Lurker check-ins anyone?


Any interest for having a Lurker Check-In?

I know there are a lot of check-ins here, but I also know there are a lot of lurkers who might want an opportunity to join a group. It's sometimes hard to start off in a group that has already been established.

Any Lurkers out there that would like this?

Just a thought and an invitation to get you folks involved, because this is all about health and fitness and I don't want to leave anyone out.

Count me in!

Thanks for the idea! I hadn't wanted to insert myself in any of the existing threads - but I'd like to have a place on this forum to check in workouts :)
Any interest for having a Lurker Check-In?

I know there are a lot of check-ins here, but I also know there are a lot of lurkers who might want an opportunity to join a group. It's sometimes hard to start off in a group that has already been established.

Any Lurkers out there that would like this?

Just a thought and an invitation to get you folks involved, because this is all about health and fitness and I don't want to leave anyone out.

Thanks for the invite....I always want to join in but never quite know what to say.
Really? LOL - that seems odd to me since it's an online conversation. You won't get dissed or be given The Hand for interrupting a clique. I disappear and reapper on the forums quite regularly and have never felt the least bit apprehensive about butting in.

Take a'll be surprised how friendly everyone is to you. I think there's only a handful of the ladies I chatted with before still here...maybe even less. Where the H is Shelly the Limecat anyway????!
But.... if you're checking in, then you're not lurking....;)

Lol, I was thinking the same thing! The name would have to be changed after the first day to "The Formerly known as lurkers check-in" ;) . I'll take the opportunity here to put a plug in for the Peep's check-in. I don't participate because I'm absolutely awful at keeping up with check-ins, but they are probably one of the friendliest and least "exclusive" check-ins you can find. There always looking for new Peeps. :) I can't say I've ever seen a group that isn't friendly though, just know that this one is particularly accepting. :) But hey, the FKALC is an awesome idea too!
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But.... if you're checking in, then you're not lurking....;)

LOL! That's what I thought too Shelley.

Janie, are you asking lurkers to stop lurking? LOL!
I'm just kidding. Hey, sometimes you don't know where to begin.
A check-in is a great idea!
Hi All! I'm a lurker most of the time because I'm at work and just peek to see if anything new and exciting is going on.

Honestly another reason I don't post much is because I have seen other people getting jumped on for posting a repeat question. It made me afraid to ask the wrong thing.
Janie- I think this was a great idea! I luv when people think outside the box! Wish I'd thought to suggest it!

Any interest for having a Lurker Check-In?

I know there are a lot of check-ins here, but I also know there are a lot of lurkers who might want an opportunity to join a group. It's sometimes hard to start off in a group that has already been established.

Any Lurkers out there that would like this?

Just a thought and an invitation to get you folks involved, because this is all about health and fitness and I don't want to leave anyone out.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing! The name would have to be changed after the first day to "The Formerly known as lurkers check-in" ;) . I'll take the opportunity here to put a plug in for the Peep's check-in. I don't participate because I'm absolutely awful at keeping up with check-ins, but they are probably one of the friendliest and least "exclusive" check-ins you can find. There always looking for new Peeps. :) I can't say I've ever seen a group that isn't friendly though, just know that this one is particularly accepting. :) But hey, the FKALC is an awesome idea too!

Quite frankly, I would like to see a check in for "Fans Formerly Known as Fans of Formerly Known as Prince" Anyone would be welcome as long as they wore purple....and a$$lesspants....and could party like its still 1999.
Honestly another reason I don't post much is because I have seen other people getting jumped on for posting a repeat question. It made me afraid to ask the wrong thing.[/QUOTE]

Me too--that's why I usually keep to myself. I just read what interests me.

Quite frankly, I would like to see a check in for "Fans Formerly Known as Fans of Formerly Known as Prince" Anyone would be welcome as long as they wore purple....and a$$lesspants....and could party like its still 1999.

OK Beavs. I'll wear purple, but I'm not showing my butt.
I can party like it's 1999. I may need an extra day or two to recover:p

I just got home from an appt. and I see this! You guys are hilarious! Also made my day. Too Funny.

