Muscle Max - First Pics

Cathe, you look WOW, words cannot even describe it and the gang oh my GOODNESS, totally gorgeous beauties..Today is my birthday and what a gift to see the first picture of the Hardcore series. The set is very beautiful, totally amazing!!!!

Keep them coming!!!!
:D Oh my god Cathe! Look how buff you are! You must be so proud of yourself! You look better now than you did in your 20's! What a motivator!
That is one......

sexy photo ladies!! Great shoulders and ab definition!
Cathe, are you SURE you have 2 kids!? That is a great photo for the ladies to hang in their workout rooms as inspiration!!
Continued success with the filming Cathe!!!!!
Trevor :)
Thanks for the pictures and updates Cathe!! You and the crew look gorgeous as usual. Your core and abs are just amazing. They look leaner and more cut than ever!!!

This is soo exciting..

Thank you!! Thank you!!

Have a great day and weekend!!!

Wow, the pictures are great!!!:)
I LOVE the studio set-up very nice!!!
You guys all look fantastic! I can't wait for more pictures and of course the workouts.

Thank you so much to everybody for all the hard hard work!!!!:) :) :)

What a Fantastic motivator!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing many more photos and the inspiration it gives me to continue to workout.
Hi Cathe! Absolutely GORGEOUS as usual; love your hair oh my we look like twins now! I have the same hairstyle isn't that funny? I've GOT TO KNOW where to buy these pants!!! LOVE THEM. This workout looks like a winner as usual too & the new set is breathtakingly beautiful; the colors are very soothing to me.

Also I'm shouting w/joy to see RHONDA again!! But what happened to Jai?:( All my best, Kathy:D
AWESOME....just by looking at the pics will motivate me to work harder and start eating clean.

Definitely placing an order today on the Hard Core Series.


Cedie you look great and I'm glad you're going to be in the series.

I'd love to know where you got those great workout outfits! Can you post the name of the company?
1 word-------WOW!!!!1 I'm so excited!! What a crew, and you all look AMAZING! I'm so glad to see Rhonda back--and I really think that Lorraine gets more beautiful every time I see her!! I love the new facility!! It looks very........intense! Kick butt, ladies!}(
All I can say is "wow!!!!!" You all look absolutely awesome! Cathe, you look more defined than I've seen post Eric. What did you do? What cute outfits you picked out. I love the purple! :)

Congratulations in filming this wonderful series in your new studios. We are all very proud of all you have accomplished. You must be very proud.


PS. I noticed that the schedule is the week before Halloween. Enjoy eating that candy next week! ;-)
These pictures took me the rest of the way. I had only pre-ordered a few of the tapes but now I went back and got the rest. You all look so awesome. Would love to hear what you did to get in such great shape.

Oh wow!!!You all look GREAT!! Cathe, your hair is really pretty that way. I'm going to ask Santa to give me abs like yours for Christmas.;) Thank you for the pictures and updates!!

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