More Fit People in New Videos?

RE: Hey CityGirl -

Maybe Cathe just can't afford to pay more people to appear on her videos.

Maybe the "buff" people in the Tae Bo videos are actors and actresses who get paid a little more than regular folk.

Maybe Cathe is friends with the people in her videos and just likes having them around because they're easy to work with.

There could be lots of reasons why particular people are picked. I don't know how talent is chosen for fitness videos.

Susan G.
Open mouth, insert foot again

Who's being sensitive? As a certain someone from the second Austin Power's movie would say, "Boo. hoo, hoo, you're makin' me cry".

You take yourself pretty seriously, don't you? "However, many of us exercise to also look better," to quote you. Which implies you think Cathe's regulars don't look so good. We disagree, that's all. If your opinion makes you seem a bit vain here among "real women";-), oh well!

But honestly, we just post to pass the time away and your opinion isn't really that upsetting to any of us, any more than ours should be to you. These comments are offered tongue in cheek and not to be taken literally. Tact is something you may acquire with age.

Once a comment is out there, it's fair game. So really, you shouldn't be so sensitive if you are going to lay your opinions about the beloved crew out in the forums. As for the fat chick comment, there was a young woman who had the temerity to call one of the CTX crew fat and suggest Cathe should not use such women in her videos. Your comment reminded me of that young woman. I enjoy a little verbal sparring myself. It's all done in fun because everyone is, indeed, entitled to their own opinion. Free speech and all that! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Hi Stepcrazy,
I'm not here to judge what you said at all. Everyone is entitled to there on opinion.However, the only concern I had was that Rhonda,Cedie or one of the other girls would see this and get there feelings hurt. I love Cathe, I love her crew and they all look fit to me I understand what you're saying though. I hate that you have gotten the wrong impression of the board yes, we are crazy and protective over Cathe and the girls no question about it. Let me just speak for myself I am. I must admit instantly, when I read the title I got angry.

But, again, I stress everyone has a right to feel the way that they feel. There are alot of threads I don't get involved in for this very reason. Everyone take care.

I think StepCrazy's message got misconstrued along the way :(
I personally only took it to mean:
1)Cathe is a motivator to her, and only adding other people that were muscle-defined would only add to her "Cathe experience"

2)I think that many of us need visual support to reach goals. Many of you can concentrate on the workout itself, and that is FABULOUS, but for some others, a certain body look is also a motivator-hey whatever helps you reach your fitness goals I say!

I think that the whole problem here is the word "fit" and outward appearances. I think Marie Claire had an article once that said "Which one is more fit" and they paired the skinny girl to the (I am afraid to say it!) heavier girl, and it turns out that the latter was in way better physical shape..y'all are right you can't always tell by outward appearances who is in shape...

but seeing a well-defined woman like Cathe, or Rhonda or..(sorry I don't know all the names!) is an EXCELLENT motivator, they motivate me all the time. When I see muscle definition, I see a person who cares for their fitness level, and who has patience and determination, I don't think that is bad at all to assume! Sure there are baddies out there who use and abuse things,but stil look "fit" , but I like to think alot of people who are defined care for their bodies like I strive to!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-02 AT 05:23PM (Est)[/font][p]Please no one be mad at my ideas either :( I don't like people to get mad! I just wanted to show the "flipside" of the argument
Them's fuedin' words!

StepCrazy actually said this: "Sometimes I wonder why they aren't more fit if they do your workouts all the time???"

What she should have said is she wonders why they don't "look" more fit since they do Cathe's workouts all the time. Either way, StepCrazy should have, in my humble opinion, refrained from posing the question since it is offensive. Step must be "crazy" to think the "moms" are not fit. Or that because-- let's use the voluptuous Cedie as an example-- Cedie has breasts and hips that she doesn't look fit.

One of the things I love about is we don't usually have to deal with ridiculous stereotypes about fitness. We know that we are fit and come in many shapes and sizes. I keep thinking of muscle mags, which presume to present a standard of fitness when in fact, some of the well-muscled "models" of fitness are really self-starving, protein munching, bad role models!

I do not feel like tiptoing around the fact that StepCrazy insulted some of MY favorite role models. I think she is mean and her perception is skewed! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Ladies... Please don't get mad or yell at me either. However, I also have to agree. I think you might have been a bit tough on StepCrazy. Look at some of your comments. You probably brought out the worst in her. She tried to apologize. Not all of us know the exact right words to say all the time and we judged her every word. I do not think she meant any harm. I do hope Cathe sees this post as I too think a few new people would be nice in her videos.

It is funny that this board has so many posts. It truly is a very personal topic that has hit the emotions of several. Maybe we should just end it and let it be. Can they remove threads??? It really isn't a good reprsentation of what I have seen on so many of these boards. This one seems to be brining out the worst in EVERYONE.

