Low Carbers and Friends - November

I ordered STS cardio. Isn't it being released on Dec 18? Anyone know for sure?

I am into week 2 of meso 3. I'm definitely stronger than before, what I notice the most is that I no longer have some cronic muscle pain in my shoulder and upper neck, and I think that is from strengthing the muscles. There use to be sore spots around that area that I had for years. They were tender to the touch, now it is gone! Still can't do a ton of pushups, though.

I think 9 degrees is pretty cold. I would not like it one bit! I'm heading to Sioux City, Iowa for work next month, kind of worried to be traveling in Jan to a small town out in the middle of nowhere. Hope there aren't any big storms.

Anyone have a nettie pot. I just got one and tried it out. My head was not tilted right, the water came out of my mouth!! Yuck. I think it will take some practice, but my sinuses do feel very cleared out and I'm breathing good. I've had a cold the past week and doing that did help.
Just to make you feel warm Tracy - it was -5 here this morning and I traveled to Reno (took me 2.5 hours!!!, usually only 1.25) where a couple of times it was -13. Very brisk. LOL
Well, I have Rhea beat, too :p. It was -16 (yes, that's minus 16) this morning when I walked to work. But hey, I will definitely take this any day over what some of the states are getting!

Melinda - Hopefully Iowa will be more settled next month when you get there! I just happened to see they were having some really raunchy weather today :rolleyes:. Freaky winter, anyway :eek:!
You guys are experiencing the cold too? It warmed up to -17 the other day. I believe it got down to -25? One of my friends went to his gym to workout and they couldn't get the doors open because they had froze shut because someone thought it'd be funny to throw buckets of water on the doors. He was standing outside in his workout clothes for 15 minutes and he said it was -21 when he got back in his truck tired of waiting. Its definitely warmer today. Warmed up to 15 above. Which was real nice my truck stats better above 0! The real cold part of the winter will be in January where it's well below zero for at least 2 weeks.
Hi babes! Thought you'd have me beat in the cold weather department! It's supposed to leave us tomorrow night finally but we'll be getting snow or freezing rain for awhile before it goes to straight rain. I hope we don't send this cold snap to any of you! I dunno how you babes handle it, I'm freezing now and was sitting at my desk today with a blanket! :p

I'm so sorry your pain has been increasing with STS Lita, I had so hoped that wouldn't happen!!! :( My shoulder blade started bothering me the other day and I had an issue with it a few months ago too. I don't think STS has caused it, I just want it to go away!

Melinda, I read that Cathe was hoping to send STS cardio out around Dec. 15th but I haven't seen anything about that since. I don't have a nettie pot but I've heard of them!

Finished the second week of Meso 1 today. Seems to be going quickly. That's probably a good thing. :)

I have a question for you all: How often do you get new workout shoes? I have been getting them once a year but I think I need to get new shoes more often than that. So please let me know what you do!

Have a great weekend!
Reese - Glad you warmed up! It's never fun knowing it's going to happen again, is it :rolleyes:?

Tracy - I will take the cold any day over freezing rain!!! I even prefer it over snow, too :eek:! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with STS legs :(. I may just stick to STS upper body workouts & either forget trying to do STS or just go really light on legs the whole way through and hope I get some benefit :rolleyes:. Hope that shoulder gets better soon!!!! It's just not fun aging at all :mad:! As for the shoes, back before I had to adjust all my exercising, I changed cardio shoes about every 4 months - and that was pushing it. Strength shoes I usually wore 4 - 6 months. Now that I'm not doing that much cardio (baring this blasted weather!), I'm getting a lot more use out of my cardio shoes. I still wear my weight shoes out at the same rate, though.
Well, those temps below zero happen here, but only for a few days, it's not the norm. We usually range from teens to 30s, then get those extremes for a short time. Before work said I was going to Sioux City, Iowa, they were going to send me to Billings, Montana. Now, if this was in June, I'd be so happy to go, but the winter travel scares me! I will just have to take it as it comes. Just praying for clear days that week.

Tracy, I get new workout shoes when they feel broken down. I'm not very hard on shoes, I just got a new pair a couple months ago and they will last me at least a year. I only wear them for working out, not walking or anything. And I also have a thick mat that I exercise on, so maybe that's why they seem to last.

I finished up week 2 of meso 3. This third time around I am not having the pain that I got the first time. I believe I have gained strength and it has done a lot of good. Now what will I do when I finish up? Probably take a couple weeks off and start it again, I don't know??
Hi Girls,

S& H tricpes/biceps for Saturday's workout. Sunday was S&H Chest/ Back. Still taking chest work very light. I get really scarred when it feels like my collar bone is going to just pop out of place. I noticed that it helped to really stabilize my shoulder blades but then I'd feel a pinch. I've felt comfortable with the other muscle groups to up my weight but not with chest yet.

