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This morning I was so indecisive on workouts. I started with Amy Ross Body Box, warm up and combo 1, 17 minutes, 132 calories, met 6, heart rate average 131, max 169, 1,654 steps. So, just thinking I would get the cardio over with I did Fit Split Cardio Shred (I don't know why) It went well though and I used 1 riser, 30 minutes, heart rate average 140, max 181, 202 calories, met 6.3 , 2,681 steps. I finished off with A youtube Zuzka Light 20 minute abs workout with a stretch workout added, 30 minutes, 103 calories, heart rate 103 average, 133 max, 515 steps. This ab workout had 3 rounds of a group of exercises each round ended with a bosu skip across and touch the floor. Total time was 77 minutes, 438 calories.

Belinda, nice work today. My thoughts are with you. Your vet is right. You have given so much good care for Brawler.
So I forgot to post my workout yesterday, which was RIPT90FIT Arms and Shoulders, and then 30 walking on TM.

This morning I was pretty indecisive on a workout as well - I wanted to do everything!! So I did a 20/20/20 workout from the gymbox. 20 minutes of cycle, 20 minutes of weights and then 20 minutes of step. So I guess that works for a bit of everything!
Hi everyone,

Just came home from the Urgent Care clinic . My knee is killing me, I am at a point were walking was got so painful I can't take it anymore. I can't walk up/or down stairs. They took X-rays, I have a Knee sprain. They rapped my knee in a elastic wrap for support. That means for the next few weeks no cardio, or lower body workouts. No overstitching of my knee. I have to ice/or heat on my knee. If the pain doesn't stop I need to see orthopedic. At least now I know what's wrong with my knee :( I will be a good girl and follow the doctors advice on resting and staying off my feet. I been in pain for over 3 weeks. I hope with lots of rest I will be up and running again soon. I decided to continue with Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation, only do the UB workouts, sitting. Once my knee feels better will go back and do where I left off and try to finish UB/LB? I am kinda bumped today is leg day and I love working my legs. I already have an appointment scheduled for my PF/heal spur at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. I am pushing it off for month because of Brawler.

I really don't know what I am going to do with myself, lol? This will be tough for me sitting so much :( I can't sit still for too long.....

Diane Sue - thanks for your kind words :) It means a lot to me. My knee couldn't came at a worst time right now :( I am so frustrated! Why now?

Doreen - good job this morning.

Have a great day everyone.
Today I did Fit Split Low Impact and Metabolic before we left to meat friends. Workout was 50 minutes, 270 calories, 5.0 met, heart rate average 113, max 151, 2048 steps.
upright row 15# dbs
rear curl press lunge 12# dbs
push press 10# dbs
squat thrust 2 plank push-ups bodyweight
rear lunge lateral raise/rear flys 8#dbs
bonus burn rear flys 8# dbs
dragging planks moguls bodyweight
curl press tricep extensions 12#dbs
cross back lunge curls 10# dbs
w curls 10# dbs
single leg deadlift iron cross 5# dbs
deadlifts 15# dbs
plank triceps kickbacks 10# dbs
triceps push ups body weight
chest fly and pull over 15# dbs/10#dbs
monster walks core exercise body weight

Doreen, I had three workouts set out yesterday and just could not make up my mind and went for something completely different. One was a rebounding workout, the older Step Blast on the dvd with Step Jump and Pump, and Amy's Body Box. After I got through the first part of Body Box, I just wanted to do something else. I wasted so much time looking at the workouts in my holders. Hopefully I will have this planned out better.

Belinda, take care of your knees. I know you will. I remember the pain my knee was causing me before I finally gave in and went to the doctor and found out I had a torn miniscus. I kept trying to workout whenever it felt better and then it would get worse again. I think if I had taken care of it right away it may have healed on it's own. I did a lot of research on it. Anyway, I had a couple of months of recovery after surgery and one steroid injection before I was finally able to do some light cardio. I was in the middle of an STS rotation and finished off with the upper work. I then did X train upper. Just no lower till I finally got to where I could pedal my spin bike a bit without standing and some very light cardio movement that did not require twists and turns. My stairs were steep and it was a challenge getting up and down because that is where the shower and tub were at. I have a bone spur in my right foot, but it has never caused me a problem and my doctor told me that if I was able to workout and it was not bothering me I should probably not go to an orthopedic surgeon.
Diane Sue - I will take care of my knees. The pain in my knee getting worst instead of getting better, I knew something wasn't right. I am sorry what you went through with ours :( sounds painful! DH said he will make an appointment Monday with my doctor. The last few weeks I been icing and babying my knee and the pain isn't getting any better. I dread taking Brawler outside, we have those steep stairs they are killing my knees. DH is taking Brawler outside so I can relax which is very hard for me to do. Even walking hurts like hell and my knee locks up.
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Belinda, I guess the ramp is not ready yet? I suppose getting into his cart and outside, even with a ramp would be difficult when you are in pain. I was training Gertie as a pup when I had my surgery and had a couple of set backs chasing her down and tripping on the brick steps inside our house and on the patio. Twice I landed right on my knee. It was not a good thing. My knee would catch at times. I am so glad that I am able to workout like I do now and still do some high impact. I do a lot less than I used to and it took me a long time to get to the point of being able to do it. That is good that your husband is there to help with taking Brawler outside.
I used a Freezie wrap that I got online for my knee to help with the swelling.
Diane Sue - my husband build the ramp last Sunday, it's ready. I will post pictures today. I totally forgot. The ramp is very difficult for me to go up, even those 2 stairs we have are hard on my knees. My husband is taking Brawler out for me a few times a day. I hope this isn't dragging out for too long. We also have those Freezie wraps, my knee is still very swollen.
Hi everyone,

I recently bought BARLATES BODY BLITZ Fit in 5, I am am glad I did :) She had a buy one get one free sale last week. I did the UB = 36. I did the entire workout sitting and used a band. Perfect when you have injuries or go on vacation. My UB was burning. She used very unique exercises with the band and it burned :) My UB will be smoking hot this summer, lol. I also looked through Cathe's UB workouts, I can do S&H, Pyramid UB, Lift with HiiT UB, UB from CTX, Strong & Sweaty UB, 4DS UB....and I can do any Linda UB workouts. I will see what ab workouts I can do without using my knee too much. Maybe sitting ab workouts?

