Low Carbers and Friends - November


Well, pootootie....my workout week has gone by the wayside at the moment. DH wasn't feeling well Sat, so no Reno, no workout (I was tired from the day before) Sunday was Reno, so no workout. Had grand plans for today, but I got home and wham, I got a bit of what DH had on Sat. At least it lasts only one day. Not too bad, but definitely can't work out. So, I guess I'm going to be doing double duty tomorrow, Weds and Thurs? Hmm, I guess I could do all three in a row? Or I might have to wait and do Legs Sat. Might be tough to do a workout on Christmas.

Hey, my STS cardios are coming on the 29th. Whoopee.

Talk to you later.
Rhea - I think doubling up is a bad idea.... You don't want whatever it is coming back to bite ya over Christmas (or New Years, for that matter). I think you should just do what you can and pick up and go on from there :cool:.
BTW - since we're all scattered and not here much this week, I want to take a second and wish you all a Merry Christmas :). And if any of you are going to be MIA for a while, then I'll throw in a Happy New Year too ;).
Hi babes! I would have been here earlier tonight but I was freaking out on a package UPS was supposed to deliver today and didn't (a Christmas gift for DH). For some reason, they tried to deliver it to a business 3 hours north of here instead of my house. Online help was no help so I finally called them and told the robot lady I needed customer service. If you ever need to get a hold of UPS, that's the way to do it. I had a very nice lady help me and she stayed past her time she was supposed to go home (midnight her time)!

I think we all deserve a pat on the back for sticking to our workouts during this season!! :D I will admit though that I have sacrificed cardio when I'm short on time so I don't miss out on STS. I still walk at lunch but that isn't the same as a good kicking-butt cardio! Which BTW, I got STS Cardio already! I can't believe how fast it got here! Now to find time to do some previewing!

Melinda, I am VERY thankful that you are flying closer to your destination for your safety! And I'm very thankful to Lita for imparting her wisdom regarding the winter weather! DH waited until a week ago to give me a wish list. I never gave him one (and he refuses to gimme gift cards which I would love!) but he's found some stuff for me. But I'm like you too Melinda, if I want it, I get it. It's the neices right now that want the expensive stuff!

Lita, back at you on the holiday wishes sweetie! I hope to not be too MIA this week and next. Things are going to be somewhat quiet, I think! I modified for my shoulder today and even changed some of the weight amounts in my notes so they won't put so much strain on the joints. And I also think I wasn't entirely honest about how well I did last time on some things because I struggled pretty bad with the shoulder presses today! Can't imagine they were a breeze the first time around!

Rhea, that's awesome that Chalene got you stronger for STS, you rock! I'm glad no one sees how I look doing pushups in an exhaustive state! The swearing alone isn't pretty! :D I think Cathe leaves us alone with those blasted things after meso 1 doesn't she? How long is your pop going to be visiting?

Hope your week is relaxing and not stressful babes!

Lita, Rhea is right, you are quite the party girl! I on the other hand have probably indulged enough for all of us this past weekend! :rolleyes: For drinks, I had everything from wine to shooters to mixed drinks and went to a brunch yesterday. However, I didn't take any of the dessets. I stuck with protein and fruit and veggies but did indulge in the scalloped potatoes because, well, they were to die for. :p But we went for a walk afterwards and I was thrilled I didn't stuff myself to uncomfortableness. Yippee!
Rhea - I would still consider that as double duty ;). Unless my cardio is a walk, I just don't have the drive or desire to do 2 a day, regardless :eek: :rolleyes:.

Tracy - Boy am I with you :eek:! It's no wonder I had so many aches & pains (not the good kind, either) the last time through considering what I was trying to do :confused:. The weights are a lot different this time. As for modifying - I am the queen, believe me :rolleyes:.