I have a degree in nutrition and have to tell you that just because someone is fit and has muscles does not mean they are starving. Being lean requires the RIGHT combinations of protein, carbs and fat. I have personally trained a few colleagues and found that most of the time people have a hard time losing weight because they are not eating enough. When you don't eat enough your body uses your muscle for energy. So moral is that you too are being stereotypical in that not all muscle defined people are protein, self-starving people. Many of them eat well balanced meals. I personally eat 6 times a day and consume 2000 calories minimum. I work out 4-5 times a week for 1 hour to 1.5 hours.

All I can say is that maybe we should give her (or him) a break. You have said some things that probably hurt her personal feelings more than she hurt any of yours. She never passed judgement on any of you and I see more than 40 posts on you judging her..... interesting!!! You have even judged her faith by questioning that she said "God Bless You". Maybe she did mean it? Who knows?

Anyway, I like all of you and follow many of these strings. I have never seen one get this bad. It makes me a bit afraid to ever post a real opinion if it might not sit well with the stereotype you have all made for yourself.

Be kind:) God loves the skinny, the fat and the muscle. Does it really matter?
The evolving look of the crew as well as Cathe in the videos over the years is simply a testament to what weight training and consistent cardio does for a person over time.

I love Cathe vidoes I just ordered a bunch even some older ones with a bonus I got from work. Cedie is my favorite gal too.

While I'm on Cedie would someone in the know on this please post here exactly which all videos Cedie is in I want to be sure I have them ALL.

My last words, really!

I don't believe that all the models in the muscle mags are well-muscled, protein munchers. That's why I said some.

Speaking of Cedie, I bought the Classics DVD and the in third workout, StepMax, in the warm up, one tendril of Cedie's hair attatches to her eyelashes. She never stops the routine to brush that hair away. She continues right through the warm up and into the first routine, until it finally falls back into place. She's not only awesomely fit, shes a consummate pro!

I may be PMSy but I stand by all my comments. We could agree to disagree but I think some things are better left unsaid! Like asking someone when the babies due unless you are really sure they're pregnant, or asking someone if they are tired unless you are certain they could use a nap! Common sense.

Believe me, I have thought about posting and asking Cathe to replace the old crew with 25 year old, really ripped young men. But then I think, who am I to tell Cathe how to do her workouts when she's never disappointed me once;-)! Chick's Rule! B bbi
RE: My last words, really!

All I can say is if Cathe doesn't want to hear the truth why does she enable a board that allows it? I believe the opposite! I think she wants to know.

Maybe CRAZY is right. We are just 1 segment of her target market. She already has us! My goodness you all are sooooo attached to these women. It is just a video and in reality a BUSINESS.

CRAZY is right in that Cathe is trying to make money. I think it is important for her to hear the opinions of loyal buyers, semi-loyal buyers and potential buyers. They ALL make her money so we can enjoy her videos for years and years:)

Yes, I agree that some things are better left unsaid. If you agree with that then leave it unsaid and quit bashing every person that posts an opinion different than yours. Your messages only prove CRAZY's point of the judging that is happening here. It is just a video ladies. Maybe some of you work for Cathe? Is that it??? This all just seems a bit weird. Different than any board I have ever seen or been a part of.

RE: My last words, really!

And again we come back to the idea that we were bashing Stepcrazy. KathyCali, you have mentioned in both your posts now that we were either bashing or judging her for what she said. Can you explain that? I just don't see it. I see people who are indeed attached to the video crew (and nothing wrong with that IMO) who were defending the the crew in their own way. Stating our own opinions or defending Cathe's crew does not not qualify as BASHING. I saw more insulting words coming from Stepcrazy in her four posts than I saw in the almost 50 posts by other board members.

Also, when did she apologize? Oh, that's right - she said "Sorry to ruffle your feathers." Well silly me, how could I ever think that's insincere?! Especially when followed by "Have an open mind why don't ya!" Gee... now we should all feel just terrible shouldn't we?

Lastly, I think it is a seriously bad idea (my opinion mind you - I'm not slaughtering, reaming, bashing or judging anyone) to start deleting posts just because there are differing opinions or because it contains a "mini flame-war" (in the words of our favorite local Aquajock).
Yikes! I'm a first timer to this message board and wow what a "earful"! Actually I have enjoyed reading everyone's opinions and thought I would add mine! First, of all Cathe is awesome! I used to be a firm believer and now only Cathe for me! Secondly, her crew is FIT! They could kick my butt any day! They look fit and they would have to be fit to do these videos! I think Cede's cool and Rhonda looks fabulous. Stepcrazy is entitled to her own opinion; I just happen to disagree! Ain't America great!
Yikes! I'm a first timer to this message board and wow what a "earful"! Actually I have enjoyed reading everyone's opinions and thought I would add mine! First, of all Cathe is awesome! I used to be a firm believer and now only Cathe for me! Secondly, her crew is FIT! They could kick my butt any day! They look fit and they would have to be fit to do these videos! I think Cede's cool and Rhonda looks fabulous. Stepcrazy is entitled to her own opinion; I just happen to disagree! Ain't America great!
Ok, I am going to post a friendly little insider tip(Cathe...I don't think you'll mind), hoping that it sums up feelings and history for at least Cedie, Lisa & I. Cathe is a dear friend to the three of us.