OK, how about this: Lurker Invitation Check In. That sounds better doesn't it?

Shelly, I told my Joey how witty you are. You and my hubby (Joey) can take a sentence and make it sound so funny. I even told him your name use to be Limecat, and then told him why. He's wondering if you like tomcats. LOL:eek: He is only kidding with me, but I wanted to share that with you.

Beaves, and everyone else, you too are all so funny! (giggle, giggle)

Teddy16410, Thank you, that was such a nice compliment. Would love to see you pop in. OK?

I think it's so cool that you have invited the lurkers to your groups.

Shadowpup, what do you think of the new title? I know you will feel very welcome with any of the groups, they are all great, just wanted to invite the lurkers is all, and to have the name lurker in the thread.

Tomorrow I'll post another thread stated as above. If you see anything funny about it, please let me know. LOL

Too Funny! These are called Janieisims, and I have plenty more where that came from.

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Quite frankly, I would like to see a check in for "Fans Formerly Known as Fans of Formerly Known as Prince" Anyone would be welcome as long as they wore purple....and a$$lesspants....and could party like its still 1999.

OMG! This was too funny!

With regards to the rest of the thread, i never post on the check-in forum threads because i wasn't sure how they worked. What i mean is i didn't know if you had to be asked to join a check-in or if you just choose one and start posting. I was worried if i posted there I would be committing a faux pas or something since everyone seems like such good friends which is a little intimidating to just jump into. I guess that seems silly since i haven't really seen anything hostile in those threads.
Well, Janie, it seems both odd and strangely fun to be asked to be part of an openly lurking group ! But I like it.

Really, I'd guess that there are many of us who are toe-in-the-water with posts. This is a friendly forum or I suspect none of us would stick around - it just seems polite to wait until invited. But, who can invite the invisible lurker? :rolleyes: So, an open lurker invitational thread makes some sense after all :D

I'm on travel next week, but will check in before and after. Please don't kick me out after the first post! :D
Shadowpup, Ellie p, Sunshinegirl, Laceyjane26, I'm so excited that you may come to this openly lurking group.LOL:eek: Even if it is Saturday (a lot of people don't post during the weekends) I will post "Lurker Invitations Check-In January". Then when it comes to Feb. I'll add that month at the end instead, and so on.

Oh, by the way,(Shadowpup) no one is allowed to kick anyone off the forum. You are safe. What takes you away from home? The Check In will be here when you are ready. You are right about these forums, the people here are very friendly. Since you have been a lurker, you must know there are all kinds of fantastic personalities here, all are needed.

Elle p, I'm sure anyone would love to have a new guest as yourself, but you are also welcome to the one I'll be creating before bed tonight. Chose any thread, all you have to do is introduce yourself, and you've already got the ball rolling. Enjoy, because this is a wonderful place to be involved in.

Sunshinegirl and Fitlulu, Ask any question you like. Some people can be absent minded and don't realize they may be scaring off people, but most are used to the same questions and are still glad to help in anyway they can. You can get started here and then tackle the rest later. It will be fun. Ask away!

Hope to see you soon. I'm off to start the thread.

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Lurker check in

Yes, please a lurker check in would be awesome - I don't really have time to check forums and honestly, by the time I do, someone has already said what I was thinking so why duplicate it :). And I really don't like it when people start jumping on others in some threads so I don't post that much (pls don't jump on me when I say that).

Most people around here won't jump on you and will help no matter if the questions been asked a lot.

It sounds like you are a little gun shy, so I suggest to go to the forum when you can. It's up now, and called "Lurker Invitations, January". Feel free to go there and talk about your workouts, DVD's, anything you want. If you have questions that I don't know, I will be sure to send you to someone who can answer them.

Looking forward to meeting you,

I'd say jump into a check in and don't be shy. I've made quite a few friends that way. You can search the forums and ask questions and learn quite a bit. Since being on the forums I have experienced too many TMI moments regarding posters sordid love affairs, their acquaintances toilet habits, their criminal records, and I have regrettably clicked on myspace links to see pictures of posters my eyes were better off not seeing, to name a few. So, asking yet another P90X question by comparison is quite benign and no will laugh at you. ;)

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