Good gracious, I've been running around like a mad woman. Sorry for the unplanned absence yesterday. Despite the craziness I'm still managing to get my workouts in. My workouts are the only thing that keep me stark raving sane (Rosencrantz for the win).
Justine, it's all about the bio-feedback. The workout dabbling and rambling is necessary for my scientific experiment.
Yesterday I did Cathe Live, All About Legs. It was the second or third live, and I've done it a million times. It's fun and I love how Cathe seems "nervous" since it was one of the first.
Karen you mentioned you just did a Live. Which one?
Today I did KCM Shape Up, which is her cardio + UB tabata-
ish workout. One of my fave KCMs. She's just so easy to workout with.
Lying down to do presses isn't being lazy! So, I'm going to concentrate on proper 'bro' stuff - the muscles I see in the mirror.
Justine, you are so in tune with your body. I admire the way you are always reevaluating and switching things up when you find a "weakness" (as if you have any). BTW, chest presses are only lazy when you snack on TJ's PB cups in between sets. I may or may not have done such a thing.
Lisa, I have a feeling you're a little partial to step?
I LOVE me my step. Queen
Roz was right: LIS Step Challenge Bonus is one of my fave 20 minute add-ons. I would do step every day, but unfortunately my Achilles doesn't love me when I do
and there are only so many legit workouts. I have
some dance experience from dance lessons as a kid and a lot of musical experience, so step is a good fit for me. It's the one area of life where I'm
not a klutz.
When it happens, Roz and Lisa, please post a picture of your DD spotting your bench. Love it.
My DD1 does a wicked down dog. She knows the difference between Cathe and Kelly and loves previewing Cathe Lives with me. It's only a matter of time before she's squatting with the rest of us.
I'm amazed you've lasted so long with EFX and with HoCo. Your commitment is impressive. I think you can successfully call yourself an EFX grad.
(Add that to your list of many many degrees.)
Grip is definitely the limiting factor on getting more reps in a set on this lift (for me). Loving it.
I can't remember, did you buy any of those grippy-assist thingies? (I use only technical terminology.)
I needed something quick and dirty today so I did Hot Wheels (LWF1)
Glad your loving GSF1 (thanks for clarifying). Since it's holiday season, your workout really should have been called Hot Cross Buns. And woman, if I lifted the way you do, I would have
nothing in the tank to give to any kind of finisher. You rock!
Tom! Congrats on the weight gain. I laughed out loud, imagining you cursing Karen and Justine and Roz during that wicked leg workout. ("Grrr, what are these women trying to do to me? Kill me?!) Way to go, and once again you annihilated your shoulders. Keep it up, bro!
Sorry for the novel. High fives to all, and to all a good night!