Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Pump workout #1 boxing cardio, 30 minutes, heart rate average 132, max 155, met 6.1, 202 calories, 2,89 steps. I wore my 1.5# gloves. I then did Kelly's Circuit Burn premix cardio and boxing, 31 minutes, 212 calories, heart rate average 139, max 168, 3,061 steps followed by the abs 6 minutes, 25 calories, 32 steps. I used a 10 # dumbbell and a 5# soft med ball for where she uses the dumbbell between the knees. I don't like holding metal weights between my knees as they slip and they hurt. Total time was 67 minutes, 439 calories.
Tomorrow I will do Ripped with Hiit Chest, Shoulders, and triceps adding some longer abs and maybe cardio. It depends on how I am feeling. I went outside to clean up little seedlings from the neighbors tree and set off the allergies. It itches all through my sinuses now. I keep coughing :(

Doreen, you are going to be extra busy with the tournaments. I pretty much always wake up, even if I want to sleep a bit longer.

Belinda, thanks for the link . Is this an older Glliad workout?
Just came back from my doctor. He checked out my knee. He wants me to get an MRI on my knee, he didn't like the cracking noises in my knee. He still wants me to stay off my feet until he knows what's going on. He thinks maybe a tear since my knee is locking out too. My knee is also swollen up. Who knows what's going on? I hope this clears up real soon. I am already getting bored sitting on my butt all day long. My upper body is getting a really good workout, lol. I also got the flu shot today.

Doreen - thank you! You are going to be busy with the tournaments.

Diane Sue - the release day was in 2012. I guess it's an older dvd. Can you use a medicine ball instead of a DB? I will add RWH next week. I will do the 4DS UB workouts.
Belinda, yes, I used a soft med ball in place of the dumbbell. I have had other workouts like that and sub ankle weights or a soft med ball. The same goes for when they have you hold one behind the knee. My knee was locking and cracking too when I had the torn miniscus. I also had a bakers cyst. My knee was swollen then, but was huge for quite some time after surgery. I had to keep it iced and elevated. It is probably best to stay off of it as much as you possibly can. When I came home I had to use a crutch. I never realized how painful leaning on one of those can be. They had to give me a steroid injection 2 months out from surgery because it was still hurting and swollen. It was so swollen that I spent a lot of time in some under armour heat gear sweat pants. They did an x ray and then an mri. My doctor tried to order an mri right away and the insurance insisted on an xray first. I had to have each step authorized by the insurance which took time. It was 2 months from the doctors visit till I finally had the surgery.
Diane Sue - I been using the med ball for abs lately and really like it. I always have trouble with a DB between my knees too, it always falls off. My doc thinks I have a torn meniscus :( I really hope I don't have it. Do you remember from what you got the torn meniscus? For the life of me , I can't remember what I did to my knee? I was doing a dance workout the day before, felt fine all day long. Woke up on a Sunday morning and was in a lot of pain. Sorry you went through this with your insurance.. I have to make an appointment today. I have my knee elevated and icing it.
I used Nasalcrom twice yesterday and I hate it!! I was exhausted, felt weird, nose got stuffy :eek: and I could not sleep last night. I finally left bed at 3 am so as not to disturb my husband because he has a long day at work today. I was still sneezing and coughing this morning. I had planned on a Hiit workout with the weights today, but wasn't feeling it. I did Ripped with Hiit Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, 43 minutes, 203 calories, average heart rate 107, max 148, met 4.6, 1018 steps. I then did Kelly Coffey's Trim Down, Kelly's favorite 20 minutes mix ,23 minutes as I wrote things down, heart rate average 118, max 164, 138 calories, 939 steps, met 5.4. I was wanting to see what was on this one, because it is not listed on Kelly's site for premixes etc.. I know I did this one soon after knee surgery because it got my heart rate up without jumping and a lot of lower work. I think one of the two 30 minute workouts was very low on lower body moves. I then did Ripped with Hiit abs #1, 10 minutes, 45 calories, 201 steps. Total time was 66 minutes, calories burned 341.
flat bench press 20# dbs, 12 reps 3 sets finisher push ups 15 reps
incline bench press 20# dbs 3 sets 12 reps finisher triceps push ups 15 reps
incline fly 17.5# dbs, 3 sets 12 reps finisher decline push ups 16 reps
super set; BB overhead press/ upright row 35# x 3 sets 10/10 reps finisher scarecrows 5# dbs 20 reps
super set: lateral raise/front raise 10#dbs/15# 3 sets 10 /10 reps finisher 3xternal rotation lateral raise 8# dbs 15 reps
overhead triceps extensions 30# db , 3 sets, 12 reps, finisher dips 20/20 reps
barbell lying extensions 35# , 3 sets, 12 reps finisher kickbacks 10# dbs
Kelly's favorite mix 1 min each move followed by 1 min boxing
spiderman squats 5# dbs, boxing
rainbow squat 12# db, boxing
Romanian deadlift high pull 10# dbs, boxing
plank/knee in/row 10# dbs , boxing
squat/curl/press 10# dbs, boxing
Belinda, I really did not know what caused the torn meniscus. I was doing heavy weights at the time. I have heard of people tearing it just doing a routine activity. My son in law had one also. The thing is that if it is not torn through a certain area it can actually heal itself. They were avle to repair the tear on mine. There is a certain part that if I remember right does not get the blood flow to that is the worst part to tear and heal. Also, when the surgeon did the surgery he said I had a lot more arthritis in my knee than he had expected.
Hey girls,

