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Today was my rest day and time with family and friends.

Belinda, have you tried any of Yvette Bachman's workouts on YouTube? I was looking at the Bosu mash up and thinking that I might like it.
Good morning,

Today I starting 2 weeks of Low Impact. I did AB today. I finished a month of GS's last week . I still have to do GS Legs, I will do it this week. I also start a new SBF rotation today, I did LB barre. No fold over for me.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
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Today I did a Youtube Yvette Bachnan workout, cardio mash up with the bosu. This was 75 minutes (an extra 4 to get back to the workout when the internet went out middle of the workout) 538 calories, met 6.5, 4,438 steps. This had some light weight work in it. Weighted gloves, and 5# dumbbells through most of it and at the end there is some strength that is still pretty active and I used 8's, 12's 1nd 15's. I am not sure I will do it again though as it was too long and I was getting tired of it and almost stopped when it dropped out midway. Tomorrow I will get in some good weight work.

Belinda, this one did have quite a bit of impact. Some jumping on and off the rebounder. She seemed to have lower intensity stuff between the higher. I did not like jumping with dumbbells. By the end she is holding the Bosu overhead and doing jacks. I held it in front and my jacks were much more shallow. There was boxing moves in between and some burpee to jumping onto the Bosu with a squat hold. I liked that it was somewhat different. I want to find some things that would add a bit of different variety to my workouts. I feel like I am stuck in a rut or something.
Diane Sue - I reviewed that one this morning. No way, I can do all that jumping..even it's just a little. I had to modify AB, lol. Good job today.
Good job everyone with their workouts. No workout yesterday for me. Too tired to get up. My daughter got home at 2:25 am so it took me a while to get back to sleep. Thankfully her teammate dropped her off and I didn't have to go pick her up from the airport.

This morning I did RIPTFIT90 - Body Fat Breakdown. Three rounds of Lunges, Snatches, Manmakers, Plank, Bicep curls and Thrusters. I started with 12s and then tried to move up to 15s. Then I walked and worked for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm thinking I may have to stick with this format for the rest of busy season - a half hour workout and then walk to get some work done.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets basic mix with abs, and added 40 reps of calf raises with 30's and two sets of pistols one with no weight and 1 with 8#. 69 minutes, 371 calories, met 4.8, 1,403 steps. I then did Barre Amped bonus ball stretch 6 minutes, 15 calories. Total time was 75 minutes 386 calories. I have a dentist appointment I will try to get back and list weights. Running late because I had a dental cleaning and check this morning and had to stop back at Sprouts for potatoes and yams for tomorrows Wednesday family dinner. I am going to grill chicken and am hoping this wind dies down. I wanted to make roasted potato wedges and I prefer sweet potatoes or yams.
round 1
squats 45#
rear sliding lunges 15#dbs 16 r
plié squats 25# dbs in lieu of barbell
side slide lunges 15#dbs
deadlifts 30#dbs
round 2
shoulder overhead press 15#dbs 16 reps
upright row 15#dbs 16 reps
rear delt flies 15# bs 16 reps
incline front raise 8#dbs 12/6 reps
seated lateral raise 8# dbs
round 3
wide stance deadlifts 65# barbell 10 reps
cross back lunges 20# kettlebell 16 reps right 16 reps left
diagonal lunges 20# kettlebells (I did not want to go downstairs to get the 20's or use my Bowflex weights)
static lunges 25# dbs 16/7/7 reps
warrior lunges body weight
round 4
One arm row 30# 16 reps
pullovers 15# dbs 16 reps
chest flys 15# dbs 16 reps
incline press 15# dbs 16 reps
round 5 squats 45# barbell 16 reps
deadlifts 30# dbs 12 reps
plié squats 25# dbs
sweeper lunges 28 reps
side slide pick ups 20# kettlebell 16 reps right 16 reps left
Round 6
seated overhead extensions 15# dbs 16 reps
close grip bench press 17.5# bowflex dumbbells 16 reps
lying extensions 15# dbs 16 reps
seated W curls 15# dbs 12 reps
incline hammer curls 17.5# bowflex dumbbells 12 reps
preacher curls 15# dbs 12 reps
added 30# dbs calf raises 40 reps
2 sets pistols, 1 body weight 1 with 8# ( I am terrible at these and need work)
Doreen, that is good that you have that option. It works :) I haven't done manmaker in years. I remember them from the Art of Strength workouts.

Belinda, I wouldn't think that you would want to do that workout. I saw some of the background exercisers going more slowly or not doing the same move entirely. I saw that she has a kickboxing one that is around 45 minutes. I did not find a just strength one though. They all appeared to be cardio and weights. Even the heavy weight one was a step cardio and heavy weights. Most are long. For me the instructor needs to be motivating and in great shape or I lose interest very quickly , particularly when picking from youtube.
Hi everyone,

Today I did Karen Voight Slim Physique DVD, Monday workout: Cardio & LB. That one was pretty good for a 30 min workout. I had that dvd since 2014 :( There is a workout for each day, I will try to follow them in order. Not sure, if I will do them every day? I will try my best!
I also did day 2 of the Shape up for the summer challenge.

