Hi girls
Sorry I haven't been around

Yesterday Owen jumped off of the kitchen counter and his chin landed on a open cupboard door

So we ended up in emergency getting him stitched up!! Then today my mom showed up unannounced and would not leave

I don't have the best relationship w/ her so it just made my day really stressful

Anyways everyone is in bed and I am enjoying a quiet house
Kate-sorry about the internet

I think I am going to cave and get the same carrier you got. It would be really nice for him to ride on my back!! He grabs everything when I have him in the bjorn
Stephanie-glad you like your protein powder!! I go back and forth with using them. I got a really good recipe from my body for life cookbook, you mix your powder with milk, 2 tb malted milk, 1tb sugar-free jello pudding mix and ice. It is really yummy
gfmom-did you get your cardio and abs in? It's so hard to squeeze wo's in when the kids are so young.
Sydney-glad you got to have some mommy time with Anna
Jess-I hope Liam is doing better

I have never had a gassy baby so I am no help. Hopefully he will grow out of this soon.
Wendy-JJ is adorable!! I love his long eyelashes!
Lisa-Did you get your wo in? I always want to eat junk
I did cc vol4 on the elliptical today!! Good sweaty wo

Love it!
Here is a pic of Ryder and Owen's chin. Owen has a messy face bc he had to have cinnamon twists from taco bell after his tragic experience at the hospital