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Doreen, nice workout today.

Belinda, trying to work with the cart sounds like a real experience. I don't suppose they have youtube visuals on using the new front part? I bet Brawler feels a lot more comfortable now. Maybe a couple of days of upper body or something not involving the knee and you will be good to go again.

Diane Sue - they don't have any visual videos for the K9 cart on youtube. Brawler feels a lot more comfortable now. DH and I been trying to rack our brains about getting him in/outside with the full support K9 cart. We have 2 very, steep steps going into the yard. Getting him down the stairs is not a problem, my husband showed me a way to support Brawler better without him slipping out the cart. The full support K9 carts don't handle stairs well. It wasn't a problem with the rear support cart. The full support is much larger than the rear cart. Also the front wheels are not as big as the rear once and they can't handle bouncing off stairs like the rear wheels can. We researched ramps, but with that we can't leave them outside. I would have to disassemble each time I take Brawler out. What a pain :( I may as well take Brawler out of his cart and carry him up 2 steps and inside the house than put him back into his cart.
Hi everyone,

GS Chest & Triceps plus SBF TB Fusion is done. Yesterday I did SBF UB/cardio.

Doreen - we will try to take Brawler out of his cart and carry him into the house. Ramps are insanely expensive. I would have to get a wheel chair ramp for this cart. We shall see.

Diane Sue - nicely done today.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
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Good morning,

Today I did an oldie....Cosmopolitan Aerobics Lite (VHS) - 30 min + SBF UB/ core circuit. Still going through all my old workouts, lol. It was definatly a lite workout. Not bad if you get over a injury or in my case my knee still bordering me.

Diane Sue - our living area is in the main level which is the middle level. hope this makes sense? Coming from the front yard we have 2 very steep steps going up to our porch/front door. I will try to post a picture than you know what I am talking about. The K9 cart is very bulky, I can't grab it the same as I used too. My arms are not long enough to grab the cart from the front and lift the entire cart with Brawler those 2 steps up. I had no problem with the rear support, since Brawler was using his front paws to walk up the stairs. With the full support cart its difficult for Brawler (the front wheels spins) to walk up stairs with my help! Since my knee is killing me for the last few day's it's very difficult all carrying all that extra weight. I can't hardly walk up those 2 stairs without being in pain myself :( Having knee pain couldn't come at a worst time :( Very bad timing....

Have a great day and workout everyone.
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Today I did X10, 82 minutes, 581 calories, met 6.5, heart rate average 136, max 185, 5,993 steps, 72% peak, 16% cardio, 7% fat zone. This was frustrating calculating as if I took what Fit Bit says I would be 503 calories and actually I think my met should be at least 7. The workout manager has met 8.5, 760 calories. My calorie calculator has 719 calories net and this is using a lower VO2 max than I am. The thing is doing the lighter low impact workouts like Fit Split my met value came to 6.0 and often is in that area or 5.8. This is a much more intense workout than those. Just airing my annoyance here :confused:

Belinda, I sort of understand your house. My daughter's is built into a hill so the back part of the lower level is into the hill and kind of underground. He living room and children's rooms are all on that floor and they have steps going up to the front door on the lower level. It wraps around with decking that leads to steps from the front to the side of the upper level floor that is the family room, dining,kitchen and master bed. The driveway goes up the hill and stops at the upper level side entrance to that floor. So, they are just built into a hill. The back has a screened porch and goes out to the pool and you can look at up the rest of the hill. There is an old cistern and water pump in the back and terraced levels. Could you just have a ramp built over the steps? I suppose that would be costly too. My husband would do something like that himself. Of course then you have a ramp in the front of your house. I guess there is no other entrance? I am sorry about your knees. That has got to be difficult.
Belinda- hope your knee feels better. Could you attach a strap under the front of the cart so you wouldn't have to lean over to help lift up the steps?

Good job Diane Sue on x10. I have not attempted that entire workout since it first was released!! That's impressive and deserves a met of 20!!!

This morning I did metashred extreme legs workout 4. Them walked and did emails for half hour on the treadmill.

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Doreen - A strep on the front of his cart wouldn't work....there isn't anything to attach a strep except his neck :( My husband has no problem picking Brawler up in the cart...his arms are a lot longer than min. Those front wheels seems to be in the way...the front wheels get caught in the steps. The steps are steep and narrow. Now I wished we had weighter steps.

Diane Sue - our house is build on a hill too. It never was a problem until now. I have to admit, those steps are bordering my knees the last few day's. Maybe I can post a short video? I will see if I can figure it out this weekend?
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Belinda, there has to be something that you can do to make it easier. Brawler is not a small dog so I can understand you having troubles lifting him.

