Moms...flu shot for your kids???

"Flu shots don't let your body learn to fight off germs..."That's a fallacy - a huge one...natural immunity occurs with viruses such as the common cold, but flu is catastrophic to the system and does NOT strengthen the immune system at all - that's not how it fact, a bout of flu will set you up to catch every opportunistic bug for the rest of the season, and in some cases, set you up for bacterial pneumonia.....I've been a critical care nurse for 15 years, I"m also a yoga teacher, vegetarian, herb grower, homeschooling naturalist...but a pragmatist as well...The flu shot saves lives. It is no longer implicated in Guilliane Barre as it is now made of recombinant DNA not live virus....Your body doesn't ""learn to fight"" - you were born with an immune system that is fully educated....Where you have a point is taking anti-biotics when there is not a bacterial infection, such as strep or staph....but if you DO have those bugs, your immune system, if you're in great physical shape and rested, may battle it off, but way too often, ask the elderly, untreated, it causes scarlett and rheumatic fever and a lifetime of potential complications....

But I had to speak up on the flu're way off base and that's dangerous propaganda to spread.
My son is diabetic and has to have the flu shot. He goes to the hospital for 2 days with strep, and a 24 hour stomach flu. The flu could do some serious damage to him and possibly kill him if he were to get it.

Question about preservatives and mercury no longer being in the flu shot. Can you post a link to where you are getting this info?


Thanks for the replies. The only thing stopping me from getting the flus shot for my kids is the fact that I never had a flu shot when I was a kid. I don't even know if they were available. Sure I got the flu, and it sucked, but I lived without the shot.

Does anybody now the difference between back then (I am 27) and now? Is the flu worse or what?

I am so confused since my son is in school for the first time and I have 2 younger ones at home. I just don't know what to do and I want to be very informed before I make my decision. So...thanks for all the info!!!

So, is the shot without mercury available only to pregnant women and children under 3? Is this only in the state of CA?

If these shots have mercury, there is no way I am getting it for my kids. The flu might be dangerous, but IMO, mercury is worse!!!

I don't think the rationale that you lived without the shot, so your kids will be fine without one is a good one. We lived without car seats, bike helmets, etc. and took aspirin as kids, but that doesn't mean that they are safe.

Hi Sara,

A few years ago I found out that the shots had mercury in them. I didn't get shots then because of that. Then I read last year that Arnold past a bill to make sure that in 2006 mercury would be out of our shots. (I think in CA) but I was hoping in all states. (I don't know) But as the report reads, pregnant women and very young children will be protected this year. This year I did, but it sounds like the new law may not have been in place yet, so....I jumped the gun to early. I don't want mercury in my body.

The only reason I looked it up again, is because someone challenged me on it. Sure enough, the law is only in place for certain people. I'm so angry now that I had a shot this year. In my family there is alzhimers and mercury just makes it worse, it is a poision to the brain.

I'm going to do more reseach, because it seems it is not in place for everyone yet. Gosh Darn It. I only have myself to blame, I should haave done my homework.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Mine are 7 and 15 and they've never had a flu shot. I believe vaccinations are important (not getting into THAT argument with anyone), but I've never felt they needed to get this. I think it's different if you work in health care and are exposed to serious germs all of the time.


BTW, Sara, once they reach school age, they are exposed to EVERYthing. What usually happens for us is a bout of various ailments the first few weeks of school and then things level out. I think you have to use your best judgment here.
Really, I probably wouldn't bother if your children don't have any medical problems that might complicate the flu. That is the only reason that I feel it necessary for my son.
I have no idea if the flu is worse now or not. I doubt it. But then again, I could be wrong.


It is not really the rationale that I think my kids will be fine because I was. It is more like why is that we did not get these shots, but now everybody does. (hence, is the flu worse :)).

I really want to do what is best for my kids. I guess I am anti-vaccinations. If it is not mandatory, I don't get it.

As a pediatrician I'd like to clarify some misinformation about the vaccine. As someone else pointed out, you cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine--it is an inactivated vaccine. If you feel "fluish" afterward, it's just your immune system kicking in. If you get truly feverish and ill, then you were likely already exposed to something else and it was just bad timing.

The single dose vials do not contain thimerosal (mercury--a preservative). The multi-dose vials do contain some thimerosal as a preservative is obviously needed to prevent contamination, but what many people don't understand is that this is a miniscule amount and is not the bad kind of mercury (methylmercury). You are much more likely to be exposed to methylmercury through certain types of fish intake.

