okay, so DH has rebounded out of bummer husband status. Goodness. So I got home from a super hard run, and he was waiting at the door with a gatorade and had already made me an ice bath, emptied, the dishwasher adn done a craft with JImmy. He took me out for a huge salad at the taco place and two yummy beers! John has onion and garlic breath becasue he ate teh whoel bowl of guacamole. I am so sore. I think AF might be coming. I flipped out on DH making him kind of hate me last night, hence my mornign comment. I get so frustrated that I coem home from a three hour run and the house always looks like a tornado came through it and the kids are not fed, etc. So it was nice to come home and the house was perfect adn teh kids were fed and john was even napping in a diaper that was clean!
So Lisa, we might be married to the same man. DH has gotten me flowers on maybe three occasions, and one of them was the day jimmy had diarrhea in the bathtub and the same day I had to climb into a trash can because there were maggots in tehre and I had to disinfect it. SO I totally get it.
Jen, I will be there at 6!!!!!!!!!!!! Have agreat time with mom tonight. Are you excited about your first mothers day?
Mel, miss you as always. Will get back to you on FB. Glad Ellen is making you laugh. I think you wil LOVE the jimmian micahels. I am having trouble transferring that one, but thiunk I know what to do...
okay, BBL with more personals, john si freaking losing it.