Just a cold weekend here.
Melinda- Billings is where the Flyco HQ is with Heliproz and Minature Aircraft (to name a few) in the same building that my boss just finished building this summer. Billings is not my idea of a nice place. Compared to Bozeman its a desert! I don't like traveling down to the grocery store in bad weather, let alone travel across state. I hate the winters here. They are long and cold and miserable. I miss Arizona. The desert was easy to get along with. The seasons made sense there.
Hi babes! I know Lita has been to Billings a few times... :cool:

We warmed up here, today, finally! I debated about driving to Portland on Saturday because we were still below freezing and south of Portland was an icy mess from freezing rain--your favorite Lita! :p (I'll take the cold dry air any day over that stuff too!) But I went since the weather change was moving ever so slowly. It was a good move, whew! Got back that night, it froze over in Portland that evening but we were fine until we got some snow yesterday. And today it all melted. I am very happy we are back to our regular rain! Glorious rain! :D

Reece, will you be able to move back to Arizona someday? Is that your hope? Good going on taking care of that collarbone!

Melinda, I don't like to travel in winter either. Part of the reason is that we aren't all that prepared in the NW to deal with winter conditions! The airports close down when we get a just a little ice or snow on the runways. It's happened to me a couple of times when I've traveled by plane. :rolleyes: We're just a bunch of chickens here!

Thanks for the info on shoes! I always buy cross trainers which are supposed to be for cardio and weights and obviously, I need to buy them more often! I don't where them outside or for anything else either.

Disc 7 today, then I got a massage. Ouch! I usually get them for relaxation but this time, I got it for my shoulder issues. All I can say is we got work to do! And she doesn't want me doing anything to aggravate it but I know I am too stubborn to give up STS so I will take it easy where needed. The hope is to get the muscles to the point where they remember to relax. :)

Lita, I would stick with STS and modify when needed. I only say that because the whole program is made to go together and there's no doubt in my mind that you will get some benefit from that. Hope you don't mind that I butted in with my opinion there!

OK babes, I've bored you enough! Have a great week!
Hi All,

OK since some of you are out west, I have a list of locations we are doing health screenings and we really need people. So if you know anyone that in these locations, please email me. The screenings out west are on Jan 12th. Positions needed are registration, Body Fat with the Omron hand held analyzer, Blood pressure and cholesterol (finger stick). Please help, we need it!! Pay starts at $20/hr (even for registration). Most of these are 4 - 5 hours long.

Billings Jan 12

Helena Jan 12

Missoula Jan 12

Coos Bay - Jan 12

Morgantown Jan 7th

Moundsville jan 7th

Casper jan 12

Sioux City Jan 12 (Melinda is working this one)

Twin Falls Jan 12

Kalispell Jan 12

Carbondale Jan 12

Decatur Jan 12

Bismarck Jan 12

Rapid City Jan 12
Sorry Melinday I'm no where near any of those areas!

I've been a little lax about posting here lately...sorry, no time for the puter after workouts lately.

I'm up to third week in #1 and will start that today. I was going to start yesterday, but a I have a massage tomorrow, so that needed to be a rest day. Yesterday I did Kick Max premix#2, ouch (had those leg conditioning drills, I forgot about those:confused:) and then added on the cardio part of YBB Cardio Cabaret. Nice combination, but my legs were pretty fried at the end of all that.

Today will be the chest, triceps, shoulders and probably some sort of cardio. After weighing myself again yesterday, very necessary to get a hold of the gains!!!! Very frustrating too. :mad:

Have a great rest of the week everyone. Work should slow down, so I can come play a little more often.
Okay, so where did everyone go?

Yesterday I ended up only doing Disc #7, ran out of time in the evening. Had to help DH go "shop" for fireplaces, etc....snooze. Today is a day off, massage. Thank goodness.

Tomorrow will be back on the STS, maybe with some cardio added on. My legs are still sore from the last leg STS and the Kick Max timesaver from Monday. Eew. :(

Have a great rest of the day.
Hi Ladies,

Been working on the Slow and Heavy series this week. Seeing some nice strength gains over last week. Bf has joined me for 2 of the workouts so far this week. He makes me laugh too much. Its cute. It kills my abs.

Melinda- send me your email. Jan 12 you will be all around my city.
Rhea - I would've been here to chat with you but I haven't been getting notices anyone's been here :confused:!

Melinda - While Billings is closer than the rest, a 2 hour road trip is not something I would plan this time of year. Sorry! Shoot - I don't even do it in the summer anymore. Too much hassle & bother - plus having to get someone to take care of my RM if I were to go.