Diane Sue - I will try one of her workouts once my knee stops bordering me. Her workouts reminds me of Cathe's, with lots of jumping jacks. Do you like her workouts? Wished she wouldn't do so many jumping. I agree her workouts are very long.

I will be back tomorrow.
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Belinda, you are doing well while overcoming the knee problem. That was my first Yvette workout. I sure wish streaming was better though. I so hate having something stop right in the middle of it. I have watched portions of several of them. I have not done a Karen Voight workout in years. I had some of hers on VHS and never purchased any on dvd. I really prefer when I do cardio to have it not have weights involved so that the muscles have time to recover more between workouts. So many use weights anymore and also require less steps.
Diane Sue - I really enjoyed the KV today. It was perfect workout for me to today, no jumping. At least you are not paying for youtube workouts, lol. There a lot of great instructors on YT. I also notice all Yvettes workouts are mostly circuit style workouts. She does have a few KB workouts, they all have lots of jumping jacks. Can't complain to much if they are free!
RIPT 90FIT Hard Core Chest this morning. 6 sets of 2 exercise groupings for chest and core. Finisher was 25 strict burpees with pushups.

Walking on the TM as I type!!!

I like Yvette - but couldn't do it more than 1x per week. Her w.o.s are fun but can get long.... and then all of a sudden she stops and grabs weights that doesn't seem to fit with the flow of the workout... just my opinion. But she has fun music and they are awesome when you just want something fun and different. But yes- Belinda, lots of jumping and impact.
This morning I did Cardio Hits Power Max, 64 minutes, 414 calories, met 5.9, 5,773 steps, heart rate average 138, max 169. I then did Z-cut power yoga crescent and warrior series and cool down, 20 minutes, 49 calories, heart rate 97 average, 127 max, 182 steps. Total time was 84 minutes, 465 calories. My Fit Bit has been doing better lately. It was actually even working pretty well with the yoga and sometimes ahead of map my fitness. I swear it does best with lots of foot work. I have not done that workout of Cathe's in years. It was my first Cathe workout :)

Belinda, nice workout today :)

Doreen, I agree that some of the workout did not flow well. It was kind of like she just came up with stuff as she went and repeated some things. Also her workouts seem to just start right in. I had to pause and go back because I was not ready. I tried typing when on my Tread Climber and had to really slow down to do both at the same time :) Nice work. I have a Surf Desk that straps on the tread climber. It doesn't really fit well on it and I have to adjust and hate taking it off. I think it was meant more for the treadmills.
Today I started with Kelly Coffey's Body Design warm up and cardio bootcamp, 16 minutes, 139 calories, heart rate 137 average, max 178, I forgot to write down the met value. I do have it on the workout manager though, 1,714 steps. I then did STS Phase 4 Total Body, 77 minutes(66 actual), heart rate 108 average, max 136, 1,614 steps, 382 calories met 4.5. Total time was 93 minutes, and calories burned 521.
weights - tri-sets done twice 16 reps 1 set, 12 reps second
squats 30#dumbbells(dbs)
one leg elevated lunges 20# dbs
power barbell deadlift 45#

flat bench press barbell 35#
chest flys flat bench 15# dbs
dips bodyweight 16, 12 reps
burn out after second set close grip push ups 8 reps/ standard push ups 16 reps

barbell rows 45#
one arm row 25#dbs
standing dumbbell curl 17.5# dbs
T-pull band/ seated band curls

squats narrow stance 30# dbs
static lunge 22.5# dbs
stiff legged barbell dead lift 45#

standing overhead press 12# dbs
standing barbell upright rows 25#
standing lateral raise 8# dbs
band rear delt row

side lunge with disc 15# dbs
one leg slide back lunge with disc 15# dbs
wide stance deadlift 25# dumbbells

Hey guys,

I did LI Challenge today. That's it.

After Brawler's vet appointment this morning, I am not in a good mood to do much :( Brawler had a catheter, which came out a little over a week ago. Well, after the catheter came out we noticed he hardly went pee. We talked to our vet and he said, sometimes it can take a few day's before he goes normal again. Told us to express Brawler's bladder a few times a day, which we been doing since he got the catheter taking out. It's been over a week and we got concerned about Brawler. We took him in this morning for an X-ray, vet was looking for stones. The x rays didn't show anything. Everything is pointing to DM, which I read online about :( The vet was talking about a research center we could take him and they would have to cut him open and put a bag inside :( I told my vet I wouldn't put Brawler through anything like this :( We talked about all the possibilities :( He also promised me when the time comes he would came to the house :( All I want to do is cry :(
Belinda- So sorry about the news about Brawler. The research center seems like too much for him. You will do your best to make him comfortable for as long as possible- I know you will.
Good morning,

Low Impact UB + SBF LB is done.

Diane Sue and Doreen- thank you for your kind words! DM is a horrible disease :( There isn't a cure for DM nor do they know why they get it. My vet said yesterday we have done 150 times more for Brawler than most people are willing to do. I am not ready to put Brawler down anytime soon unless he starting to get breathing problems (which is also linked with DM), I am not letting him suffer. I know the time we have is limited :( Very sad! Lots to think about what's best for Brawler. He is still eating and completely here.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.
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