. Take care.

just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. my sister went through chemo for breast cancer, hysterectomy, mastectomy. she is fine now but i want you to know i feel for what you are going through. please know we care.


I just wanted to say I think you've done great things for your body, taking care of your illness like you've done. I know you aren't happy with the way you look, and I'm sorry for that. I've not had your personal experience, but there is a woman that I've noticed for the past year or so running in the neighborhood in which I work. I noticed her, because she had no hair at first, so I thought she was probably recovering from an illness. I still notice her, and she's running faster, and her hair is beautiful now. The suggestions you've gotten are good. Start back slowly when you can, and keep at it. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Take care, and thanks for sharing your experiences. Life unfortunately and fortunately gives us ups and downs and twists and turns. It's nice to know you're working as hard as you are.

Oh my gosh
You have definitely been through alot My thoughts and prayers are with you your fitness will come back when you are recovered from your illnesses.
Wishing you well Lisa
Hello Na: You have been through more in the last year than some experience in a lifetime and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you healing and strength. You have persevered through your chemo and the light is at the end, June is almost here and better days are coming very soon. Hold fast to your desire and determination but be patient and gentle with yourself as well. It's fortunate that you were so committed to keeping your body strong in the days leading up to your diagnosis, it couldn't have been easy seeing it slip away but don't underestimate the advantage it gave you as you faced cancer head on.
Know that we will be thinking of you and praying for you. Let us know how you're doing. God Bless You!!!
Take Care
You are such an amazing and strong person to go through this, your strength and determination will lead you back to mental and physical health. Although I never had cancer, I know what it feels like to go from physically fit to the very lowest and back again. It is SO HARD. Keep what you wish close to your heart and take baby steps one day at a time. Fan the flames, keep them burning. Reading this forum each day was therapy for me, even though I could do little else, it was mental stimulation that kept my eye on the prize especially when doubting thoughts would creep in. Nurture your mind and body each day, celebrate the small victories. Accept and love your body every step of the way. Know we are all here for you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, please take good care of yourself.

I know I can't relate to what you are going through, but try to hang in there and get through the rest of your treatments. Your body has endured a lot and sounds like it has pulled through for you during these tough times. Once you are done with your treatments and you are feeling like you have more energy, you will be able to begin working out again and build your muscle tone. You should be proud of yourself for making it through all you have. I also admire the fact that you want to get back into exercise so quickly after all you've been through. You sound like one tough cookie! Keep your head up and stay positive.:)
Thank you everyone for your heartfelt support. I am looking forward to my new beginning in June when I am done with last chemo. Thank you again.
Na Anderson
People like you are a true inspiration to us all.

Like most of the US population, you could choose to be sedentary.

Yet you are working out against all odds!

Congratulations on your strength, both inner and outer!
It's obvious from your post you're very discouraged, but may I point out something to you, without getting flamed here please? You survived a cancer which most women do not. Ovarian cancer has one of the highest mortality rates, because usually by the time it's diagnosed, it has metatisized to the point where nothing they can do will ultimately save your life. You are very fortunate, although I can totally understand how you would have trouble believing that right now. Ten pounds is not much to gain. Not if you look at the alternative, which could have been death for you. Your hair will grow back. Your muscle tone will return once you start working out again. Be patient and kind with and to yourself, and start slowly. Your life was spared. You can walk, and smell flowers, and watch a sunrise. Might I make a suggestion? Start by making a list of all the things you would have missed in this world had you left it. That might help you put things in perspective. Then, start your workout routine one day at a time. One step riser at a time, one dumbell at a time, and one class or tape at a time. You CAN do this. You're already a survivor.

Na Anderson, I hope you are finding strength and caring in the posts - I just want to repeat what has already been said . . . YOU ARE A VERY STRONG PERSON - and your hard work made you stronger - to go through all these humps in life, the cancer being the biggest one . . . you should be really proud of yourself. If you can find a book out there, I would strongly suggest it. If you go to, you might find a support message group there that might be able to suggest one. I bought the book "Uplift" for my friend who was 32 when she was diagnoised with breast cancer. If you found people that know what you are going through or are going through some similiar situation (I know everyone's is different), you might find comfort in that. I truely believe that once you are able to get back slowly, you will be able to get into a grove and will be starting in a better place then you did two years ago. Best of luck to you and congratulations! My aunt died when she was thirty of ovarian cancer - that was over 17 years ago. Maybe writing in a journal, I know that also helped my friend with breast cancer. Write down the things that you have been blessed with, the good things and read that list every morning. When a person is depressed, it is hard to come out of it but you do have so much to be thankful for. Take care, Rachelle
An energetic police officer I once knew used to always say that:
"Every day above ground is a good day."
(He used to also say that it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, meaning take the shot to save your life now and worry about the rest later)
Shortly after he told me that he was shot and killed serving a search warrant, leaving behind a pregnant wife and 2 kids. I am certain his wife did not agree with that quote for a long time after his death.
There is zero comparison to your situation, except that you can still fight the good fight.
I always always remember what that cop told me, he used to say that when someone was feeling down or needed a boost. Usually he just made people mad when he said that. Mad enough to fight. Never ever give up. You are almost at the end of chemo. You made it through, almost! Chemo drains your energy, all of it. Just going to the bathroom alone is a major event. Once you finish chemo you'll be amazed at how quick you bounce back. Think about those extra 10 pounds as your body's way of saying that the chemo isn't killing you, only the cancer. Otherwise how could you gain 10 pounds if the chemo was slowly draining away your life? Now you have the perfect chance to start over. Gaining 10 pounds is good for you in this case. It gives you something to focus on. If you were really really skinny, why bother exercise? Now you feel you need to lift, to get back that muscle so you can lose that 10 pounds.
Eat clean and healthy. Easier said than done, eh? Dried seaweed may be good for you, but tastes much better when fried and salted like potato chips and eaten with rice (yum!). Try probiotics (see for lots of usable, healthy tips to help you regain your health). Think about different hairstyles once your hair grows in, hairstyles you may not have tried because you found one you liked and stuck with it over the years with little variation. Get back into life slowly, at your own pace. It could be weeks and weeks after chemo ends before you feel like you are happy and might want to consider bouncing out of bed in the morning.
Congratulations on almost ending your chemo, and welcome to your new life!
Hi Na. I am sorry you are going through such a hurdle. I hope and pray that all goes well and that you regain your strength and health very soon. Take care of yourself and nurture your body and spirit and don't be try not to be discouraged about your hair and weight. Your hair will grow back and when you are feeling strong enough, you will be able to lose the weight! What is sooo important is that you have your life. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I am sure it is very, very hard and discouraging. Know that many, many, people are praying and pulling for you.

