Low Carbers and Friends - November

Thanks, Lita!

Review of Athletic Step

OK, I liked this one. It went right into the steps, there were a few new ones for me, I could pick up about 75% of it, will take some practice to get the rest. There are 2 step routines, followed by a combo that throws it all together. That last for around 33 min, then I thought ok, there's got to be more, was wondering if there was a long stretch or some core. Cathe tagged on about 3-4 min of more cardio that is simple stuff, I liked it because I didn't want to repeat the whole routine again. Everything finished off at around 37 min and then was about a ten min stretch, which I liked.

I know there is another step routine in this series, but I probably won't touch it until I get this all down.
Thanks, Melinda! I am hesitant to try this one because I'm so choreography-challenged :eek:..... But it sounds like it's the best one so far! I wonder which I should tackle first - Cardio Core Circuit or Athletic Step :confused:. I'm not into frustrating, hard to learn steps but I've already injured myself enough for one week trying all the new rolls :rolleyes:....

BTW, hope you had a good Christmas :)!
Oh boy.... from the Cathe TV preview of Athletic Step, I think I'll give it a miss for now :eek:. I was watching the new clip of MMA: Boxing and I think the punch combos on that are going to be hard to learn too :(. Oh boy... I'm just batting a 1000 with this new series :rolleyes: :p!
Lita, our Christmas was very nice. We got a Magic Bullet and it is great for making healthy stuff fast! I recommend it! Even my boys are using it.

I recommend you doing CCC first, very simple moves, except for lots of jumping, so I don't know.

I used to have a really hard time with the step moves, but I have memorized some so it's easier than when I first did them. They can be fun when you finally get it memorized, but very frustrating before you get to that point!
The Magic Bullet is certainly popular these days! But jeez - from your picture in the avatar, you definitely don't need the fat burning boost they talk about - there'd be nothing left to you :eek:!

Yes, I think I'll stick w/ CCC first. I'll just have to modify the jumping, but what's new :rolleyes:?

Right now my frustration level is pretty high so I don't think I'll exacerbate it with tricky choreography ;). Maybe one day I'll feel bolder, but not right now :p.
Hey everyone!

Looks like Lita and Melinda have been going gangbusters on the STS cardio series!

I just got mine today. (came a day early, whoo hoo) I did not work out at all last week, so.....I have to do Week #4 of the Meso 1, but I might add on a portion of some cardio today just 'cause.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday. Mine was busy and I had to come back to work to rest.
Hi babes! I'm glad everyone survived and/or had a nice a Christmas holiday! Mine was quiet, but it seemed to be busy!

I have previewed all of STS Cardio except for Travel Fit and have done Step Moves only. Lita, DO NOT try this one now! It would frustrate you. It reminded me of a shorter Rhythmic Step and has some choreography that will take awhile for me to get down. The nice thing about it though is that there's no blasts in it! It was pretty easy on the HR compared to some of the other workouts I've previewed! It has a total of 3 combos, then you put them all together at the end.

CCC, HIIT and all of MMA scare me right now. :p Probably left over lack of motivation! I'm thinking of just grabbing one at a time during STS meso 2 rather than trying to cram a bunch of them into my current rest week. MMA Fusion appealed to me more than the other MMAs but thanks for the warning on the core work--ack! :eek: I'm thinking of Athletic Step for tomorrow and maybe an old cardio on Wednesday. I dunno, I'll see how I feel. Circuit Blast and Travel Fit will have to wait until I'm done with STS too.

Thanks for all of the reviews ladies, I appreciate it! :D
Hey Rhea and Tracy - glad to "see" you again :D!

Tracy - Thanks for the head's up on Step Moves!!! I think that's one I might end up either just never using or trying to get rid of :rolleyes:. Athletic Step may go the same route, too.... I hadn't planned on doing so many already either but that's just how things worked out due to Murphy's Law.
Well, today I think I will do the Step Moves along with the Meso STS disc. A little bit longer workout, but not bad. I did not workout yesterday again since it was late, had dinner to make, DH was hoggin the living room....etc....that's my excuse and I'm stickin to it!

Have a great rest of the day everyone!
Well, I was going to start up again today, but my body decided that it did not want to, darn intestinal system. I went home to work out, but couldn't!!! I was trying a new colon detox, but I really don't need it I guess. (system was too sensitive to some of those herbs!) I'll just stick with the fiberous food thank you very much! Sorry if TMI! So tomorrow is a massage, I guess it will be a Thursday start for me.

Have a good one.:eek:
I think Thursday will be a great day to begin, Rhea ;). I think you have enough intestinal challenges without adding insult to injury, huh :p?
Today I did week 1 of meso 2. I know, I didn't rest between meso 3 and 2 (yes, I went backward). I am going out of town for work next week and will try to do yoga during that time, so I thought I'd just add one more week of wt work.

Tracy, glad to hear about Step Moves. I really didn't pay attention to what we were getting when I ordered STS cardio. I'm on auto pilot and just buy, buy, buy when there's a preorder. It's just so much cheaper that way. I am going to just do these cardio workouts as I feel like it, I'm in no hurry to go through them all. I have found that I like using heavier weights more than I ever imagined I would, so cardio has become the extra stuff for me. Before it was more of a 50/50 thing. I do need to focus on stretching more.

