Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024


Today I did Cathe Lite Rev'd Up Rumble. Had a great workout.

Diane - how did your MRI go today? Hope you get to the bottom of this.

Good night.
No workout since I had the mri and then my husband bought me lunch. Tomorrow two of my granddaughters are coming over to peel potatoes and stuff for Sunday as that is when we are doing Thanksgiving. My oldest daughter will come over early Sunday to help prep everything before everyone comes over. They told me if I did not hear back in a week on the mri to call the doctor. He told me he would have his nurse call so I will see. I am not waiting till next Friday as they are only in the office till noon and I am sure they would say they would have someone call and it would end up being the following week. Then if it hit Thanksgiving week I will probably not get a call back. Mri went a bit better today and I got my arm in a more comfortable position, all be it, still hurt and I took Advil and curcumin before I left the house.

Belinda, I love Rev'd Up and Rumble. The mri went better than the last one I had. It really hurts after it though. Hope I hear something sooner than a week. Last time they told me 2 days. They have pretty young looking people doing the mri both times. The last time when I had them stop the guy had to go get someone else because he didn't know what to do. Both times they they seemed kind of clueless about what the doctor had said and when I would get the results.
Today I did Walk Strong 3 Cardio Step Jam, 32 minutes, 197 calories, heart rate 145/166, 3,184. Not bad for not too much arm movement. I then did Walk Strong 3 deep stretch, 31 minutes, 44 calories, heart rate 76/94. Total time 63 minutes, 241 calories. I also did some foam rolling. My legs were getting stiff and I needed some flexibility work this morning. Waiting to hear the results of my mri still. Hope they let me know soon. I checked my online results page and not yet. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. My husband prepped and put the turkey in the oven and my daughter and older granddaughter and her husband came over to cook and set up. I hardly had to do anything. I had a really nice time with my granddaughters Saturday when they did the pre-prep and made the pies and stuff. Special memories :)

Belinda, are you starting PT right away? Hope you have a good day.

I did CL# 365 Total Body Barre: Intermediate/Advanced = 58 min. Love it.

Diane - glad you had a great TG with your family and made memories. Hope you get some results from your MRI soon. Young people have to start somewhere, lol. I know it's annoying when they have no clue. Someone should always supervise them. Great job on your workouts

Good night.
got results of the mri and there is a tear in a tendon. They are referring me to an orthopedic surgeon. So now I wait for them to call and set that up. I was kind of hoping it would be something that would just heal over time. We will see what the orthopedic doctor says.

Belinda, nice work today. Does Cathe use bands or anything with that barre workout?
Diane - sorry about the tear in a tendon. I hope the orthopedic surgeon will give you some good news. Cathe uses a small ball in the barre workout. It was very good,
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So a ball like a pilates ball? I saw she had some on her store. I recently purchased one for the few CDorner does. I used it for a CDorner ab workout. Weird though as it hurt my shoulder and arm to reach forward to pass it under my leg to the other hand and had to change the move.

Today I did Step Sync = 56 min. Had a lot of fun and modify.

Diane - yes, like a small barre ball. Cathe is selling small barre balls. Be careful with your shoulder. Maybe take it easy until you see the surgeon. Hope you feel better soon. I am still dealing with the pain in my shoulder, it's been months.

Good night.
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Today I did X Train Ride on the spin bike, 55 minutes, 232 calories, heart rate 123/155, 3964 steps(I used cardio this time instead of the cycling setting) 11.79 miles. The bike readout said 431 calories. Ha!
I also did some stretching for lower body and work on upper back knots.
It was good to find out what I am dealing with. Now I know why boxing workouts hurt so much. Also it gives me an idea of protocol. I guess I need to leave that shoulder alone. As long as I keep it pretty much still and not reaching it gets to feeling better. They still have not put the report on the website as I would like to look at the interpretation.

Belinda, I may check out that workout. I know walk strong 3 has a barre workout, but I believe it uses the ball and some weights and hits some upper so it is out right now. I am trying to keep that shoulder and arm close and still as much as possible so that I do not feel the snapping which I guess is the torn tendon. They said it may take awhile to get me in with holidays.
I am going to do some leg work with bands in awhile. I finally saw the report from the mri last night. Not good. They said it is a full thickness tear in the supraspinatas tendon. Research tells me it is probably going to be surgery and possible long recovery. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. My husband said he wished I would stop looking on the internet. The thing is when a person is older repairs and proper healing can be harder. A lot depends on what other damage is there. They generally go in and reattach the tendon, check for nerve damage and stuff and sometimes there are other repairs that need to be done because of wear and if other things. I already know there is arthritis in there, so that worries me.

Today I did a 30 min full body workout on YT.

Tomorrow I have PT.

Diane - sending prayers your way. Hopefully you get some good news when you see the surgeon. Maybe resting would be a good idea.