Today I did a biceps/triceps burnout, it was short and sweet. I also did weightless arms.

Diane Sue - for the life of me I have no idea what I did with my knee? So sorry what you had to go through with your torn meniscus. I really hope whatever this is will heal on its own and very soon.

Have a great day everyone.
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Belinda, I hope so too. I spent a lot of time reading up on it since I had to wait so long to get to the surgery and even read up on recovery because it did not feel a lot different 2 months after surgery when I finally let the surgeon give me a steroid injection. He said I could come back and get another if needed, but I researched and decided to work on it myself so that I would not feel so pain free from the injection that I would find myself overdoing it.
Today I did a mix of workouts. I really did well with it and my allergies have settled down. I need to go outside and do some work though and have been avoiding it. The weather is beautiful today. Workout was all premixes. Ripped with Hiit Low Impact Hiit #1 mix 7 scrambled, 29 minutes, average heart rate 126, max 155, met 6.0 , 192 calories, 2,210 steps. I then did Ripped with Hiit Lower Body Circuit blasts only mix #3 28 minutes, 201 calories, heart rate average 134, max 163, 1,995 steps, modifying some of the step jumps, finished with Fit Tower Boot camp mish mosh #1 , cardio leg blast skipped the warm up, 26 minutes 158 calories, met 5.5. I was unable to get the steps for this because I forgot to start the Fit Bit so had to go off of Map my Fitness. Total time was 83 minutes, calories burned 551, 5,288 steps total this morning. I did miss some steps going up and down the stairs to get my Fit Bit which I left in the charger.
I am sore from yesterdays upper body workout so will have to see how I feel when tomorrow's workout comes.
Yesterday was the first big deadline of tax season so I got off early (8pm lol!) One of the interlibrary requests had come in, KCM Athletic conditioning 2, so I picked that up from the library and did workout one and part of workout 2 this morning. Loved workout one. Not sure what I think about wo 2. I need to look at the premixes.

But my bluetooth headphones died yesterday. They won't power off or sync. I guess I got what I paid for them - they only lasted 2 weeks. I'm not even sure it is worth trying to claim on the warranty as they were only $14. I already ordered a different pair. I keep trying to find something that works for working out that says put in my ear.
Doreen, I like both workouts on Athletic Conditioning 2. Workout 2 is pretty much all abs. A nice stretch at the end. The weight workout is great. Most items like that are not worth the warranty because they end up wanting you to mail it in. By the time you are done it just is not worth it at all. I hope you find a pair that works longer than that. I am guessing that you mail ordered them. That is one of the problems with not getting at a store where you can just take them back and say thy do not work.
This morning I grabbed an old Tracy Staehle step workout - High intensity step (which is similar to cathe's Imax formats with step combos then blasts). It was good - I had forgotten all the choreography so was stumbling a bit. I really wish step hadn't gone so out of vogue - there were some really great instructors that don't do it anymore!

Yes Diane Sue - I ordered online. But maybe not all is lost. By the time I got home from work it appeared to have run out of battery so I plugged it back in to see if that reset it at all.
Good morning,

Yesterday I did a chair workout mostly seated abs. Not sure if I get a workout in today, my kids showed up yesterday.