First, Cathe's crew is fit. No, we "aren't all clones of her, and that's a good thing. Not all of us are going to look like Cathe when we are at our most fit", but we four ladies have been dear friends since the 80's and have been through changes..TOGETHER...thick and thin...

Our friendship I think, has brought about a sincere commitment to being there for one another.

As for me, there was a point in the beginning of my career as a group instructor, where Cathe encouraged me, helping me practice and build confidence and self esteem. Then when asked to join in for casting spot...still young(24 years old), over 11 years ago, my growth as a total human being was given a boost. Thanks to Cathe, as well as Chris and the "older" crew.

There's a SPECIAL energy and appreciation for one another and dedication that surpasses videos were cast members are "hired out" just for a part. We put our best step forward, basically for friendship and well being, FIRST AND FOREMOST. Cathe puts tremendous effort and heart into each video, which can be stressful all around, especially due to the number of them done at one time. People just don't know what she does in a 24hour period. She's focused and always striving to make everything better, even at the last minute. Cedie, Lisa and I understand her, are familiar with her style and are willing to adjust at any point to her instruction, scheduling, and requests. Not just anyone can do that, or would be willing. Especially during filming. She doesn't have to worry about us freezing up or panicing in front of the camera, which is sometimes a problem for even the most buff and in shape people. In other words, we always want her to feel that she CAN count on US, no questions asked, no attitudes or complains (which by the way I've heard about with other video productions). We stand buy her and will take all day and night to help her get everything done to her satisfaction.

As for the looks-

All of our bodies have changed for different reasons. Some, due to pregnancy, or for other personal reasons like while I was trying to get pregnant (I put on 15 pounds during the filming of the Pure Strength Series, Body Max, & Step Work, under my physicians advice while trying to conceive. I felt like a lard of ****. However, It didn't work...still fit but FULL FIGURED). Dispute the "look" Cathe has always, no matter what, been positive and supportive. That says alot about the kind of person she is.

Life takes it's toll on our bodies. She has never been negative and always made a point to make us feel good about ourselves, despite our winning and complaining. That is another reason we continue to grown and want to commit ourselves to Cathe, Chris and each other. It's all about total health and well-bing.

Through thick and thin.... with a big smile and positive grin. We continue on.

Of course there are more "perfect looking bodies" out there who can fill the casts shoes. The only problem with that is ... those bodies ARE NOT going to FEEL the SAME PASSION for giving the best sincere LOVING ENERGY, as the bodies that have been working TOGETHER, for many years.

I hope we are sending a message of "Fitness & Friendship for a Lifetime" like I think we gals do.

Hope I don't upset anyone. That is not my intention. I just thought that this is an important aspect to think about, coming from a member of Cathe's friendly crew.

Rhonda Davis

Thanks for the inside information awesome. Its a good reminder that to make her videos work you need a good and loyal crew behind you which she has. Opinions are good an Cathe does ask for them my only care or concern is the quality of the work outs and the instructor and that those in the video are working hard and having a good time.

I hope to workout with you in the new series of videos.

Hi Rhonda, and thanks for your comments. I for one think you and all of Cathe's background exercisers always look fit, and I love the fact that y'all are different sizes and shapes--just like we all are in real life, right? And I agree wholeheartedly that it's all about total health and well-being rather than achieving a certain "look".

Regarding StepCrazy's comment about "the mom look", I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Just what IS "the mom look"? I don't think I could walk through my office building, for example, and pick out "mom" and "non-mom" looks. This sounds like a very bad stereotype to me, especially since it's presented in a negative way.

StepCrazy, if Cathe's crew isn't motivating to you, maybe you need to be doing all your lifting in a gym with the bodybuilders, because you may find that more motivating.
You go Rhonda!

I don't think you could have said it better. I personally am looking forward to seeing you, Cedie and Lisa in future Cathe productions. You guys are as much an inspiration to me as Cathe is.
I just wanted to say that your post was wonderfully worded! I must check out the PS Series again (I'm on a CTX rotation right now) as for the life of me, I don't EVER remember thinking to myself, "hmmm...Rhonda's lookin' a little bit heavier this series". Girl, you've looked nothing but fit, fit, fit to me! (As have Cedie, Lisa and the rest of the crew).
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to seeing you in Cathe's upcoming videos (hopefully) as well as the rest of the regular crew.
Take care :)
RE: You go Rhonda!

Thanks Rhonda. I think that one of the reasons that Cathe and her crew has such a following is because you all come across as very genuine and sincere; I can make a connection to you.

I'm really excited about the new workouts and I'm looking forward to seeing y'all again.
Wow, this thread just totally hit me with the "giggle factor". Sorry, but I hope others are giggling too. I know you're out there, you lurking gigglers!

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