My Brother Did Kick Max

Muffintop -
Your post made me laugh out loud. I just LOVE the raw emotion of children. My 3 year old daugther get so excited about things but I don't think she's been that excited - I can't wait for the day. She saw Santa on the Today show this morning and went crazy!
Heh, I just showed my boyfriend the Drill Max clip and I'm watching it and thinking "wow, I can't wait to see if I can do this" and I look over at him and he's looking at me like "whoah, so THIS is Cathe? And this is what you DO when you get home from work?" I said, "HONEY! I can bring over my stuff and we can move your coffee table out of the way and..." (cuz how fun would it be to do Cathe in front of a 65" TV, compared to my itsy bitsy laptop screen?), and ladies, I believe his is SCARED!
My DH was watching the BodyMax clip over my shoulder - his comment was "She's nuts, that Cathe is nuts! And you're nuts too for being excited about doing that!!" I don't think I could ever convince him to do a workout with me. It's just to overwhelming for him.

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
That is to funny!! My husband is scared of her. 15 min of it and he's through!

I let him watch the clips for the new series as he knew I was in "training" for the new workouts. One look at Drill Max and he said don't even think about asking me to try that with you, you are on your own! Oh well, more fun for me. Can you tell which tape I'm doing first!!! }(
My husband still trembles the time we went on a Road Trip and Cathe insisted he do "Body Pump"

He loves Cathe to death, yet he is very afraid of her workouts!

I have tried and tried to get him to try a pure strength one, but I think he is intimidated by me but most of all, by Cathe!

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