Lifting like girls

Justine...230#, 9x6?? Wow!!! Roz..120# cleans and 60 HLR...ya'll are freakin super heroes!! Those feats are impressive!! I know what you mean about friends like that. Mine look at me over their beer can like I'm crazy. They have to look at you beautiful commando's and find a way to minimize your achievements! They don't have the fortitude to do what you do so they rationalize that the effort you put into it is nuts...we know it's NOT!! I really enjoy my time on this forum and I can't thank you enough for letting me participate. If I ever get discouraged, I read " The iron exploits of the Commando Sisters" and that motivates (scares) me into a " journey to the dungeon" You ladies keep killin it, Strong is beautiful and you epitomize that!!!
Well said Tom!

Yes, Roz, your cleans scare me. Today I did the bear complex (needed something quick and dirty). 1 minute on, 1 minute off. I managed 5 complexes in each interval, 10 intervals...BUT my shoulder strength severely limits me, and I was only lifting 22kg. You lot were my inspiration during the last set! I also did 10 minutes of hoco moves. I'll try another couple of minutes each time.

Anyway, I've decided lats are the new glutes, so I'm tempted by the gsf workout which Roz did.....
Hi everyone,
Have had out of state guests all weekend. Haven't done a thing, but eat. I feel like the pillsbury doughboy. Aarrgghh.

Will post tomorrow. I will be starting GSF2, again, tomorrow. This past week, has been a bust. Haven't done one physical thing since Friday.

Good for you, Justine. Giving HoCo a go. Ten minutes at a time, good idea. Wish I had thought of that.
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Top of the morning to ya ladies! Today was chest day. I did a 10 set pyramid on bench, 4 sets of incline bench 1 set of flys (these kill elbows!) and 3 sets of suspended pushups followed by 2 sets of regular pushups. Then did 30 ab wheel roll outs. No milestones achieved! I wasn't able to go any heavier, but did add reps to most of the steps!! Off to jail....."bust it up" sistas!!!
Karen, you've been working so hard that I'm sure a few days off won't harm. In fact it may even work as a great recovery. Are you starting back at the beginning of gsf2?
Tom - 10 set pyramid sounds tough, as does 30 roll outs. I agree with baby steps.

Today was gsf2. I was feeling pretty tired this morning, so I didn't think I'd get a good workout in, but kb swings tested well, so I went with those. Managed 175 in 10 minutes with my 22kg kb. This biofeedback must work, because I felt so much better after doing the swings. They were followed up by 1 arm presses and skater squats. I'm going to really try to improve my shoulder strength ( I was only using 10 kg, but I did 10x10). I'm improving on the skaters - I could get my knee to the floor for most of the reps. Three weeks ago I was only getting to about 4" from the floor. The final superset was mountain climber sprawls and dead bugs. I confess I got bored after 4 sets!

Here's to a strong and fit week for ahead for all commandos.
Wow, killer workouts, everyone! Just great.
Karen, yeah, I bet you look JUST like the Pillsbury doughboy. A dead ringer. ;)

Quick check-in for me today. I fear my little sidekick is reluctant to give up any of my attention.
Today was GSF2 Phase 2 Week 1 Squats. Used my belt! No rhinestones, sorry. ;)
Front squats 5x5 115#. Superset of BB hip thrusts and 1-arm rows. Hip thrusts were 2x10 at 175#, 1x10 at 200#, 1x10 at 225#, and 1x8 at 225#. Rows were 5x10 at 45-47#. Thentwo rounds of a superset of sliding disc push aways (30 sec) and Turkish sit-ups (at 30# then 20#) x5.
Going for a walk later.

Sadly, the Iliaria on Demand is largely going to waste. Not because I'm not interested, I just don't have time for DVDs these days. I don't like to do them when DD is awake, I don't want to wake up at 4am, and I don't want to do them in the evening. Lazy? Perhaps. Particular? Certainly. But hey, I'm working out in a way that works for me. I do wish I had more time to try them, as I like what I've tried so far of her stuff.

That's all for now! Tomorrow I may rest and be back Wednesday, not sure yet.
High fives!
Roz, er Latwoman, did you go back to GSF2? I thought you were still exclusively in GSF1. Am I confused (no doubt I read something wrong). Sheesh, impressive front squat stats. Those slay me. Stinks that Ilaria is so expensive and not getting used, but at least you got to try her stuff out and you're only out 1 month's subscription price. You keep doing what you do 'cuz you do it so well. Throwing out the rules is part of what makes us all bad a$$ COMMANDOS!!!

