Low Carbers and Friends - November

Lita, I think I may even add biking to the cardio. There's a new bike trail fairly close to us, now I just need a bike. I didn't want to ride much because it's just not safe to go too far because of traffic.

Fri: GS timesaver legs
Sat: walk at park approx 3.5 miles

So thankful to be able to still get outside this time of year!

Glad to see you here Linda! I hear you about limited time on the computer. I just am not here like i used to be.
Melinda - There's too much of a nip in the air for me to ride :eek:! We're not really cold, but I'm not into wind chill ;). Riding here in the early hours of the morning in the summer is good but the rest of the year it's too hazardous. We don't have bike paths and unless you're into really steep hills, variety is limited. But that's okay - it's still a nice change from indoor cardio & walking!
Oh my, so much happens when I'm gone!

Mexico was awesome, did not do much but laze by the pool, drink and eat. Well, I did manage to workout twice, took a spinning class and then one day just did some cardio on a bike and some weights. (Also did a water aerobics session, but that didn't really count as exercise for me!)

I'm starting up STS today! I'll probably be screeching along with you Lita.

Well, I had better get back to work. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
Welcome back, Rhea :D - your trip sounds divine :cool:!!! Gotta forewarn you - I may have screeched at Cathe over the constant counting on the first two discs, but it was the 3rd one (legs) that actually had me cussing for several days after doing it :p! I don't remember the last time I had DOMS that bad :eek:! Well, it was probably the last time I did that disc ;)...
Hi babes! Good to see you Linda, I'm glad you stopped by! I understand about having limited pooter time. We'll be happy to see you whenever you can get here! I am still thinking of Anna everyday.

Lita, I didn't realize it was the counting that was irking you, sorry! I started STS today and thought of you during the neverending $#@&*! push ups--ouch baby! I realized that I am no muscle endurance girl so the next 4 weeks will be a load of suffering, ack! :eek:

Melinda, that's great you got to meet Anna! I would have loved to. I'll just have to be content with her legacy of her great workouts instead. :) I used to be very rigid with my exercising also and doing what I feel like doing works so much better for me now. And good job not working out on T-Day!

Rhea, I am so happy you had such a relaxing vacation! Yippee! I'm feeling the effects of STS now so I am hoping it doesn't kill me dead. I don't remember it doing that to me before but I have a great way of forgetting previous pain! :p

I would love to take advantage of walking weather in the fall or winter here. Unfortunately, the rain is here almost daily in some form and I am not near any trails within walking distance. My bike is in storage too which requires the car and a bike rack to get. Excuses, excuses, huh? I go through a bad time every year here in October when I mentally fight the weather change. I eventually stop fighting it and accept it. We got lucky over the long weekend and had decent weather for long distance driving and urban hiking (when shopping of course), yippee!

Have a great week babes!
Tracy - No worries! Actually the counting might not have irked me so much if it weren't for all those blasted pushups ;). I just don't get anything out of them - or at least nothing apparent like muscle tone or doms or any of the usual signs :rolleyes:. Other than the pushups, I think the first Meso cycle rocks and I love what it does for my back & legs (& a bit of the triceps, too)! But it was soooo kind of you to think of me through your misery :eek:!
Started Meso 3 week 1 today - chest/back

Tracy, I feel the same way in the fall when it gets cold here. We don't have the daily rain, but often had cloudy/dark days that can last quite awhile. Today it was sunny, though, but cold.

Pretty soon I'll avoid going out, I just don't like being cold at all! This is why I don't like to see winter coming, I feel trapped in the house.
Good evening!

I ended up not starting STS until today. Yesterday my tummy attacked, so no workout.

Ouch. My arms will be sore tomorrow. I was surprised on the weight I used. But darn all those pushups, I'm not into that many. Yuck.

I'll talk at ya later!
Hi babes! It was only after getting some DOMS with disc one that I remembered getting DOMS in unusual places last time! On the sides of my ribcage and into the back a little. Lita, I dunno how that is supposed to help me either! Rhea, I'll be interested to know if you got DOMS where I did.

Today on disc 2 I made it through an exercise that I noted my muscles failed with last time. So I either had a good day or I'm a bit stronger this time around. I'll take whatever it is!

Why this slipped my mind I haven't a clue Melinda, but I walk at lunch during work, year round. I have walking buddies too so it's enjoyable and we go at a decent clip. And fortunately we have an underground parking garage for when the weather is too awful to walk outside. I just avoid walking outside at any other time once the weather gets colder. I know, I'm weird! :eek:

Off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
Tracy - Now that you mention it, I remember being sore in bizarre spots, too :eek:! Way to go on those weights :D!!!!

Rhea - I am so with you on the pushups :rolleyes:! A few are okay but there is such a thing as overkill ;). Hope your tummy is feeling better!

