My Brother Did Kick Max


I posted this on the "Cathe your not going to believe this" thread, but I just had to share this for all. My brother, the arrogant cyclist who's in great shape calls my workouts "girly." Well, here is his response after doing Kick Max.....

I’m pissed!! I’m so flipping sore that I don’t think I can ride my bike today. I almost had to ask Judi to put my shoes on for me…and taking care of “bathroom business” was a new adventure in pain. Why do they make toilet seats so low to the floor? I felt like I needed one of those handy capped grab bars.

Ok, so here’s the blow by blow:

I needed to run upstairs and grab a sweat band at the 15 minute mark. By the 45 minute mark (after being thoroughly confused on some of the combo’s) I was picking and choosing what I did. The jumping type exercises were the hardest…not the jumping jax or the zig-zag moves, but the ones where you jumped in the air…they were hard for me. And, the leg lifts out to the side where you hold it forever…I’ve lost those muscles too…that was hard. I was soaked when I was done.

So, when should I try that workout again? I’m very stiff and don’t think I would get very far if I were to try it today. I’m not sure my muscles will work even for a bike ride. I’m not even sure I can pull my bow back…that would make me real wooly!!

I'm absolutely loving this!!!!!!
So I take it he doesn't think of Cathe's workouts as "girlie" workouts anymore?? :+ What's next - Bootcamp?


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I love it also. I've been trying to get my 18 year old son to do BootCamp, but so far he has not. I'm going to try again when Drill Max arrives. He did do Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps, and I loved it. He was reaching for 5 pound weights by the time it was over and took nap he was finished. Also during the band work, I could hear him saying, "What is she thinking." }( He did the workout twice and joined a gym. He is now hooked on weightlifting.
Oh my...I can't believe he "started" with KICK MAX! It is, in my opinion, the most difficult one Cathe has produced! I am proud of him for "finishing" it though because I can honestly say that I didn't make it that far the first time through! ;o)

Good luck to your brother with all his winter Cathe workouts!
Good for him for trying it! Isn't it satisfying to know how hard it was for him, particularly since he's in great shape (and he does do some kickboxing - Tae Bo - in addition to biking)? For me, Kick Max is one of Cathe's less challenging workouts (except for the Blast and the Leg Drills). I'm with the others: which one will you get him to do next?}(
I'm hoping I can get him to try Boot Camp!

Do you guys think Kick Punch and Crunch is more difficult than Kick Max?
>Good for him for trying it! Isn't it satisfying to know how
>hard it was for him, particularly since he's in great shape
>(and he does do some kickboxing - Tae Bo - in addition to
>biking)? For me, Kick Max is one of Cathe's less challenging
>workouts (except for the Blast and the Leg Drills). I'm with
>the others: which one will you get him to do next?}(

WOW! I am impressed! You are a powerhouse!! I guess I am less coordinated than I thought! Haha!
I think BC is a GREAT second workout! Maybe have him do the cardio premix as a warm-up....hehehe!

Personally I think KPC is harder cardio-wise. But.....the blasts and then leg drills aren't easy! ;-)
Thanks for the update!! I LMAO!! I guess he'll think twice about calling workouts "girlie"
I think KPC is a harder workout than KM- its also my favorite cardio of Cathes.
Gosh, I suggested Boot Camp and here was his response....

Are you kidding me? How long is boot camp? Am I going to be swearing? I hate when people hear me “talking” to the TV when I’m working out. It’s usually not pleasant. Billy can’t count and Cathe makes things look effortless. Pisses me off!

}( }( }( }( }( }( }(
Totally off topic here, but I just wanted to tell you I love your avatar picture. I was looking and thinking, "Is that THOMAS?" I have a 5 year old son that has been obsessed since he was about 2! We're always watching for Thomas' Day out to come near our place, but so far no luck. It's ok...he'd probably freak out like he did at Sesame Street Live. It looked like old footage of Beatles concerts. He was shaking and crying! Still, it would be fun to get that reaction from him again.

Anyway, adorable picture...beautiful family. Just wanted to say hi!:D
>>Good for him for trying it! Isn't it satisfying to know
>>hard it was for him, particularly since he's in great shape
>>(and he does do some kickboxing - Tae Bo - in addition to
>>biking)? For me, Kick Max is one of Cathe's less
>>workouts (except for the Blast and the Leg Drills). I'm
>>the others: which one will you get him to do next?}(
>WOW! I am impressed! You are a powerhouse!! I guess I am
>less coordinated than I thought! Haha!
Believe me, I am NO powerhouse (and I'm sure you're coordinated)! I just think the combos are not very caridovascularly challenging and because of this, even though they're combined with the much more intense blast and leg drills, the total workout seems less challenging than, say, KPC or BC. But everyone's different: I don't mind the terminators in BC as much as some, but the ice breakers almost always kill me!

Roscoe, do you think he might eventually try Bootcamp? If not, how about KPC?
That was very funny! Thank you for sharing.

I too just did Kick Max for the first time tonight. I think there was a part in the workout that I started to dislike Cathe. For the first time I had some not so nice words to say out loud. But by the time I was wrapping up, during the stretch I said "I love you Cathe, thanks for the butt kick". It was a hard workout to get through, but well worth it. I am sure I am going to really feel the pain tomorrow though, so I am scared to wake up!!

But once the workout was over, I think I made friends with Cathe again, well see when I try to get out of bed in the morning. I just might start up again with those not so nice words. However I do love workingout with Cathe, and a little pain here and there isn't going to stop me.

I just love to see a man in pain, when it has been brought by Cathe!! And they think we are just girls here doing the girly thing! HA wake up call for the boys!!

Cathe's workouts seperate the women from the boys by far!!

Thank you Cathe
Hi Roscoe415! Thanks for sharing! You just made my day. I love it. His email was just the best. Loved the "bathroom business" comment. That's always the tell tale sign of a good butt kicking, HA! So glad he took you up on the challenge. Now let's see what to suggest next (rubbing my hands together with an evil witch laugh).

I don't want to confuse him with too much choreography so I am leaning more towards Boot Camp.....yet if he got the combo's in Kick Max, he should also be okay with those in Kick Punch and Crunch.

Well, I think he can't go wrong with either one. Please report back
}( :7
My husband will do any of the kickboxing videos, Imax 1 (he just steps up and down and runs around the room, throws in a few pull ups and does some sort of crazy thing he makes up using the step for the step parts), and Bootcamp. He's one of those ripped bodybuilder types who can do anything he wants to athletically, even at 47. But, if we decide to workout together for indoor cardio when the weather is crappy, and I give him a choice of either Cathe or another interval workout I have by a different instructor, he always says "If I do Cathe, I won't be able to move tomorrow and I need to run after my gym workout." So, needless to say, I don't give him a choice anymore. It's Cathe or nothing.
Muffintop -
Your post made me laugh out loud. I just LOVE the raw emotion of children. My 3 year old daugther get so excited about things but I don't think she's been that excited - I can't wait for the day. She saw Santa on the Today show this morning and went crazy!

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