Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Pump workout #1, 30 minutes, heart rate average 147, max 176, 201 calories, 2,881 steps, met 6.1. I used 1# weights. I then did Kelly's Total Body Kickbox workout #1 , 30 minutes, heart rate average 140 average , 181 max, 2,821 steps, 198 calories, and used 1# gloves. I finished off with Sarah Beth Yoga on You Tube, 15 minute morning yoga, 33 calories. Total time was 75 minutes, calories 440. My Fit Bit was higher on calories today than my Map My Fitness App.

Belinda, Poor Brawler. You are so good to him. We really love our furry babies. I hope the front part of the cart helps make him comfortable.

Doreen, I have been thinking about signing up for Kelly's Raw workouts. I am experimenting with my ways to stream upstairs. I also want to be ready to commit to Kelly's workouts once I sign up. I do enjoy her workouts.
Belinda- hope that Brawler is more comfortable in the new cart. So cool they have that equipment for him.

Diane Sue- I see KCM just posted a rotation using the Raw workouts. I really have been enjoying her workouts too and will sign up once I know I can get a good month usage.

I uncovered another video streaming app last night, fitnessondemand247. It has some KCM, Jillian Michaels, Mike Donavanik, Cathe and then some others that look like Les Milles styled barbell and kickbox, some cycling and yoga. Without subscription you can just see previews but for 6/mo I may be tempted to try it out.

This morning I did Jessica Smith Cardio Abs....which was surprisingly more intense than I expected. Wo 1 was kickboxing style cardio. Workout 2 was circuit metabolic weights. I did them back to back. I use heavier weights than she does and got a great 54 min workout.

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My workout today was Fit Tower Advanced Boot Camp, 52 minutes, 304 calories, followed by Fit Tower Advanced legs, glutes, and core, standing portion only (not a mix) 15 minutes, 58 calories. 67 minutes 362 calories total for both workouts, 1,951 steps. There are work sheets, but I did not use them. It seems funny that they are there as these two workouts use the firewalker loop and bands only. It has a space to write the height you use on the Fit Tower bar. I don't even use the bar on some of the moves.

Doreen, there are some fitness apps on my blu ray player. I checked Kelly's yesterday and counted 18 raw workouts. She just added a core one. It also has workouts from her dvd mixes. It should be good. I saw the rotation. I just do not want to be so busy that I can't enjoy doing them because of so many extra things. I also would like to do Cathe for a month again just to check out the Fit Tower workouts on her live.
Hey guys,

sorry for not checking in yesterday. Alesia came and visit us, she left today.

Diane Sue and Doreen- thanks for your kind worlds :) It really means a lot to me. I try to be a good doggy mommy. He is such an amazing dog. I love him so much and it hurts seeing him like this.

I am crying as I write my husband and I found out a very, good friend passed away from the flu. Her and her husband were stationed with us in Bamberg, Germany :( My husband and I we are shocked and heartbroken. This years flu is scary.My thoughts and prayers are with her family!

I will be back tomorrow. Sorry for no personals!
Awe, Belinda, I am so sorry about your friend. Yes this flu has been horrible. So many deaths, particularly among children and elderly. We have had schools close to help keep from spreading it any worse and some with groups trying to go in an sterilize everything. My prayers go out to your friend's family. That is so sad.
I understand, when you have family at home enjoying time with them, it is just not always upper most to post on the internet :)

Rest day and family day today. Well, sort of rest day. We are going through stuff in the garage and getting rid of more stuff before trash comes tomorrow. I will be back at it tomorrow.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Total Body Kickbox #2 sculpt kickbox using 5# dumbbells, 30 minutes, heart rate 125 average, max 158, met 5.8, 1,745 steps. I then did Kelly's Athletic Conditioning volume 2, workout #1,36 minutes, 197 calories, heart rate average 128, max 145, 1,283 steps. even though this is weights it kept my calories the same for fit bit and map my fitness. I wanted to do some abs and a bit more stretch so I went to the 1 round +abs and stretch(omits the core and some stretches from workout 2) At 12 minutes in I started the abs and went through the stretch. This was 12 minutes, 42 calories, heart rate average 100, max 126. Total time was 78 minutes, 431 calories.
weights 3 rounds of all exercises no rest 10 reps
squat and curl 15# dbs all 3 rounds
standing pec dec 12# dbs, 10,10#
pommel horse 10 reps each round
shoulder press with reverse lunge 15# db all rounds 5 reps right 5 left
cardio split switches 10 reps all rounds
lawnmowers 15# dbs all rounds
overhead triceps extension 15# db 20#,20#
pop squat figure 8 15# dumbbells all rounds
crescent with curtsy 10 reps all rounds
overhead rainbow 15# db all rounds
curl and press 15# dbs all rounds
bear crawl row, flip and press 15#, 12#, 10# (this is hard) 5 right 5 left
Good evening,

Today I did GS BSB plus SBF LB mat pilates.

Diane Sue - good job as always!

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
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Good morning,

SBF D44 Lean & Toned Arms = 15 min + Stopwatch Planks = 17 min is done. I am not sure, if I do a cardio/or GS legs later today?

Doreen - thank you! What are you workout for today?

Diane Sue - have fun with your workout today.

