Low Carbers and Friends - November

Only did 1/2 a workout today. I was in the middle of the workout and my mood just got spoiled with DH talking to me while I was at it, him not waiting until I was done to go watch the game at the Casino (he left me at home, but I guess I was feeling left out darn hormones.:p) and the darn dogs wanting out every 30 seconds. So I gave up and went to the Casino and drank wine. (only one glass) I did a pretty decent cardio, so it was not all lost.
I think that was pretty rude of DH, Rhea! You handled it far better than I would've, for sure ;)!

I'll make up for it tomorrow.
Hopefully it at least won't be as frustrating!

Have a great day everyone! TGIF!!!!!
You, too, Rhea :D!
I hope we all experience the big M the way Lita did!!! I bet you anything that exercising eases the symptoms.
Exercise helps but I gotta tell you ladies, the biggest thing is what we eat. I won't preach :p but even eating well I had some problems (but not near like others do!). Once I tightened down on my eating, even those symptoms abated - so there is hope ;). The Big M Bulge will take longer :rolleyes: but at least it's now headed the right direction since I really buckled under on the eating :cool:.

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone!
You too, Tracy :D!
Lita - I know, I know, I know. Now if I could only get my hand and mouth to cooperate with me.......LOL Food is fuel, not just for pleasure! (okay, I know that PNB is just for pleasure, right????)

When I get back from Mexico and start up on STS, I will be also getting back on the better eating bandwagon (not that I'm totally off right now, but I'm only hanging on with one leg right now!:eek:...just haven't been able to control myself lately)

Friday I did the workout I started on Thursday....Still Jumpin. Yesterday I plugged in Cardio and Weights. Today, I'm not sure. I'll have to see what type of time I have, etc. But there will be a workout.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Oh, Tracy - we brought property at Lake Almanor in February of this year. It will be our project for the next year...oh boy....:rolleyes:
Lita - I know, I know, I know. Now if I could only get my hand and mouth to cooperate with me.......LOL
That's always the hard part, Rhea ;)!
Food is fuel, not just for pleasure!
Well, pleasure ranks at # 1 for me! I'm just lucky my "pleasure" meter is right up there with my "food as fuel" meter :p!
(okay, I know that PNB is just for pleasure, right????)
Well, you gotta have SOME fun in life :cool:! (As long as you don't get one with sugar, it's not too bad, any way. Or you can go without the sugar AND mix it with an no-sugar almond butter to feel even better about it, lol!)

When I get back from Mexico and start up on STS, I will be also getting back on the better eating bandwagon (not that I'm totally off right now, but I'm only hanging on with one leg right now!:eek:...just haven't been able to control myself lately)
Better by a leg than by a toe nail :D!
Hi everyone,

I began week 4 of meso 2. This is a good week because the workouts are about 45 min. I forgot about that! The weather has been a little warmer, so DH and I got some good walks in as well.

as for the food thing, I think overall I do ok, but there are days where I just want to eat more sweets, then the next day I won't be as hungry. I have a couple rules, don't eat to be stuffed and try not to eat more than 400 cal/day of junk. That may sound like a lot, but I seem to eat around 2200 - 2300 cal/day. If I eat less than that, I am hungry. I think that is a lot of calories when I have read that a woman needs around 1600 - 1800 cal/day. Do any of you know how much you eat? I have always wondered about that.
Hi babes! I don't know how many calories I consume a day Melinda, I've counted carbs more in the last few years. If I get the guts up, I'll take a gander at it though. :) I think I'm between 1800 and 2000 but I could be way off! :p (And I'm 4'11" so I have always had to keep my eating lower than taller people!)

Rhea, congratulations on your property purchase!!! What is your project going to consist of?

Well, poop! Looks like I'm going to have to knuckle down on my eating AGAIN! But in the future, hee hee! I do OK now, but could always do better. So I'll procrastinate because being lazy pays off now. :D

I did Weights First for the first time in forever yesterday, and (please excuse my language) I broke my ass! I overdid it on that one and boy, my booty is sore! Today was Super Chizel-It (remember that one Lita?) and it was a bit painful in the booty. :p

Here's to a pain-free week babes!
Melinda, IMHO, it's what works for you that counts, not what a statistic says :). Very few of us ever have 2.5 cars or kids, ya know :p?

Tracy - Actually, I did that one not long ago. For some reason it doesn't have the appeal it used to, though :(. And I never did care for WF :eek:.... But I think it's great you're branching out for some variety :cool:!

Rhea - Hey, girl, whatcha up to?
Well, I'm getting ready to go to Mexico tomorrow!!!!!! Busy packing and fitting in workouts between things.

Today I did Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. I'm bringing that one with me along with some Yoga Booty Ballet. I've actually toyed with the idea of entering the BFFM Holiday challenge contest to kick my booty in gear. However, I may run out of time since I have to register by tomorrow. I can start the latest on Thanksgiving, but we won't be back by then, so I have to read the rules and see if I can post my "beginning" picture at a later time. If not, oh well. I may just tag along to challenge myself anyway.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! I'll be thinking of you while I laze around in the sun by the pool. If you are interested, you can check out where I'm going to be.... Pueblo Bonito at Emerald Bay. They have great pictures!
Bon Voyage and Happy Thanksgiving, Rhea!!!!