Doreen - I haven't done that one in ages. Good job!

Diane Sue - good job as well.

I will be back tomorrow.
It has been a busy day and I just got home from my daughter's for a jewelry party. I did Build and Burn Cardio Core, 27 minutes, 179 calories, heart rate average 129, max 170. I then did Build and Burn Trim and Tone Intervals , 25 minutes, heart rate average 138, max 174, 158 calories. I also did Fit Split abs, 13 minutes, 57 calories and finished off with Barre Amped lower body stretch 19 minutes, 42 calories. Total time was 84 minutes and calories burned 436.

Doreen, that is a really good step workout. I still pull it out occasionally. It is a long one unless you are using a premix. I think Tracey Staehle teaches classes out of her home or something and I remember her doing a competition and I haven't seen anything else from her. She mad some good workouts. I like doing step workouts. Hopefully the recharge will reboot the whole thing.

Belinda, that is nice that your kids showed up. Good job with the chair workout.
Good afternoon,

Today I did Cathe Low Impact Upper body Splits. Tomorrow I will start the 4DS.

Diane Sue - it was a nice surprise my kids showed up. We had a blast. Good job with your workouts today. Did you buy something at the jewelry party? Sounds like fun.

That's it for me today!
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Belinda, yes, I bought a necklace. More of a choker type of necklace. I am sure you enjoyed the family and it probably helped take your mind off of your knees. How is Brawler doing with his new front cart and the ramp?
Good morning,

4DS Triceps & Biceps is done.

Diane Sue - I never been to a jewelry party. I would be in trouble. Enjoy your new necklace. Brawler doesn't like the new full support cart :( The ramp I think he getting used too. DH is taking him out.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
The guy my husband takes care of had a rough night last night. They were sleeping in the living room when I got up for my workout and I didn't want to disturb them by walking through to go to my workout room. So I just did a 30 minute Gymbox band workout in my room and then followed with a 10 minute leg add-on from 10 Minute Torchers by BJ Gaddour. Something is better than nothing, right!!

(Turns out that he had finally settled down and fell asleep in his chair from 4-6am. So if I had walked through at 5:30 I would have woken them both up with only 1.5 hrs of sleep! I really wish the Drs could figure out what is causing him such anxiety that he won't sleep for days!)
Doreen - why is your husband taking care of a guy in your home? Is he a family friend or family member? How old is the guy? Is he sick? That's horrible the guy can't sleep for weeks. Hope the doc will figure it out soon. Good job on your workout this morning. Love band workouts.
Today I did Ripped with Hiit Upper Body Circuit, 47 minutes, 5.5 met, heart rate average 116, max 153, 1,996 steps. I wanted to do total body this week and am working through thee Ripped with Hiit workouts so I did the Lower Body Circuit no blasts, 31 minutes, 171 calories, 5.1 met, 1,350 steps. I used Cathe's weights. Total time was 77 minutes, calories burned 450.
squat press/front swing lat pull down combo 2 sets 10# / cardio blast
forward leaning lunge with rear delt into rear lunge with front raise 8# dbs 3 sets
one arm rows 20# 2 sets / cardio blast
lunge kick /lunge squat combo 8# dbs
push up leg lift combo bodyweight / cardio blast
overhead press / touch down combo 10# dbs / cario blast
W press, W curl, rear lunges 10# dbs
biceps curl 12# dbs/ cardio blasts
side lunge wood chops 10# db
plié, upright row, snatch combo 8# dbs/ cardio blast
weighted marching sumos 12# dbs
single leg deadlift/ front raise 8# dbs/ cardio blast
rear lunge, lateral raise 8# dbs
sumo drop squat/ triceps extension combo 10# dbs
triceps/chest isolation work chest flys 8# dbs/ cardio blast
lower body no blasts
barbell squats 40#
weighted pulses lunges 12#dbs
weighted lateral walks 15# dbs
weighted lunge taps 20#
weighted plié squats 40# barbell
barbell narrow stance squats 40# barbell
weighted cross back lunges on step 15# dumbbell
static lunges 20# dumbbells
deadlifts 25# dumbbells
side lunges into one legged squat combo 8# dbs
wide stance deadlift 40# barbell

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