I will be back later. Have to get ready to take Brawler to the vet at 2 p.m.
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This morning I did Fit Split Cardio Shred cardio timesaver, 29 minutes, heart rate average 141, max 168, 208 calories, met 6.5, 2,697 steps. I then did the Fit Split Low Impact Cardio, 27 minutes, heart rate average 127, max 162, 179 calories, met 6.0, 1,929 steps. I finished off with Kelly Coffey Body Design Yoga, 13 minutes, 37 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 424 calories. I have come to the conclusion that I do not find these cardio workouts fun. The time seemed to drag by. I should have done Kelly's Live Amped up cardio that I had in mind to do this morning. I just thought since I did weighted kickboxing yesterday, I should do something else. Originally I was going to just stop at the gliding discs on the low impact workout but ended up just pushing through it. Maybe it was just my mood, because I really wasn't feeling much of anything this morning. My husband stayed up all night doing paper work and I think it disrupted my sleep. I kept waking up wondering why he hadn't come to bed.
It started raining and we have ice and I could hear it pelting the glass on our sunroom.

Belinda, I hope Brawler is doing better!
Good morning,

Thanks everyone about Brawler. His appointment went well. He did really well. The catheter is coming out in 5-7 day's. Keeping him still is another problem. He also had really bad rup marks from this K9 cart. The vet put Brawler on complete bed rest for the next few day's. I ordered the front support for Brawlers K9 cart, it should be here on Friday. That should help!

Not sure, how I am going get GS's in? I guess, I have to wait until DH comes home from work or get up really early in the morning?

I will be back later.
This week's workouts:

Mon: Fit Split shred cardio and push
Tue: Ripensity- Glute Gauntlet and Kcm TLC workout 1
Wed: Fit Split - Mixed impact cardio.

I see KCM just filmed a Raw with Olympic Lifting in it. I think I've held out as long as I want too.... I love Oly lifting style!
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Today's workout was Kelly Coffey"s Amped Up Cardio Live workout 2, 29 minutes, 189 calories, 5.9 met, average heart rate 103, max 172, 2,366 steps, Body Shop workout #1, 41 minutes, heart rate average 103, max 137, 198 calories, met 4.4, 492 steps. I finished off with Build and BUrn Trim and Tone Intervals 24 minutes, heart rate average 130, max 162, 1,312 steps. Total time was 94 minutes, 517 calories.
Body shop weights
staggered stance single rows 20# 10 reps, 15# 10 reps
reverse lunges with leg lift 20# 10 20# 10
combo reverse lunge row 15# 10 rt, 15# 10 lt
biceps curls 15# 10 r 15# 10r
single leg deadlifts 15# 10 r rt then left 15# 10 rt then lt
combo deadlift & curl 15# dbs 10 reps
no weights squat outs
shoulder press 12#,10#,10#, 10 reps single arm with side leg lift
triceps 10# dbs 10 reps 3 sets single arm then a 4th run set
no weight hurdles 20 rt 20 lt reps
modified pull overs and flys 3 sets 12# dbs 10 reps with knee pulls between sets
weighted bridges 12# dbs 3 sets 10 reps right, 10 left then 10 and pulses
I plan on doing a cardio workout tomorrow, maybe mixing FS kickbox and Build and Burn Kickboxing. Friday and Saturday I will combine FS upper and Build and Burn Upper and FS lower and Build and Burn Lower.

Doreen, I saw that on Kelly's line up. I liked the idea of the front body and back body workouts, the core looks good too, and Olympic Lifting with boxing sounds good.

Belinda, I don't know how you keep a dog in bed rest. I realize Brawler needs his cart to get around though. I am sure getting the catheter off will be a relief for both you and Brawler. Nice you were able to get the GS workouts in.
ood morning,

What a night! We ended up taking Brawler to the emergency vet last night. His tube from the catheter came out, probably from us moving him from one side to the other? Who knows? The other vet thinks the tube was to short :( He insert a longer one, and took the stitches out..he put tape on the tube instead. Since Brawler didn't pee a lot into the bag, the vet expressed him. Poor Brawler.. the vet gave me some meds to calm brawler down too.

Belinda- poor Brawler! He needs to catch a break to heal up and feel better! Hopefully you can get some rest too. Hang in there!

This morning was FS Boxing and Legs. I did the warmup, then the legs first and finished with the combos. I wore my vest for the leg work and kept my weights at Cathe's and I wore my gloves for the combos.
Today I did Kelly's Build and Burn Kickbox Kettlebell fusion, 25 minutes, 166 calories, met 5.8, 1,672 steps average heart rate 131, max 158. I then did Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp timesaver mix #2 kickboxing + bonus abs, 47 minutes, 311 calories, met 5.9, heart rate 127 average, max 158, 3,288 steps. I finished off with Suzanne Bowen's Barre Amped relaxation stretch 14 minutes, 31 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 503 calories. I kept out a 15# and a 20# kettlebell, as when I do moves that affect the shoulders like overhead press I prefer using the 15#. I use 20# for the swings and lawnmowers.

Belinda, poor Brawler. That had to be an awful experience for him! I bet you are tired.

Doreen, nice workout today. I have not used my 20# vest in a very long time. Since I wore my weight gloves all through Build and Burn, I just wore my combat gloves for Cathe's today. I am not sure if I will do lower or upper tomorrow. It depends on which side feels like it needs the most rest. I think the weight work I did yesterday was not heavy on lower body, so I am inclined to think that is what I will be doing.

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