As for immunizing your kids--always a good idea (I give it to my kids every year.) Infants are actually hospitalized more than the elderly with flu complications, and I can't tell you how many kids I see each winter with secondary bacterial pneumonia after having influenza, not to mention all the missed days of work for parents, especially if they have several children who keep passing it around the house. The vaccine in no way prevents your own system from "fighting the germs on its own"; it merely gives it the weapons to do so. The next severe influenza outbreak is only a question of when, not if.

Hope this helps.
Just so you know, the flu mist is actually around $40.00 ( at least in my area). My son has autism and this is what we get him every flu season. Yes, it's a live virus but he has never got the flu from it. The reason I choose to give him the vaccination is because he is underweight and a bad case of the flu could make him seriously underweight (at least I'm afraid that it would). The hospital told me last time that the price would go down each year, so I expect that it will be below $40.00 when we go next week.
"and took aspirin as kids, but that doesn't mean that they are safe"

exactly! we did a lot of things on the advice health professionals, that are NOW known NOT to be safe. I believe we should have more faith in our bodies and strive for emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health through diet, exercise, and hygeine rather than blindly rely on pills and shots.

In my opinion, a person should only get the flu shot if the cost benefit ratio in each specific circumstance tips the scales in favour of doing so. i do know for a fact that flu shots and other vaccines have NEVER had ANY long term studies of safety and I am not comfortable with "trusting" what the gov't (and the powerful drug companies who constantly lobby the gov't) tells us is safe today. what will they say tomorrow?

i am not a conspiracy theorist either! just wanted to clear that up before someone accuses me of it. ;)

Is the flu shot ever going to become mandatory? Why or why not?

I never got prevnar for any of my kids since it was not mandatory. Ds has an appt next week with the ped and I thought I would ask him if he should get it or not. I tried last year, but dr office acted like it was not that big of a deal.

I guess all the hype just confuses me....

The flu shot is not mandatory but is recommended by the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics for all children age 6 months to 59 months (this is new from last year's recommendation of 6 months to 23 months)and all kids at any age who are high risk (asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) That being said, if there is enough vaccine supply, any child, whether high risk or not, should be allowed to have it if parents wish--all depends on if there's enough vaccine left after immunizing the high risk groups. Don't see it becoming mandatory in the near future. This is often a school issue as well, and a mandatory yearly shot might be difficult to enforce.

As for the Prevnar vaccine, it protects against streptococcus pneumoniae, a serious bacterial cause of meningitis, pneumonia, blood infections, and even ear infections. Some daycare centers require it, probably varies statewide. It is a 4 dose series given before 2 years of age. After 2 years, children tend to be out of the high risk age for this bacteria, so it is only routinely recommended for high risk children beyond the age of 2, up until age 5 (kids without a spleen, poor immune systems, etc.) Healthy older children can certainly still get the disease, but most insurance companies won't cover it for beyond 2 years of age in a healthy child.

Most pediatricians routinely give Prevnar to infants as do many family practioners (though probably not as much as pediatricians). It only takes seeing one child with meningitis and residual deafness and cognitive delays to realize how important it is to prevent the disease if we can. Prevnar is a very safe vaccine and does not contain thimerosal.

Unfortunately, vaccines have gotten a bad rap in the recent years. Because we've done such a good job preventing disease, many people have not had to witness the horrible effects of these infections. Just ask an elderly person about the effects of polio or someone who lost their hearing after developing mumps or a baby boomer who watched their infant die of haemophilus influenza meningitis, something we fortunately rarely see anymore. On the other hand, we still see babies hospitalized with Pertussis and children hospitalized with complications from chicken pox ("flesh-eating strep"), so it's important to keep as high of immunization rates as possible. Obviously, being a pediatrician I'm biased, but until the naysayers start publishing true scientific data using controlled trials that provide evidence of harm from these vaccines, I'll continue to follow the scientific evidence of their effectiveness and safety. In fact, the researcher in England who first suggested a link between MMR vaccine and autism (which has since been refuted many times) is now being investigated for professional misconduct for his publication.

Hope this helps. Did not intend for this to become soapboxey. Am just a Cathe fan who enjoys perusing these forums.:)

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