Hi moms,
late post for me. Glad this week is over (don't have to work for the next 4 days--Yea)! But now is time to work around the house.

DH has returned from his trip so for the next 2 weeks we get to be a family before he leaves again!! Got to love this job...
Lisa... I'm glad that your little one is on the mend.
jess.... I can't wait for insanity!!
Stephaine... sounds like you and Charlie had a nice time @ the pool.
Candra.....I know that you are happy that your son will get his stiches taken out....
Hi Wendy... Hi Kate... really sad about the dog
Well hubby let me in on what he is getting me for my birthday in a few weeks.... he let me watch him order it..... I am getting a spinning bike!! I am soooooo happy!!! The program comes with a few dvd's....I'm so happy about it. It should get here early and I am really going to use it.... now I have a mix between my treadmill, elliptical and now the spinning bike.
........ so why am I still not losing weight? I fit my clothes but there are ---I hate to say this---rolls

I am eating better. I decided not to cut any food out, just eat smaller portions. I will chat more tomorrow....