Today I did Body Max 2. Ankle is feeling much better. I did part of the workout low impact and I sprinkled in some jumps here and there to test it out. I'm still keeping it taped up during the workout. Whenever I was jumping and crossing the step, I found that I was always looking down to check my foot placement. Probably a good thing.
Doreen, I've not done either of those Amy Bento workouts. I've never been big on the walking workouts. I've had to use them after surgeries, but other than that, they are just not for me. There are probably better ones out there than the ones that I used. Hopefully you will enjoy, but if not, that is the beauty of the library.
Diane Sue, that salad sounds delicious. I'll have to remember that the next time I have the ingredients in house. Did you get anymore of the test results? Sorry to hear about the degeneration in the neck. I too have mixed feelings about PiYo. I like some, don't like others.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll still be working out tomorrow, joints allowing.