Melinda - I think I jinxed my walking :(. We had a cold front swoop over us yesterday and now we're in the single digits with snow. I still am walking to work/home 4 times a day (not that far) but am giving up my "real" walk for now.... sigh.... Guess that means indoor cardio tomorrow....
Good afternoon!

I think it will be a while before I get this darn tummy under control. I need to do a bunch of little things to get it back more normal (beside lose the weight that I put on in the past six months, darn hormones, okay, darn food)

DOMS...my lats are actually a bit sore; triceps definately. No funny places yet. I don't do as much of the push-ups because of my shoulder. I really want to be able to do more, so I'm going to work on it.

Today is a rest day for me since I have a massage, so I guess it was good that I started Tues instead of Mon.

Talk at 'cha later!
SO I'm so happy! I got cleared today to do moderate workouts. He said to do less reps.
So tonight I did S&H triceps/biceps and just used lighter wts. Felt great! I'm glad I went with a series I'm more familiar with. I built so much when I did S&H regularly a few years ago.

A massage sounds great! My bf went to massage school but never seems to find the time to rub me down. I'll have to bug him about that tonight. Ha ha.

Looking forward to STS but I'm going to hold off and see how I feel getting back to the workouts. what cardio should I do tomorrow?

Yeah Reese! Go slow, I know how it is when you finally get back to it.

I did STS #2 today. I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Today is our anniversary and DH is in the kitchen :eek:! I'd better go check on him.
Yesterday I did the first day of the December rotation. I think I will use that as my cardio for a while, especially after being so out of breath with the Drill Max cardio! Wow. I forgot how tough that workout is.

So today is Disc 3. I might add a tiny cardio if I feel like it after. Probably not because it is legs today.

Have a great rest of the weekend.
Hi All,

SO Thursday I did Kickbox Surge and Stretch Max #2. It was the 2nd time I did KBS and I still can't get into it. I really don't like the music. Is it just me?
Friday I rested and hung out with my man.
Saturday- S&H Legs/Shoulders. 35 bb seemed to be ok on my shoulders without feeling strained. I stuck with 3 and 5 lb db for the shoulders and only used 8 lb for overhead press which was plenty! Man this is going to be a long road getting back up to strength without putting strain on my shoulder.
I'm trying to decide on which cardio I want to do today.
Yep, don't know what got into me on Saturday, but I totally added cardio and it was not a little one! I did the BM2 premix that was called for on the second day of the december rotation, plus STS Disc #3. I slept well.

Yesterday I ended up doing the Cardio Fusion premix instead of the next upper body premix that was on the rotation. I'm doing Disc #4 today which is upper body, so I skipped that one.

Today is Disc #4 and I probably will add some cardio since I can (timewise) Tomorrow is a complete rest day.

Have a great rest of the day.

(BTW, my buns are fried from all that work!)
Rhea - Happy belated anniversary!!!! How many years of wedded bliss was it? Did the kitchen survive DH? Did you have a great celebration? Hope your tummy settled down for you for the special occasion! Good heavens, you were being quite the glutton for punishment with Saturday's workout :eek:!

Reese - Glad you're able to get back into your workouts :)!
Thanks Lita! 21 years. Kitchen survived. It was a nice quiet evening. Both of us have abstained from the alcohol since vacation, so it was a hot cup of tea evening.

Okay, did it again today. At least I looked at the Leg blast premix from Buts and Guts and decided not to do that one. So I did the LIC premix.....yeah, like that was easier on me. Also did Disc #4.
Hi babes! Congratulations on 21 years of wedded bliss Rhea! :D:D:D How did disc 4 go for you today? Those #@^%*! pushups fried me bad! And disc 3 gave me some pretty sore glutes, yikes! :eek: You sure are rocking the cardio too, I'm not pushing myself that much right now!

Lita, how are the leg workouts from STS going for you? I'm sorry your walks have been disrupted by the stupid weather! :mad: We're dry here but will be getting down to about 9 degrees tonight. Brrrr! I know you babes don't think it's any big deal, but that is VERY cold for us!

Hi Reece! Glad you got the OK to go back to workouts--yippee!! I love KBS, the music is pretty much top 10 hits and I don't listen to that kind of music but I like it in the workout. I hope you can enjoy that workout, I really like the moves in it. I think of it as creative kick boxing and it doesn't bore me. :)

Melinda, what have you been up to? Hope you're not working too hard!

So, has everyone here ordered STS cardio?

Have a great week babes! And stay warm!
Rhea - Wow, 21 years?!?!?!?! Rock on :D!!!! I'm with Tracy - you are really going to town on that cardio! Rather you than me :p!

Tracy - As the weights start going up in STS, I'm having more pain/discomfort. So... I'm just gonna have to keep it all more of an endurance style rather than going heavier as the weeks progress. And I'm already having to really scale back the impact on the cardio. The old hip joints just can't take it :( :rolleyes:.

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