Doreen, nice work today. I do all of X 10 occasionally. Most of the time it is just part of it. I am sure tomorrow will be something lighter on the jumping and intensity.
Belinda, would one of those pet ramps for getting dogs in and out of cars work? Or are they too small for the cart? Just thinking what you could do.
Diane Sue - no! Those ramps are to narrow, the cart is much wider than those ramps. I actually would have to buy an actually human size wheel chair ramp. Or a scooter ramps. Thanks for your help! BTW, Brawler has as a large K9 cart. If he would be a tiny dog, it wouldn't be a problem. Brawler weights over 55 (or more?) pounds without the K9 cart. The cart is very bulky.
Today I did Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp , Boxing and abs timesaver mix, 48 minutes, 311 calories,m heart rate average 128, max 166, met 6.0, 3,402 steps. I then did Fit Split Pull only timesaver and skipped the shoulders, still 37 minutes but that counts stops< 163 calories, met 4.0, heart rate 101average, max 163 ?? . I finished off with Barre Amped Upper body stretch, 13 minutes, 31 calories. Total time 98 minutes, 505 calories.
Weights Pull day
one arm row- 30,30,30 # x 12,10,10 reps
Pullovers- 15# dbs x 8,6,6 reps
overhand row- 15# dbs with med loop x 10,10,10 reps
deadlifts- 55# barbell x 10,10 reps
skipped shoulders here
Biceps giant set
barbell curls 40# 10,8,6 reps
w curls- dbs 12,15,15 # x 10,8,6 reps
sweeper curls dbs 15,15,15# x 10,8,6 reps
hamstring roll ins stability ball
Belinda, Gertie weighs 80# so I know I wouldn't be carrying her around. I have lifted her into the tub for a bath before we finally got the hand held shower head installed downstairs. It was quite a scene, if you can imagine. She was not used to being in a tub. She just walks into the shower stall and waits for her bath and treats :) I don't suppose two dog ramps together would work. Maybe clamp them together. It would depend on spacing of wheels though because of the edges of the ramps. They would have to be secure though. You wouldn't want brawler dumped off the ramp.
I did a light workout today: I did JS Fusion walk + SBF LB + mat workout.

Diane Sue - wow, Gertie is a big dog. I usually don't have a problem carrying Brawler around, the Help' Em Up harness help a lot. The K9 cart is a different story. I couldn't post a picture on FB it's too windy outside. We thought about putting 2 dog ramps together too? We need to research it a little more this weekend. Thanks for your help! Nice cal burn today.
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Belinda, you are doing well keeping up the some type of workouts with the knees hurting. I am sure you will come up with something.
Good evening everyone! It was a crazy day today - trying to get my daughter off to her soccer tournament. She is going with a teammate - but she is the SLOWEST packer!

Belinda- I've heard that walking backwards up the steps can help with knee pain so you aren't constantly aggrevating it. Don't know how you would do that with Brawler though!!

This morning I did Metashred Extreme upper body workout 1. And then walked and worked on the treadmill. I got my 3000 steps in 30 minutes goal this morning.
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Doreen, nice job on getting your step goal and work at the same time :) I remember before my knee surgery using the good leg to step up each step first. I tried walking backwards too. We had stairs up both ends of the house and the back ones were steep. When I had the surgery I had to sit down and scoot up the stairs dragging a crutch with me so I could take a shower.
Today I did Kelly Coffey's Slim Sculpting both workouts no swings mix, 60 minutes, 308 calories, heart rate average 111, max 158, 1,546 steps 4.6 met. This is mostly compound strength with several short cardios still using a kettlebell and has the abs divided into two portions of it. I used 20# for most with some 15# for overhead moves and a 10# on one of the cardio segments. Since there was no swings, and I thought I had pushed the full 70 minutes mix with the swings, I did Build and Burn just kettlebell premix, 18 minutes,
heart rate average 128, max 153, 115 calories, met 5.8. I used 20 and 25# kettlebells for this one with 1.5# weighted gloves. I finished off with Sarah Beth You Tube yoga strong and balanced Saturday yoga, 16 minutes, 42 calories (this one moved fairly quickly) Total time was 94 minutes, 465 calories.
Hi Diane Sue and Doreen,

I did a chair workout from youtube today + SBF UB.
DH and I decided to build a ramp instead of buying one. We will buy the material tomorrow.

Doreen - Mmm...never tired that before

Diane Sue - nicely done.

Have a great evening.
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Belinda, I am sure building the ramp will give you just what you need and be less costly in the long run. I am sorry you are having such a hard time with your knees.
Diane Sue - thank you! I am resting my knee for day's and taking meds for my knees. DH is building a ramp as we speak. We already had the wood and everything else we need. Looks pretty good.

DH and I went to our neighbors house last night, we didn't get home until 1 a.m, lol We had so much fun. I am tired today, lol. Not used to partying all night long, lol.
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