Tracy - I will stick with STS (I'd actually repeat Meso 1 if it weren't for the push ups) but I have to modify - don't even have a choice anymore :rolleyes:.

Reese - Way to go on the strength gains!!!
Hi babes! I'm sorry Melinda, I don't know anyone in the areas you will be in January. :(

Rhea, I cracked up when you said you went on a snoozefest with DH to look at fireplaces, too funny! I feel that way every time I go to a hardware store with DH, no matter what we're looking for. Heck, we bought a new fridge a few weeks ago and I had no desire to go to the store and look at the darn thing! :p You are still kicking it on the cardio, good for you!

Reece, DH did a warm up with me one time for KPC with Cathe. He was so uncoordinated and out of control I feared for my life, hee hee! Then I threw him out of the room. :p That's awesome you are seeing strength gains, that's great you can see that. I never see it in me.

Lita, has a doctor said that you will always have to modify? Will you be able to go back to some things without modifying eventually? Did you just finish up STS week 4?

I just finished up week 3 of meso 1 and I'm not getting as sore as I did the first week. Yippee! I've been lacking in my cardio since I started STS though so I think I'll do a lot of it on my week off. Maybe. It'll still be the holiday season!

How's everyone doing with the tempting goodies of the season? I could be doing better but I haven't been horrble either. Or I'm in complete denial! :D

Hey! I just saw on Cathe's blog that they are shipping STS Cardio starting tomorrow (Friday)--yippee!!!
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Tracy - I don't need a doctor to tell me it hurts when I don't modify ;). But yes, unless I want to face hip surgery on both hips in the near future, the surgeon said I have to modify :). I am finishing up my rest week this week & will start Meso 2 Sunday. Good for you on the treats! I am indulging in what I always indulge in this time of year - deli meat & cheese. How's that for excitement :p?
Oh my Lita - you party girl! LOL....I have been extremely good about the indulging this year. Not much at all, almost none really. I just don't want it, plus I've had no alcoholic drinks since 11/27. hehe...no really....I haven't...Have not wanted any, not even a glass of wine.

Okay, I'm on week #3 and did disc #8 yesterday. I think I will go ahead and do the legs disc today. I think that is okay? Right. Yesterday was back and triceps (plus my cardio which was the SJ and P mix, hi/lo and step), so I should be able to do the leg disc today since it is different muscles. I'm going to Reno with DH tomorrow and need to start week number 4 Sunday so I don't have a workout to do on Christmas day. My pop is coming Thursday, so it would work out perfect to do S, T, Thurs next week. Then active rest week. Whoo hooo.

BTW, I'm so much stronger doing this cycle from Chalene's workouts. I can actually do 15 lb dumbell flys (believe me, 8s used to be heavy!) Now if I could only get the darn push ups better.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
Wow, Rhea, you are doing great :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did the same thing you are thinking of doing on week 3 so it has to be okay :p! Well, if you master push ups, you'll be leaving me in the dust so don't work too hard on it, okay ;)? BTW - did you put your name in the hat for judge????
Hi Everyone,

I just got the UPS notice that I should get the new DVDs on Tuesday! Yea. I am down to my last week of Meso 3, so I can do this cardio stuff after Christmas. I told DH we could wrap those dvds and put the under the tree to give me. We are to the point we don't know what to get each other any more. Hey, if we want something we just get it. The kids only want the expensive things, so we are at a loss for knowing what to get because we are not getting the expensive stuff! They can earn the money and get it themselves.

Reece, I sent you a PM.

Lita, I'm glad to hear you say that a 2 hour drive this year is not good. They were wanting me to fly into Omaha, NE and drive 100 miles to the site of the health screening and it scared me because who knows what the weather will be like. I don't know a soul out there and would be traveling alone with all my equipment and just was not comfortable with it. So now I'm flying straight into Sioux City. It cost $90 more, but too bad.

One good thing is I want to look into downloading the new STS cardio, take my laptop and I can exercise in the room. I'm excited about trying this out!

I have not been terrible with the holiday treats, we just don' thave that much stuff, but I'm also eating it when it's here. And it's good! But I weighed myself yesterday and I'm maintaining, so that is good.
Melinda - I am thrilled you're not driving that 100 miles - and especially not alone!!!! NE is a nasty state in the winter!!! And we're not talking snow - we're talking ice and fog. I do NOT like to travel alone, regardless the time of year, and it would take a real emergency to get moe to do it in the winter! Thank God they're paying the extra!!!!

Let's see.... started Meso 2 today but decided rather than hang out on the long rests to do some short sets of ab work. Worked out well - that way I didn't have to make the workout even longer ;). Did that the first half and then used the rests in the 2nd half to do extra stretches so I didn't have to add that on either. Maybe I'm getting smarter - more practical - or something :cool:.

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