Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024


Cathe RT KB and stretching was today. Glad DD showed me modifications to help my shoulder. DD and I having lots of fun. Cathe announced her new workout series and equipment. I will post more tomorrow.

Diane - I do have a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) , Biceps: long head tendinosis, Joint: cartilage is missing/gone, Bursitis off the Shoulder swelling of the shoulder. There was one more I need to ask my doctor. That explains the pain I have in my shoulder. I hope the steroids will help with my shoulder pain as well. When I was on the steroids it did help for the pain. I will see the surgeon I believe next week. I will know more what I should do or shouldn't. I just modify everything. I also hope the steroids will also help with my cough. Maybe I can get rid of 2 problems at the same time. I hate taking the meds especially MTX, my Rheumatologist added to MTX to help me with the side effects. He doesn't make me take MTX, there is another immune depressed meds there isn't enough study for the long term side effects. He also put in for my paper work for NIH RP study. I should her from the study soon to help to find a cure for RP. I am so lucky and thankful to have such an amazing team of doctors that care especially my Rheumatologist. He is on top of everything and makes sure I get the help/care I need. He also takes the time to listen to my concerns and countless questions. He is amazing! Great job!
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Belinda, praying the meds help. I watched a video of how frozen shoulder messes with function. with all of that going on it is no wonder you are having pain. Great that you have such wonderful doctors as well. It is good that you ask questions and talk to them. I tend to just say what is bothering me and do not say a lot. I don't know why, but I am always afraid they will suggest something I do not want to deal with. I am totally dreading going on Monday and figure I am going to have to go back for tests later so it will be more than one trip and I will have to deal with pain till I get through it all. We went to eat tonight and the height of the table caused my shoulder to start throbbing while I was trying to use my fork to eat. I did not eat all of my food because it was making feel sick to the stomach because it hurt so bad. Pain let up some when I got home and set down for awhile.
Diane - thank you my friend! I used to be like you but RP changed the way I communicate with my doctors. There were signs in the past, I just assumed it was normal. It wasn't. Actually they asking me all kinds of questions With RP I have to tell them all that is going on especially in my inner/outer ear, noise, sinus, throat, joint pain. I am so sorry you are in so much pain at the table. I am glad the pain let up. How awful. I will pray for you.

Spirit of Halloween and Boo-tcamp is done. I modify the heck out of the circuit workout and boot camp. We still have the Wicked Legs & Glutes today. Gosh I miss working out with Cathe :)

Today I did CDorner Low Impact Cardio no jumping, 33 minutes, 192 calories, 3,337 steps. I also did some of the Deep Stretch I did yesterday and work on neck and shoulder tightness and knots. I really hurt last night and today. Hoping better tomorrow.

Belinda, I would think those workouts today would be hard to modify. I hope that you had fun with them anyway.

Can't believe it's November already.

CL# 368 Mad Hatter Madness is done.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Today I did CDorner Low Impact all standing to the beat stopping when she picked up dumbbells and forwarded to the standing ab move and stretch, 33 minutes, 217 calories, heart rate 151/180,3,494 steps. I then did her mobility hiit from today modifying and I just did something else when she did the scorpion, 33 minutes, 53 calories, heart rate79/102. Total time 66 minutes, 270 calories. I was in so much pain last night and woke today with terribly tight painful traps and shoulder blades. It took me quite awhile to get loosened up. I soaked in epsom salts after the workout. Still the arm and shoulder are painful and the thing is, the left is a little sore in the front of the should as well. They have not called to set up an mri yet. I kept checking my phone to see if I missed a call or it had been blocked by call protect, but no missed calls other than the people calling me back to set up an appointment.

Belinda Mad Hatter Madness sounds like and interesting workout. Did they wear costumes again this year?

Besides a short walk I haven't done anything. My DD's 60 birthday is coming up. My kids and I are hosting a virtual birthday party with friends, family and friends in the military. I been sending invites since this morning.

Diane - yes, they wear costumes. They all looked so cute. Please be careful with your shoulder/arm until you get your MRI. I hope you get to the bottom of this soon. Feel better and rest.
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Belinda, I enjoyed the halloween workout last year. I bet they did look cute. That is such a good idea for your daughter's birthday. Thank you on the shoulder issue. Sometimes I just go to reach out and something snaps in my shoulder and pain runs down to my hand. It really hurts. I think no one understands how bad it hurts. My husband does though. He said he knows it really hurts because I handle pain well most of the time. I just stop sometimes and go sit. although it hurts sitting and lying down makes it worse too. I am trying to stick with curcumin and bromelain for pain during the day and Advil so I can get some sleep. Otherwise I get too much Advil.
Hi everyone,

Today I did CL# 366 PHA Super Sets No Repeats.

