Mini Update 1/27/06

Great news! I definitely see your SMILE! Thoughts and prayers for continued healing!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
That's great progress, Cathe!! Thanks for posting about your injury and recovery- I think it's the TOUGHEST part of working out! Slowing down is never any fun, but you're showing us how to do it "right". Keep up the good healing work!!!

Does your doctor know what giving Cathe Friedrich FULL EXERCISE CLEARANCE really means?!?!?!?!! :eek: }( :eek: }( :eek: }(

Cathe, I'm so glad your feeling better and progressing nicely. Take it slow and know we'll be thinking of you.:)
That is Great News!! Glad to hear you are recovering. I am really looking forward to the new workouts. But most importantly, I want my absolutely FAVORITE instructor to be well. Take care Cathe, Helen
I know what you are going through, Cathe. My marathon training has been delayed thanks to a stress fracture, so I really feel for you!!

It sounds like you are doing GREAT! I am happy for you. Please, Please TAKE YOUR TIME coming back!
So good to see all your smiles Cathe!
Thought about you when I was teaching my step class yesterdsy.
I put on Cathe vol.1 and let the horses run!
Looking forward to your "full exercise clearance"}( so glad the best instructor on the planet is feeling better:) :) :) :) :) :)
Take care healing hugs comming your way!

Thank you for keeping us updated, Cathe. I wish you the best at your doctor’s apt. next week! It's encouraging to see you smiles.:)
Susan C.M.
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I am so glad that you are feeling better. Take as long as you need to get better and don't rush it. We can definetly wait for your workouts because they are the best. I am actually just going to be restarting working out after a tough time with a relapse of my Crohn's disease with subsequent surgery. I can't wait because I know your workouts will get me back in tip top shape.
Phyllis:) :)
Cathe, this is GREAT news!!!! Glad to hear that you were able to work out on a 6" step with great success! Yippie! I will keep sending you healing vibes! :D

glad to hear your recovery is going well!! i know you are too.
just take the time you need to completely heal. we will be here!!
Continued prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you. Thanks for the update and bear in mind that us cardio wimps need all the catching up time we can get:eek: :D

That's wonderful! I wish you complete healing and recovery and many blessing!

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Cathe, thanks for keeping us updated. I am so happy you are progressing in the right direction. I know you are anxious to get the filming started and it sounds like it is not going to be long. I also hope you get the news from the doctor to proceed. I can't imagine what it has been like for you to be sidelined like this when this is your profession. I shudder to think about something like this happening to me and fitness is only my hobby. It is a big part of my life but not my livelihood, so I've really felt for you. Continued good thoughts coming your way for a complete recovery.

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