Sunday I did Meso 2 Disc 13 (chest, shoulders, tris) and I gotta tell ya - I have the worst case of DOMS I've had in forever :eek:! I was sore Monday but I'm even more sore today! I can't even bend my arms enough to do a tricep stretch they're so sore :eek:. And the range of motion is definitely missing during my warmups for the upper body - this chest is tight! Obviously, not only did I not feel the pushups doing anything for me in Meso 1, but neither did my chest :rolleyes:...
Good afternoon!!

Tracy - my pop will be here until Sat, I think. I still haven't decided if I'll end up just making next week, week #4 or not. No doubles though. I'm tired again today and not really motivated to workout, which usually means that I'm not quite there yet. I just hate getting off track.

Today is getting messed up since they decided to have some juvenile in-custody arraignments at 3 p.m. Then I've got to help DH clean out his pop's fridge. (his pop is 80 and step-mom is 83? and they do not do things well at all any more. The fridge is disgusting. She has dementia, doesn't cook; he is just plain lazy really. I think he doesn't always feed her lunch during the weekends.) Oh, and I'll probably cook them something nutricious for dinner.

BTW, last night I previewed a lot of the STS cardio clips. Oh my. I think they are going to kick my booty. Mine is not supposed to be here until next week. Tracy - you must have asked for priority type service...you got them really fast.

Well, I'll try not to be too MIA, but I may be busy cooking. Hmm.

HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!!!!! OH AND HAPPY SOLSTICE (yesterday was Winter Solstice...we are on the way to longer days again)
How sweet of you to do that for them, Rhea! I hate to think he is negligent in tending to her, though :(. Especially if it's just laziness and not because he honestly can't help it... Anyway - I think not pushing the workouts is the best thing. Obviously your body does not want the aggravation just yet ;).
Hi Everyone,

I got STS cardio on Tuesday, but just wrapped it for Christmas. I will do them soon. 2 workouts left and I will have finished STS for the 3rd time! I have to say the first time I did it I really didn't like it. I am starting to get sick of the music a bit.

I workout in my basement and during the down times with the STS I usualy work on folding laundry or working on something. Good idea about the ab work stuff.

Thanks Lita about the info for NE. I fully respect winter weather and do not want to jeopardize my safety. There is a young guy from Dallas flying into SD for an event and said to me "it can't be that bad" and I told him he better hadn't fly in there with a leather coat! You know how young people are, throwing caution out the window!

I am all ready for Christmas. This is surprising, since I didn't put as much thought into it this year. But I am happy with what I got for the kids and everything is wrapped and ready to go.

Now off to my mammogram. Physical next week at the dr.
Boy, Melinda, you sure know how to celebrate the holidays :rolleyes:! Sounds like you're all lined up for a stress-free holiday - that's awesome :D!
Lita - I'm not sure how much is laziness or how much is he just does not remember what we tell him or that he can't see to read the instructions. He has macular degeneration, and we found out from the doc, it is more severe than the father-in-law will let on (he can't even read a newspaper anymore) He is probably a bit embarassed to let us know how much help he really needs. At least they ate vegetables last night. (I cooked) I might just have to suck it up and fix them dinner more often. I usually have dinner with them every Friday night, but when I see them gobble up what is put before them, I start thinking about it. I just don't know if I have the extra time, but I might have to just do it.

BTW, it took us two hours to clean out that fridge! eek, was yucky.
Oh, that is so sad, Rhea :(! It may sound strange but I'm glad it's NOT laziness or lack of caring... Not that I want the poor man to suffer the ill effects of age, either. Hope you know what I mean! Could you maybe make something like a stew or soup or such that they could portion out & reheat as the week goes by? At least that would just be one thing rather than trying to come up with dinner a couple of times a week...

Hey, I remember reading in a Family Circle a tip about making sure you have a scraper to do a "quick clean" on your refrigerator :rolleyes:. I remember being horrified at the thought that I'd ever have enough crud in my fridge that I'd literally need to pry it off. But it obviously happens - and not just with the elderly!
Hi babes! I'm sorry you got so sore Lita! I'm a hurtin' woman today from disc 11, for sure! The lats are mad at me big time! Hope you are feeling better now!