Good night.
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Today I did CDorner Basic step 33 minutes, 180 calories, heart rate 144/177. I Then did stretching for 32 minutes, some with Dr Jo that was exercises and stretching for hip pain. I don't know why, but last night I started having terrible spasms in my right hip flexor all the way to my knee. I stretched before bed and it was okay, till later and I had to stop and do some stretching in the work out, then went back for the last 5 minutes which I did on the floor. I felt good after the stretching and a tub soak. My husband and I went to take something to a UPS store and stopped at Petco and when we came back he was trying to fix our flag pole. I got up quick to help him and when I stepped off the bar stool my leg started in again only worse. I could not stand and it just got worse. I took Advil and got out ice and had a terrible time getting into the recliner as my leg did not want to bend. It finally let up, but is still sort of off. I am icing before I go to bed. I made a sling and wore it while doing step to keep my arm in place. No call yet from the orthopedic doctor. I had a missed call and called it back and it was not a working number. I think I will skip anything tomorrow. This morning I had in mind to do a short cardio and do some barre work. CDorner did a barre workout, but it looks like she is going to be doing some lateral raises and stuff with light dumbbells which in other circumstances would be nice.
Belinda, I need to rest, but I also want to keep some of my flexibility and cardiovascular work in to avoid more problems. I know I can build back up later. I have done it enough times.

Quick check in. I had 2 doctors appointments today. I did CL Express Kick boxing. Very fun workout

Diane - hope you enjoy your rest day. I hear you on wanting to do something. Walking is a great way to get some cardio in. You are doing amazing. Hope you feel better soon.

I am beat. Good night.
No workout again today. When my leg starts hurting their is a clicking in my hip when I walk. I am taking it easy for awhile. It lets up when I ice and keep my legs elevated. I took Advil once today. Shoulder is still the same, but tolerable as long as I do not use that arm too much. Yesterday I did all of my family and game day friends Christmas shopping so I got that out of the way :D I sure hope that I hear from the surgeon soon. Also a week from Tuesday I see my primary doctor and am hoping to address some things that are going on with her. At this point I am doubting unless there is a miracle I will be able to do my upcoming mammogram. I need to get it though as I keep having some pain on the left. Not sure if it is how I am sleeping or what. Only at night. I think old age finally hit and I am going down hill or something so need to claw myself back out of all of this.

Belinda, hope that you had a good rest day. I did think I was better yesterday morning and did extra walking, and when my watch would send a notification to get up and move I would walk around the house and out in the yard, then by evening the pain hit all over again, so today I did not try to walk. This hip thing is frustrating. Maybe God is saying "stop".
Hi everyone,

Today I did BARLATES D1 of 5 Day Fitmas. It was perfect for today.

Diane - I am so sorry you are going through so much pain. I hope you get to the bottom of this soon. Hang in there my friend.

Good night.
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No workout today. I felt pretty good yesterday. Today I woke up with my arm hurting. My leg seems good today other than after I did my one hand vacuuming. Not sure why, but my low back and hip started hurting and I took Advil and did some stretching and it feels much better. I don't get some of the come and go pain. No call from the orthopedic surgeon's office yet. If I knew who it is I would call them myself. I had pain on my left breast again last night and I am wondering what is up there. It feels more like it is the bones under. I really hurt tonight with the shoulder and actually the whole arm. Oh, and I tried the leg wedge last night again and woke after a couple hours feeling my hip and put it out of the bed. Guess it is not working for me right now.

Belinda, good job doing Barlates Fitmas. I hope I get to the bottom of all of this soon.
Good morning,

D3 Barlates Fitmas workout is done. Here is the link for all 5 workouts they are free on YT. I do own all 5 workouts. I stopped buying her workouts since she is posting them for free on YT.

I will try to check in later.
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No workout. I did use my therapy balls in their little bag up against the wall on the knot that is developing in my left shoulder and some stretches and foam roller where I could. My hip flexors are tight and I know it is from sitting. I also worked on my neck. I cannot put my right arm up over my head to give the gentle pull or stretch the lat area as well as normal though. I am checking out PT places near me. I won't go to the branch near me of the one I had used before. I am pretty sure somewhere along the line they are going to want me to go to one.
The dogs are doing pretty good together. Gertie can come in the doggie door when she gets tired of Kermit jumping all over her which makes it better for her. Trying to teach Kermit to use the doggie door and sometimes I can coax him to come back in. Still he wants to let me know he wants out and come to the door with him. He will probably start doing it without me by the time his family comes home. They are going to get a doggie door when they get back for him to use. He like sitting outside looking regal with his long pointy ears sniffing the air. He can sit there for a long time. He is cute. I thought he was part German Shepherd, but my husband says he is an actual other breed and looks like the pictures.

Belinda, nice work yesterday. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving .

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