Tom, another great pyramid sweat session for you today! I agree with Justine...even though you didn't bump up the weights, bumping up the reps is still change and growth. Does your wife come and bail you out of prison each workday? ;) You're so great, you motivate us all too! This check-in is superb, isn't it?!?!

Karen, um yeah, considering that I could do my laundry on your abs and you could probably bench press me PLUS my DH PLUS my babies...not really seeing your Pillsbury dough woman comparison. Besides if anyone has earned a break it's you. Lord knows you'll be back at it, killing it this week. A woman of steel like you can't stay away from the iron for too long. It's just not your nature. :)

Justine, I'm soooo impressed with your skater squats. High fives! It's cool you can track your progress from 4 inches to basically kissing the ground. Those are tough tough tough. Your idea for 10 mins of HoCo at a time is fab!!! I think I will have to approach them that way, once I get to doing any HoCos.

You know what else is tough? 1-handed typing. My love bug wants to be held so I'll finish by reporting that I did another "kale addiction" workout (LOL, Roz)...PUB. I realized, why do I reach for this one so often but then never ever go for PLB? I dunno.

I've been on a quest to eat everything that wont kill me..and I think its working! I was up 7# from my low last Monday and higher than I have been in 45 days, and while that's great news, when it comes to pullups...not so much! This morning was back day so I started with chin ups. It did seem tougher than last week I did 10 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3. there were some "not so pretty" reps in there too! Next I did some wide grip lat pulldowns 3 x8 2 sets of heavy dumbbell rows and 3 sets of deadlifts (really short sets 3 x2 x1) not sure those are really sets!! My deads weren't even heavy, but I had had enough and they FELT heavy!! Wish I was better on these,I feel pathetic and and know I look like one of those "DONT DO THIS videos, but I think it is a terrific total body exercise and will keep pluggin. Have a great day all!
Good morning everyone! I'm feeling better this week.Here's to hoping I can get something done. Yesterday morning was EFX1. Last night was the first workout of GSF2. 8X8 goblet squats (don't know why those are testing so well for me) I can only hold a 24 kg kettlebell in that position for so long. Anything heavier, and my arms get fatigued too quickly. Anyway, next was 8X8 walking lunges and planks. 35 lb dumbbells. Again, a weird test for me. Walking lunges are not my forte. 8X15 Romanian deadlifts @ 135lbs. I'm liking this. I didn't slam the weight, waiting to see where my "groove" is with GSF2. But, so far, so good. Thanks for the recommendation everybody.

I'm impressed, as well, Justine. Not sure exactly what a skater squat is, but good job.
Well done, Lisa, with the one handed typing. I remember those days.
Roz, front squats? I'm impressed. I always have a problem with those. Probably why goblet squats tested better for me.
Well done, Tom, with the pyramid sweat session. Sometimes a short workout, is the best workout. Nothing like a good sweat. which leads me to a question. Do you all sweat less during the cooler weather? During the summer I drip. Cooler months, depending on what kind of workout I'm doing, I barely sparkle. Maybe it's just me.

Have a great one!!
Tom, delighted to hear about the weight gain. Yes, it does make pull ups harder, doesn't it? Last week had me removing my sweatshirt and shoes to make them easier! Yes, Karen, my sweatshirt - I'm staying that cool in this weather. No chance of a sweat for me until later on in the workout.

Goblets and walking lunges tested well for me for my first couple of weeks too. I agree about the arms giving up before the legs. Helped my squat depth, though. Skater squats are just 1 legged squats with the back knee grazing the floor, but not putting your toes down like a curtesy lunge. I'm very wobbly when doing them.

Today was a day off, but spent the day walking up hill and down dale. I'm currently awaiting delivery of a new celebrate being able to pick up more than 100kg. Talking of new things, how's the belt, Roz?
Tom, pull-ups and chin-ups will never be my friends. I can't even bring myself to try most days, so good on you for doing them!!! Hooray for the poundage increase, whatever you're doing is working.

Karen, glad GSF2 is enjoyable for you! My body prefers goblet squats, too.

Justine, can you come to the US and teach me how to speak? I love it--"uphill and down dale."

Roz, resting today?