Diane - sorry you are still experiencing so much pain. I totally understand. I been going through pain in my arm/shoulder for month. When are you getting the MRI done? Your pain sound horrible. I am having lots of pain when I lay down too. I hope they can find out soon what is causing your pain. Try not to go heavy with your weights. I keep everything light, slow and controlled. I just trying to get some movement in, get the blood flowing. Feel better.

Good night.
No workout again. I think I am going to rest this weekend. Still have pain, but so far I am careful and it has not had the hard nerve type sharp lock up. I slept over 10 hours in the recliner last night. That is a first as far as I can remember. I called the arthritis center and of course I get sent to a certain department that leaves a message saying they will get back to you and give it up to the next business day. They do that all of the time. No call today after all. That means I should get a call back Monday I guess. I have not lifted any weights for upper body in weeks. Then the last few weeks I quit picking up any weights, even for lower and just went to bands and body weight for lower. I realized the Total Body Boss bands hurt. Holding the bands in some positions in the lower hurts. So I have only did just cardio arm down. It has gotten frustrating. If I reach forward quickly or at certain angles I get a stabbing pain. I forgot today reaching to use hand soap. I finally moved all hand towels and liquid soaps to the edge of the counters so I remember left hand only and lean forward to stick both in the water. It has gotten ridiculous. I know you know how it is. You have so many things going on. Nice work today.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in we took a road trip to Skyline Drive before all the leaves from the trees are falling. It was very cold yesterday 41, we did ended up taking a short hike with Sadie. I bundled her up to keep her warm. I will see if I can post a picture of her. She is so cute.

Today I did CL# 363 Boss Bands & Loops: Metabolic. Great workout.

Have a wonderful day today. I will catch up on personals later.
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Rest day again today.

Belinda, the drive sounds fun. We have one called Talehena drive which is in a mountainous area and well known for it's fall colors before the leaves start to fall. We did that one awhile back. It was beautiful.

My appointment went well today. The surgeon doesn't believe it has something to do with RP. Yeah! I need good news. She wants me to go back to physical therapy. I have another appointment with her beginning of next year to see how I am doing. She also wants me to gradually increase my weights to were I was. If I start hurting she wants me to back off again.

Good night.
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Belinda, here is a link to the Talimena drive we went to. It is beautiful and lots of winding climbing road with photo points and for pulling off for pictures once in awhile. We got there a little early for the full color.
Your drive looks very beautiful as well. We got a hotel and and stayed the night before we took the drive as it is several hours from home.
Talimena Time - Talimena Scenic Drive Photo Gallery
Nice work today with CL #360. I hope the physical therapist can help you. I am glad that the surgeon does not think the problem is RP related. That is good news.

Today is my DH's birthday. I been cooking all day long. He wanted a Dreena’s Burton No-fu Love Loaf. I was surprised how tasty it was.

I did in-between CL# 367 Cardio Kickboxing & core.

Diane - beautiful! Great idea staying in a hotel. I still doesn't trust staying in a hotel yet. I am glad it wasn't related to RP. How are you doing?

Good night.
My shoulder and neck felt good this morning. I slept well with my wedges again. I wish I had more range in my shoulder. I just cannot move it around much without setting off pain. Drying my hair will aggravate it every time and I try to mainly use my left hand and let it air dry part of the way. Raising my arm up to run a brush through hurts. I was worried I would wake in major pain today as I vacuumed, steam mopped and cleaned bathrooms last night. I was surprised when I got up and was not in pain. I did not get on the computer much yesterday. Typing needs to be done in short intervals. So, I spend relax time reading. This morning I did CDorner Intermediate step that she did yesterday. It was easy to eliminate the left arm on with this one. I liked it and music was good. This was 40 minutes, heart rate 133/155, 228 calories, and I think around 3,231 steps, but I forgot to check. I also did 18 minutes of her 28 minute deep stretch which is mostly lower, but I quit as being on my back portion was starting to bother me.
My mri is tomorrow morning.

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