Lita, the magic bullet is super!!! We are making all kinds of healthy stuff and it's nice because it's smaller than a regular blender. My son has been making a lot of stuff on his own, he's been blending frozen fruit and o.j. for healthy drinks. I made a bean dip and we blended veggies for soup. You can blend stuff and drink right from the blending cup.

Rhea, ok, here's my TMI. I have to take Konsyl fiber even though I feel like I eat a lot of fiber, it still doesn't always keep things moving. DH and I both take it (not every day or we'd explode) but we have tried several different ways to get that stuff down. If you mix it without enough liquid, it can stick to your teeth. But if you use too much liquid it is torture trying to drink it all. And you have to drink it fast or it turns into a goo in the cup. Final technique, mix a teaspoon with about 1/8 c. crystal light and chug it like you're on Survivor and doing a food challenge. Then make some hot tea and drink that. Next day, relief!

Can't wait to hear more reviews from you all. Anyone going to try boxing?
Hi Ladies!

I was very surprised to get my STS Cardio on X-mas Eve. I was scheduled to get them today with my Tracie Long workouts. I've watched all of the STSC. I can't wait to do them. I'm previewing one of the TL workouts now. I'm so excited to see new Tracie workouts.
I've only been doing Slow and Heavy. Still building up. I feel I am making tremendous progress. I've only been doing 3 workouts a week because of the retail scene this month. It's slowing down which is nice to catch a quick breather.
Gosh with all these new workouts I'm in workout heaven!
I'm doing MMA Boxing tonight. Its been two days since Legs and Shoulders so I think I will be ok.

Rhea- I've had similar issues. No TMI here! I like people who speak their mind.

I've had quite a bit of stress this year. Mostly due to my relationship. I think I'm going to make some changes there and take it day by day. Next year will be better. This year was just so stressful it really impacted my health. I'm going to work on taking better care of myself instead of trying to make other people happy.

Have a great workout ladies!
Hi babes! I neglected to thank you Lita for posting all of HIIT! Wish I got here before I handwrote it all out, my notes sure would have been a lot neater!

No TMI Rhea, we have all experienced intestinal issues here, no fun! :( I hope you are feeling much better! The workouts can always wait.

Melinda, I am a pre-order fool myself! :p From the price I saw on Collage for STS Cardio, we got it for 1/2 price. Awesome! My first love is weights. I'd never do cardio if I didn't have to!

Hi Reece! Good to see you! I am in the same workout heaven you are! Ain't it great? Please give us a review of MMA Boxing! I am glad you are going to pay more attention to yourself too. When we take care of ourselves, it really does benefit those around us too. I learned to stop people pleasing when I realized I was hurting myself in the process. Finding a balance is key 'cause I still want to be a nice person too.

I tackled Athletic Step today. Or I should say, it tackled me! Short but quite intense cardio! Got tomato head and everything. I ddn't expect THAT! Now I'm willing to try CCC tomorrow and then ignore everything till Monday. (Start meso 2 then.)

Happy New Year to you beautiful, healthy babes!
Tracy - You're welcome ;).

Melinda - I've read studies where heavy lifting - with proper breathing - is as good for your cardio function as anything. I used to be skeptical but I've noticed that I haven't lost any ground on cardio with all the setbacks I've had this year, so there must be something to it.

Did MMA: Boxing this morning and gotta say - it is, by far, my favorite :cool:!!!! It's mostly upper body and I wore my rebounding gloves to make it more aerobic. There's only 3 leg drills in it and they're not that long & easy to modify to lower impact. Each round consists of a punching combo followed by an upper body drill followed by a lower body drill. It ends with ab work and stretch. If you're into impact & intensity, you'll be disappointed.... But with the gloves, I felt I got more cardio in this one than I did in the others. That's keeping in mind I had to modify Hiit, though, so I'm sure everyone elses' experience will differ. Anyway, my legs (especially my hip joints) were thrilled to have a low impact day for a change :D. Oh yes, another BIG bonus - NO ROLLS for the cardio OR the ab work :p!!!!
Lita, I have found the same thing with my cardio abilities. I have not been doing nearly as much cardio as I used to, yet when I do pull a workout out, I am able to do it fine. This was a great surprise to me.

I will have to try the Boxing soon.

Today I pulled out the Hiit 30/30. First 2 cardio stuff was no big deal, then things got kicked up a notch, but I did not feel overwhelmed, it was doable. I think at the 22 min mark the cardio was over. This is great for a day where there is not much time for workout. I added BM2 ab work and stretch.

I thought of a modification to the rolls on the floor. My issue is I just can't get the leverage to get up off the floor. I took the step at it's lowest level, put a mat on it for cusion, and then rolled on it. It raised me up enough that I could then stand up. Crossing my legs did not feel good to me. I will do this on the next workout that has the rolls!
Worked on legs today from Meso 2 week 1.

we need to get a new thread started! We're still working on the Nov thread!

Happy New Year everyone!
Melinda - Awesome job figuring out a modification :D!!!! Amazing how inventive we have to be sometimes, huh :rolleyes:? I was very surprised - but only in the very best way, lol - at the cardio factor too. I never did like cardio & I really don't like it now that my joints ache so bad. So it's fantastic everything worked out to the good with the heavier weights/less cardio ;)!

Okay - a new thread for the New Year is herehttp://www.thecathenation.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1968847#post1968847 :).

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