Michigan Catheites?!?!

I, also, live in Michigan - I live in Rockford, which is just north of Grand Rapids.

I am only an hour from Kalamazoo!

I am. I am live in Roseville. I used to live in Grand Rapids. Roseville is by Troy, warren, clinton Twp if that helps.
It would be sooo cool to do a Michigan get-together in the future!! Maybe meet for lunch somewhere inbetween or something.

Hi Kim-

At one point, I know a bunch of us did try to get together. Unfortunately, I think only two people ended up meeting.

If anybody is game to try and meet, I would come!

A get together is rather hard for me to attend - I have two small children and a long drive is quite frankly out of the question. It is nice to see that there are so many MI catheites, though!
I am in Stockbridge. 20 minutes north of Chelsea.

There was a get together back in March or something and only two people ended up being able to make it.

It would be nice to try again.

YES!! That would be cool. Maybe we can plan something for early January? After the holidays? Or are we thinking before the holidays?

>I, also, live in Michigan - I live in Rockford, which is just
>north of Grand Rapids.
>I am only an hour from Kalamazoo!

Hi Cheryl,

I usually just lurk here, but had to jump in and say that I also live in Rockford. :) Hi neighbor!

Hi, I'm one of the two who showed up at the get together in the spring. I'd be willing to try again.

I live in Trenton, about 20 mins south of Detroit.


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