Rhea, that is very sweet of you to help your in-laws. I worry about my parents getting older (they are in their later 70s now) because I live so far away from them. I'm sorry the fridge was so yucky! :( I'm thinking along Lita's lines too--preparing something that doesn't take alot of your time that can last awhile for them.

With STS Cardio, I had it sent to my PO box (I'm never home when UPS comes by) and Cathe's never offerred shipping to PO boxes before so I was really surprised it got to me so fast!

Melinda, I agree with Lita, you know how to party it up for the holidays! :D Glad you got STS cardio before Christmas. I am finally finished with everything too. Stalking UPS, er, I mean waiting 45 minutes for the UPS driver to return to the warehouse last night so I could pick up DH's gift was my last adventure. :p

I finished up meso 1 today and it was all I could do to motivate myself to do it! So I'm with you Rhea! My motivation went out the door like this last year too. Really looking forward to the rest week but I'll likely get my butt kicked with Cathe's STS cardio. If I'm motivated to do it at all. I may ignore it and do easier stuff!

Have an awesome Christmas ladies and I will talk to you soon!
Tracy, I live just a few blocks from my parents and at this point will not move until they are gone. They are also in their late 70s. My boys mow their grass and my oldest DS helped his grandpa fix some leaking pipe the other day. My dad also has the macular degeneration, I didn't realize how bad it was until he was complaining he couldn't read the menu at a restaurant.

Rhea, can you get your in-laws to sign up for meals on wheels? I don't know if that's a national thing or not. Here it is a program that seniors can sign up to have a hot meal delivered for lunch every day. At least it's one good meal a day, and it's also good because someone is stopping by the house every day and if something is not right, they can call it in.

Lita, did you get the STS cardio? Sorry if you said so earlier, didn't have the motivation to look at older posts? I think I will give one a try on Christmas.

Getting my hair colored today. Church, then getting together with friends after.

Merry Christmas everyone. Can't wait to hear all your experiences with the new STS.
Tracy - My triceps are still screaming :eek:!

Melinda - Yes, I got them but I'm pretty dubious since they're all rated as high impact ;).

Did MMA: Fusion today. Liked the ab work - it was kind to my hernia :). Really could've used a driving beat song like I Wanna Rock for the cardio, though :rolleyes:. Hopefully it will grow on me.
Edit - I repeated it today (Merry Christmas to me ;) ) and liked it better after practicing some of the moves. I still find combo 3 to be awkward but I'm liking it a lot more than I did yesterday :p.

Merry Christmas Eve, my friends :)!
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OK, I did the first Cardio STS workout. Here's my review of Cardio Core Circuit

Well, first off, let me say I underestimated this workout. I thought it would be easy, but it's not. I did make it through, but with modifications. I probably modified about 20% of it. It is a series of 5 cycles, each with 3-30 sec cardio skills, then repeat those 3, then do core. The workout goes by quickly. It was high intensity, but I didn't feel like I was going to pass out, which is a good thing.

What I didn't like was it was ALL high intensity. I also didn't like most of the core work and had to skip the last one. She did those moves where you are in a squat position, roll back on your back, then roll up quickly go onto your feet. This was 3 of the 5 core skills and I can't do it. I had to modify. I don't think I will ever be able to do this, which stinks. I attribute it to my legs being so long, but I don't know. I don't have a lot of flexiblity in my hips either, so that's probably part of it.

I can see myself doing the 32 min premix or just doing the premix of the cardio stuff and leaving out the core. There is a core premix, but I feel for me it would be useless. I may try practicing those rolls.

I'm anxious to hear what you all think.
Melinda - Believe me, I share your frustration :rolleyes: and I appreciate the honest review! I plan on trying this one soon and am glad I have a head's up. Those rolls were a bite in MMA: Fusion.

I noticed on the Cathe TV previews that a lot of the moves are repeated throughout all these tapes so I guess if there's a move I don't like or can't do, I'd better plan on having something else in mind to do every time it appears ;) :p.