Have a great
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Today is my rest day. We went to my daughters for lunch and to play some games and then I went grocery shopping. I still have more shopping to get done tomorrow, but this cuts down on some of it.

Belinda, it looks like you have quite a few options for working out :)
Today I did Kelly Coffey Build and Burn Kickbox Kettlebell Fusions, 27 minutes, 173 calories, heart rate average 136, max 159, 1,619 steps, met value 5.8. I then did Ripped with Hiit Legs. 41 minutes, heart rate average 119, max 156, 249 calories, met 5.5, 1,673 steps Total time 68 minutes, 422 calories.
squats 20# dbs 24 reps /squat digs 32 reps
plié squats 45# db/ plié jacks 24 reps
static lunge right side 25# dbs16 reps/ split jumps 24 reps
static lunge left side 25# dbs 16 reps/ split jumps 24 reps
squats 25# dbs 24 reps / pop squats 32 reps
plié squats 45# db / narrow plié touch down jacks 24 reps
wood chop side lunges 10# db 24 right 24 left
explosive side lunges 12# db 20 reps
cross back lunges 15# db 4 then 16 reps right then repeat left /lateral skates 32 reps
low pulse lunges 20# db 10 slow then 10 pulses repeat other side / power circle scissors 32 reps
deadlift 25# dumbbells 16 reps/snow angel jacks 20 reps
wide stance deadlift 25# dbs 16 reps /frog jumps with quarter turn 10 reps
walking lunges 15# dbs 6 passes of four reps/ scissor, scissor, tuck jump 5/5 reps

Belinda, maybe you could put together your own ab routine. It seems so many have planks and knee pulls and that sort of thing. Maybe crunches, and straight leg raises, reverse crunches feet to the ceiling,
Hi everyone,

Today I had AB scheduled, since it has a lot of LB I couldn't do it. I I did ICE Chiseled UB sitting down, worked out perfectly :) I skipped those bear crawls (or whatever they are called, lol) I did oblique crunches instead. I also did a few shorter 10-15 min UB workouts from YT. My UB is fried! I also did a Standing Ab workout ( I was sitting in a chair). I also can do lots of ab workouts with a DB/kettlebell sitting. My UB is fried.

I already have a cardio workout (sitting in a chair) picked out for tomorrow or I do Gilad's Lords of the abs tomorrow. I have to review this one and make sure I can do it? If no, I will figure something else out.

Diane Sue - nice job today. Maybe I will do my own about routine. So far, I am finding lots of ab workouts I can do sitting.

Doreen - what are your plans today?

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
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Belinda, I remember Amy Bento doing abs on one of her step challenge workouts mostly sitting or lying on the step with a kettlebell. There was two ab workouts, one with a kettlebell and one with a band. Nice work today :)
Belinda - good for you for being creative and finding a way to workout even with a bum knee. Your extensive collection may serve you well at this point!!

This morning I did RIPT 90FIT Legs and Glutes and walked for 30 minutes. That's about all I have time for these days!! I'm trying to do short weights every day since I'm walking now almost exclusively for cardio until work frees up!
Today I did Fit Split mixed impact timesaver #1 cardio only, no modifiers this time which brought my calorie burn up a bit, 208 calories, met 6.5, heart rate average 138, max 180, 2,745 steps, 29 minutes. I then did Ripped With Hiit, Back, shoulders, biceps, 59 minutes, 293 calories, met 4.5, heart rate average 105, max 140, 1,541 steps. Total time was 88 minutes, calories burned 501.
one arm row 31.5# x 12 reps 3 sets
finisher barbell row 35# x 20 reps medium band power pulls
pull overs 35# dumbbell x 12 reps 3 sets
finisher barbell row 35# x 20 reps supine band pulls
one arm angled row 30# x 12 reps 3 sets
finisher one arm seated band pulls medium 20 reps
rear delt flys 15# dumbbells 12 reps 3 sets
finisher one arm band pulls medium
prone rear delts 8# dumbbells 12 reps 3 sets
finisher seated t pulls
biceps curls barbell 40# x 12 reps 1 set 35# x 12 reps 2 sets
finisher w curls 10# dumbbells 20 reps
concentration curls 22.5# dumbbell 12 reps 1 set, 20# dumbbell 10 reps 2 sets
finisher barbell crazy 8's 25# 24 reps
simultaneous hammer curls 15# dumbbells 12 reps 3 sets
finisher barbell crazy 8's 24 reps

Doreen, sometimes those short weight days come in handy and are still affective.
Hi everyone,

I did Lord of the Abs Core Challenge and a short UB from YT with the pilates ring (that one burned).

Doreen - thank you :) I have to be creative to work around my injuries. Nice job girl

Diane Sue - impressive weights! Great job!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a good one.
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Good job Belinda on your workouts! And good luck at the dr!

Yesterday was a 14 hour day at work so I gave myself permission to skip my workout this morning.... but I ended up waking up at normal time without my alarm so I did Build &Burn Kickbox/Kettlebell workout. I'm not cut out for all these long days. And my daughter made it to the next round of volleyball tryouts so she was excited.

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