Your two years of regular working out probably made you that much stronger to fight the cancer and help get you through the chemo! So it is so good that you had been doing it. Take care of yourself!

Hi, Na!

Like many here, I do not believe that your cancer has ruined your 2 years of hard work; in fact I personally believe your 2 years of hard work have assisted you in fighting this dragon. I also believe that when your chemo is done you will be able to regain all of your "temporarily misplaced" fitness gains.

Over the winter I read, FOUR TIMES, Lance Armstrong's auto-biography "It's Not About The Bike", in which he very candidly writes about facing near-fatal testicular cancer at age 25 and coming back to win the Tour De France (by now 5 times). Although Armstrong is by no means a rocket scientist, nor is he endowed with anything approaching literary wit and style, I think he has a message in this book that all those encountering great physical challenges would do well to heed.

I'd like to suggest, aside from keeping posting here to update us on your progress, that a good Google search with the keywords "Cancer+Recovery+Exercise" would net you some amazing information on the how-to's of getting your fitness gains back.

Do keep coming back here. We're thinking of you.

Dear Na, don't you know that you are a miracle? I don't belive your body can be gross! It has survived the ravages of cancer and the treatment and yet here you are and you CAN regain your strength and fitness! I hope you will also seek a support group of other cancer survivors who can help you with your recovery as you get strong again. You are not alone. Give yourself the time to come to terms with your body as it is now and know that you are whole and beautiful and life is yours for the taking! Many blessing to you!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Dear Na,

Please don't feel sad about your body; it is doing the ultimate workout for you! If your body is battling and winning against such a demon as cancer, then it is one awesomely fit body indeed! Rejoice in your body's power! It is truly wondrous! I wouldn't be surprised if the fact that you were so fit played a role in your recovery, and that fitness will come back to you again. Let your body put all its energy into this most important internal workout. The external stuff will come later, and it will be a breeze for you after this.

Love that body! It's doing the most important thing--surviving--for you!:) :) :)

Take care and please keep us posted on how you're feeling.

Hi NA Anderson! I have not had a chance to get online for the last few days and therefore did not see your post until now. How nice to see that others have already been so supportive and encouraging. Thanks everyone!

I am so sorry to hear of all that you have been through. Life has definitely not been easy for you these last few months. It is so normal, and even healthy, for you to be experiencing the emotions that you are right now. It helps you heal both metally and physically. So let them all out.

Do you have someone that you can talk to for daily support? This will help you feel so much better too. It's hard to think clearly or positively when we are feeling low, uncertain, or afraid.

While I have never had cancer, I have (and had) friends and family members go through it. It is not easy and it is very hard to find the strength from within to maintain a positive outlook. But try hard to focus on what you have already accomplished and take it a step at a time. Think about what you have already been strong enough to endure and continue to do so. Imagine if you did not work out, how tough it would be to undergo your treatments. Think of how much you have been through and still have the energy to come to the forums and share with us. It is very inspiring to see the strength and determination you have.

You will definitely have your good and bad days but try to embrace each day for what it's worth. If it is a bad day, accept that and have some options for it. A refreshing walk, a nap, a therapeutic cry, a visit with friends or family, a good book, a chat with a supportive loved one, etc. If it is a good day, cherish it. Do all you want and can do. Try to connect with what makes this day a good day and see if there is something you are able to do that will help you have more of them. Work on reducing your emotional stress (ie: try to stop worrying about losing past fitness gains) and strive to improve your emotional strength (ie: I'm going to do the best I can for how i am feeling today). Once you have strengthened your way of thinking, everything else improves right behind it.

Keep focusing on your accomplishments, no matter how big or small, they are all important and valuable. I wish you the best and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep in touch!

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