I did Step Blast today. The crew on this workout remind me of bumble bees, with the yellow/black clothing combo. I'm thinking legs for tomorrow but I have become infected with Tom's leg workout dread this week. ;)

There is a price to pay for stupidity, regardless of how well intended, and I am going to pay that price! I decided to change leg day up a bit and took a page from Karen and Justine's playbook...bad mistake! I started with kb gob squats. The biggest bell I have is 50# and I did get the 8x8, but wow, really tough! Next I did Romanians at 135, but just 4 x 8 no way could I have done 15!!! gotta work on those! I thought I would do some barbell squats at 135 to finish quads, but quads were ALREADY FIINISHED!!! I did some barbell calf raises 155 x 25 x 25 x 18 and finished legs with single calf raises (no weight) x20 x 20. I had to get 3 more sets of something in (since legs were gone) and did 3 sets of ab wheel roll outs 30 x 20 x 10. I earlier tried some single leg deads, but would have toppled over (whirling girbish) and as for skater squats...forget about it!! I bow to the sisterhood with deepest respect! I'm thinking over the next few days "feel the burn" will become (put out the fire!!!) Great work everyone!!
Much as I'd love to come over and speak with all of you, I'd probably find myself stuck in tj's eating peanut butter cups, and I'd never make it home!!!!

Tom, great workout! You're brave to do all those moves in one session. I've never tried goblets, and then attempted back squats. I'd be stuck under the bar until someone came and found me. (Roz, Lisa, I think it's only a matter of months until your youngsters are spotting for you?)

I had a bit of an epiphany today. I'd always thought I had weak upper body / strong lower body, since I'm rubbish at benching and overhead pressing. Then, after posting about week hip flexors in another thread, it occurred to me it's a week anterior chain, compared to posterior chain. After all, my lats, rear delta and arms are ok. It's enough of a 'duh' moment to subtly alter my workouts. Must do hoco! Conditioning can't always be dls followed by pull ups until I collapse! Lying down to do presses isn't being lazy! So, I'm going to concentrate on proper 'bro' stuff - the muscles I see in the mirror.

Luckily today's workout fitted in to the new strategy. Kb 1 arm cleans, overhead weight plate lunges (they fried my shoulders), TGUs, armbars, hip thrusts, and shin boxes. The shin boxes I did with a resistance band round my hips. That really pushed the exercise up a notch. The thrusts I did as Roz suggested, and went slowly down (47kg, so not heavy, but I made them count).

Lisa, I have a feeling you're a little partial to step? (Your avatar, and the workouts you mention.) I'm useless at it, fun though it seems. I have been able to learn one or two of Cathe's routines, but I wouldn't want anyone to watch.....

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Good morning everyone. Yesterday morning was Rx1. Last night was HoCo Get Rolling 1. Every time I do HoCo, it seems to get more difficult. This was only a 20 minute workout. But, it does create a nice core. This morning was EFX2, tonight will be workout 2 of GSF2.
Nice job, Tom. You're showing us how it's done. Like Justine, I would be stuck under the bar.
Justine, we can be stuck in TJ's together, eating the PB cups. Love that place. Nice workout, making it count.
Lisa, there was a time, I was addicted to step. Loved it. Haven't done it for awhile, so my step legs are gone, and I find myself klutzing along. I have quite a few step workouts. (mostly Cathe) Should start doing them again.
When it happens, Roz and Lisa, please post a picture of your DD spotting your bench. Love it.

Today is a holiday for me, boss was a veteran, he gives us the day off. So I am home, doing laundry. Ya gotta love it.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Hey Dolls + Guy,
Happy Veterans Day! (And vacation day to some of you!)
Whew, it's been quite a day! I was really happy to get a workout in -- Week 2 of Phase 2 of GSF1 (Lisa, my 'GSF2' was just a habit typo!). Loving it. More SGDLs (snatch grip deadlifts). I used an even wider grip this time (basically holding right near the plates) after 'finding' my snatch grip properly. This made the move more challenging. I did 11 sets in the 5-8 rep range. Started at 195 for 3 sets or so, then down to 175, then down to 145 (landing in the higher end of the rep range for the lower weights). Grip is definitely the limiting factor on getting more reps in a set on this lift (for me). Loving it.
Then a superset of BB strict presses and DB reverse flys. I don't have the stats but it was good conditioning in the 8-10 rep range, nothing heroic poundage-wise. Then a superset of toddler-weight one-leg glute bridges (she LOVES 'doing bridgies') and RCK planks (yes, that's RCK -- really cute kid). This final superset was the highlight. :)
Sorry to whine as I've really got a wonderful life and so much to be grateful for, but today I've just been feeling really blah. Just down. Not sure why. Anyways... I'm making a nice dinner and we're all going to sit down and have a nice evening together, so that helps. :)
Not sure what tomorrow holds!
Great job, everyone, as always. Tom, killer workout! Justine -- chaturanga? Lots of chaturanga? Lots of yogis have overdeveloped anterior delts.
Karen, always killin' it. Lisa, big hugs to you and your gals and always high fives on your great workouts!

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