I did Hiit 30/30 yesterday and I'm sure if you can do the impact, it's killer. For someone with bad hips having to modify the whole thing, though, it's a mild cardio workout at best :eek:. But then I knew from the git-go that Hiit is a thing of the past for me. I'm not sure even w/ modifications they'll work unless I double the workout or something....
Lita, were you able to do the rolls on MMA Fusion? Can you give a review of it? Also,what does MMA stand for? I was going to do that one first, then changed at the end. I don't think I can do one of these cardios every day, too much impact. I seriously see myself moving into walking more and wts for strength as I get older. Possibly getting a bike as well, now that we are getting more bike trails in the area.

For core, I find myself going back to the core work from the series that had B&G. I like all those ab workouts, there are 4 different ones, 2 on B& G, 1 on BM2 and 1 on LIC

After CCC workout from yesterday, I was very still in my hip. Haven't had this in a long while, I know it's for the intensity. Had at least 45 min to get it worked out. I can still slightly feel it. I will take today off from exercise.

Don't know which one I will choose next.
Melinda - The rolls in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): Fusion took me twice through the workout with extra practice to be able to somewhat achieve them - and then I still pulled a muscle in my forearm at some point learning them :rolleyes:. I'm still not good at them but at least I'm not lying on the floor like a turtle on my back and feet flailing helplessly in the air like I was at first :p.

Okay - MMA: Fusion... To me, it doesn't flow nearly as well as KPC or CK. Not just because this uses techno music but there just seems to be (IMHO) an awkwardness to the timing of some of it. I know it's to be a cardio workout but it just didn't seem to feel like one. Unlike Hiit 30/30, I didn't have to do a lot of modifying so I can't blame that for the low intensity. Maybe with practice I'll get it to be more cardio based :confused:?

Combo 1 is really low key but I believe Cathe says that's because it's an extension of the warm up. Three very basic arm moves followed by lifted knees & a few lunges is the lump sum of the combo. The "drill" following it is a version of mountain climbers. Balance is really hard on it (for me) so I'm glad it's really short.

Combo 2 is the one where you have to do the roll into a kick followed by a sumo squat. By the end of this one, the legs are getting pretty tired so it's a good thing it doesn't last very long! The "drill" is a roll coming up with crossed ankles into a push up. I just have to do my own thing here because I twisted my ankle several times trying to do it the way Cathe does.

Combo 3 is ... oh for Pete's sake, my mind just went blank :eek:... okay, I just watched the clip on Collage so I think I'm back in the groove.... To me, Combo 3 is the most awkwardly timed one with what seem to be strange pauses where I keep on moving without them :rolleyes:. The "drill" is a version of explosive lunges - I find scissors to work just fine there, lol!

The ab work is really different and doesn't even feel like ab work. Did you notice how some of the STS ab work seemed really benign? Well, the ab work on this is even more simple. So either I did something wrong or missed the focus of it or something.... PS - Mind you, only SOME of the ab work on STS abs is benign. The rest is just downright impossible, IMHO :eek:....

Anyway - hope that helps! The Collage page with the clip link is herehttp://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/cathe-friedrichs-mma-fusion-5876 if you want to see it.
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Hey, guys, I was typing up the drills for HIIT and thought maybe they would come in handy for you guys, too :).

Hiit 30/30
ice breakers
power turn, squat lunge
power turn, squat lunge, other lead
lateral jumps on step
high wide run
fast feet shuffle
plyo jacks
sequential power kicks
sequential power kicks, other lead
air jacks
tuck jumps
side kick, hammer punch
side kick, hammer punch, other lead
squat, thrust, jump
line taps

Hiit 40/20
plunge lunges on step
jump forward, side, turn, tuck
jump forward, side, turn, tuck, other lead
split jumps
one minute rest
split jumps, other lead
squat thrust with push up on step
fast feet shuffle
wide lateral tap down with step
one minute rest

Hiit Pyramid
plie jacks
tuck jumps
power scissors
¼ jumps
3 jumps forward & jump turn
squat jumps
mountain climbers
air jacks

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