I hope you have a fantastic trip! We'll miss ya so hurry back, okay :p?
Well, I don't know if I'm stressed or what ;) but I will confess I screeched at Cathe this morning :eek:. I started STS this week and today it felt like I had fallen into a Billy Blanks h*ll with her constant counting. For some reason, it really irked me, even worse than it did in the first two workouts. Sure hope next week is better :confused:!

Okay, end of whine - for now, anyway :p.
On my last week of Meso 2.

Lita, I am enjoying STS on my 3rd time around. I really didn't care for it the first time, second time I didn't do meso 1, just did Meso 2 & 3. They grew on me. The 3rd time doing this is ok. Hope that gives you hope!

Rhea, hope you enjoy your trip.

Tracy, I would think you would have to really watch what you ate being shorter and all. I did notice when I had the Curves that people would exercise and feel they weren't getting anywhere, maybe just maintaining, but then they'd quit for awhile and if they came back after 6 months they would gain a lot of weight. So I do think the exercise does rev up the metabolism and even if we don't lose weight, it keeps us from gaining so much wt.
Thanks, Melinda :)! I'll take any ray of hope I can get ;). I can't stand not liking a Cathe workout, especially not one this big! I think part of it is I'm still not into exercise, even after a rest. Just don't know what my problem is but I'm getting pretty tired of myself :rolleyes:!
Hello Workout Buddies,

Tonight I did Kathy Smith's New Yoga. I've been on workout restrictions all month. LAME! I went to Dr. Harris who is a Nature Path and he figured out all the things that are wrong with me. I'm not absorbing my food because I have fungus in my guts. YUCK! and that is why my skin has been haywire since August. He said working would put too much strain on my body while I'm trying to get rid of all the candida stuff and he set my collar bone again for me and told me no wts till he looks at it again first week of December. I haven't done any working out all month. But tonight I really felt stiff so I figured some light yoga wouldn't hurt.

What happened to Ginger and Jenn?
FYI- I preordered Tracie's new series. Then I will really be able to do a functional fitness rotation with more variety.
I can't wait to get back to working out full force.---When I'm healthy enough.
OMG, I just heard about Anna Benson passing away. I did not know she was sick. I guess she died from stomach cancer.
I know, I was totally blown away when I heard about it :(!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! "See" you all next week!
OMG!!! I did not know about Anna at all! Thanks for letting me know babes, where did you find out? I'm in shock, especially after doing Fitprime lately. What a shame! :(

Rhea, I'm sorry I missed your post, so I hope you had an AWESOME time in Mexico!!! Oh, heck, I'm there vicariously anyway! :D

Melinda, I think my appetite shrinks when I stop working out. I consider myself lucky because alot of people gain wt after they stop working out because they don't change their eating habits. My family on my father's side is prettly slim too so I think I'm doubly blessed. I also have a morbidly obese sister and my mom seemed to be on diets all her life so I've always had an awareness to keep things in check. You don't have to worry about your weight from what I can tell. :)

Lita, you can skip meso 1 if it's so unappealing to you. Or skip a week of it. Or give up a day of working out. If anything, do what feels right for you. This week I've had very low motivation, barely any today, and have gone with it and done easier, shorter workouts. STS should work for you in a way that you enjoy it or get something out of it. If you're not getting anything out of it, I don't recommend following the program exactly. There's nothing wrong with changing things up to work for you!

Reece, good to see you girl!! I'm glad you are getting to the bottom of your health issues and building back up! I haven't pre-ordered Tracie's new workouts (I'm broke really!) but will look them up again, thanks for reminding me they are out there! We've told both Jenn and Ginger where we moved but I think Jenn is really busy with 2 little ones and work (I'm guessing on that) and I'm not sure why Ginger hasn't come by. I've got her email address though so I will send her an email.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING BABES!!! I am so thankful for each of you in my life!
Hi All.

Actually, Linda (aka Ginger) is the one that emailed me about Anna. I was just so shocked, that is the only way to describe it. I am so glad that I attended one of the fitprime weekends in 2003. I got to meet her. I also met Jenn there too.

Lita, I really didn't care for STS the first time around, so much that I would only do about 2 weeks, then kind of stretch it out doing other things and fit it in. It would take me 5 -6 weeks to complete each meso cycle. It has grown on me and I don't mind it as much any more. I'm in a period where I don't want to do any cardio except for walking. The only problem is it is getting cold. So I do cardio workouts here when I need to, but only for 30 min.

Funny how as I get older I slowly quit being so absolute in my thinking about exercise. When I was in my early 20s I exercised every day or else I felt huge guilt and it was rediculous. Yesterday I actually didn't exercise on Thanksgiving, that is a shocker for me!

Tracy, I am the only one in my family that is thin. It is totally because I don't eat like the rest of them and I exercise. We all have the same body type, mine is just a much smaller version then the rest of them.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Back to Meso 3 next week, this was my rest week, so just doing cardio and core.
Hi all, I got your e-mails. I am here, but I figured checking on one forum is enough, so I just didn't want another commitment. My time with the computer is really limited these days and it keeps my wrist from hurting.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that you will have a great Christmas season! (We had our first snow of the season today. It seemed like an approdiate day for a first snow.) I'll try to pop in every now and then. Thanks for the link.
Hi, Ginger :)!

Tracy - Didn't mean to imply I wasn't getting anything out of it, because I am :). The constant counting just irks me...

Melinda - I am with you on the walking & attitude change regarding exercise in general! All I did was walk all summer long & it didn't seem to be detrimental, so I figure as long as the weather holds, I'm going for it ;).

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