Lifting like girls

Karen, when I lay on the floor my 3-yr-old tries to pick my nose. Not sure if that is better or worse than dog licks. Don't feel too lazy, limiting yourself to one HoCo each day is hardly slacking off.

Tom, if you want poppin' lats I think pull-ups are the way to go. I'm kinda starting to think pull-ups are the king of UB exercises even though I hate them and suck at them. Have you seen Tony Horton? He is a pull-up machine and it shows.

Roz, Justine, hope you COMMANDO women are having a terrific day.

Today was old school Cathe short hair + headband day. I did the hi/lo only from Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio + Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, Tris. Sounds long but was only 1 hour.

Great work, everyone!
Tom, I had a pullup day today, too. Similar rep/set scheme, but mine were ALL band assisted! I did 15 sets total starting with 8 and working down to 4 or 5. Then 9 sets of double DB farmer carries 2x45# for 40 yards each. High rep double DB biceps curls and DB side bends.
I added some of Roman's Revenge (LWF1) but was saved by the baby-bell. Looking forward to doing that one in its entirety another day.
My whole workout was about an hour.

Karen, I'm ashamed. Just ONE HoCo?! I love it: Justine's rest days are 10-mile walks, Karen's are only ONE brutal workout. Buncha slackers here.

Lisa, I love the sound of your workout! MIC + PS are both faves of mine, so both together is a winning combo in my book. Nice workwork!

Take care, everyone!
Well I've been lying I a darkened room with a towel over my head. It was the thought of Lisa and Tom not having plans.....
In reality it was another long- walk day off. Yes, I'm out in all weathers - in fact we had thick fog until lunch time. I got very disorientated!

Tom, great pull ups. Just don't go blaming me for the doms. I was re-reading the gsf user guide, and noted that it said that altering rep schemes counted as an improvement. Eg 10, 8,8,7 would be better than 9,8,8,8. That made me feel a whole lot better! Still can't do pull ups one handed though - although, Roz, bracing did help a little. Can you do them left handed too?

Karen, good idea to back off, especially as you're starting a new programme soon. Need to be fresh for it! You've been pushing plenty hard enough.

Nia's 10 phase b/w - not so much that I'm underwhelmed, more that the first workout I just didn't push myself that hard. I need to make myself do the absolute hardest variations that I can. Loved that it was short enough to add a finisher.

Lisa, I love metabolic stuff (lifting weights faster), low reps heavy weights, and hiit. Just can't stand the middling stuff - 12 reps at pretty heavy load for 3 sets. Always feels like they'll never stop. So 12x3 - fine 3x12 I dislike. Go figure!

Roz, I wonder if the roman's revenge is the same as in lwf2. If so, you were lucky to be disturbed - killer.
Good Morning! This morning was EFX Advanced Ladders. I have HoCo scheduled for tonight. But, it all depends on how I feel tonight. Have a great day everyone!! I'm still laughing over COMMANDO SISTERS!! Tom, you're too funny! day is a ten mile walk, I'm impressed.
Roz - always killing it!! Roman's Revenge? Sounds intriguing!
Tom, like I stated before, just reading your schedule made me tired.
Lisa, I loved Cathe's short hair, headband era. Lots of good workouts. Good job!
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Good Morning! This morning was EFX Advanced Ladders. I have HoCo scheduled for tonight. But, it all depends on how I feel tonight. Have a great day everyone!! I'm still laughing over COMMANDO SISTERS!! Tom, you're too funny! day is a ten mile walk, I'm impressed.
Roz - always killing it!! Roman's Revenge? Sounds intriguing!
Tom, like I stated before, just reading your schedule made me tired.
Lisa, I loved Cathe's short hair, headband era. Lots of good workouts. Good job!
Karen, I feel like a slacker compared to the "commando sisters" and by the way, you ARE one of THEM!!!! Haha
Roz, great workout! Thanks but no thanks for the saved by the baby-bell reference. I cannot get that blasted Saved by the Bell theme song out of my head now! ;) Of course I'm not ashamed to admit that I loved that show and have it all on DVD and have most of the episodes memorized. I spent my time doing important things during the 1990s. :)

Tom, sorry but you're a commando sister too. Deal with it.

Karen, do you like EFX? I don't see myself getting into it. Instead of HoCo tonight, I recommend kicking back with a spoon, a jar of Cookie Butter, and reading up on your next rotation. ;) Is it gloomy in your neck of the woods today? It's definitely a SAD therapy light day up here.

Justine, sorry to put you in that dark room but you can come out now because I'm planning on doing PS Back and Biceps tomorrow. IDK what's next but you can be peaceful for at least one day. I think we would agree on the love for metabolic stuff but then part ways with the rep count. I can mentally handle 6 reps as low but anything less I can't wrap my head around, not because it would be ineffective but just because of my own mindset. Anything from 6-15 reps is OK by me, but when Cathe gets into the bazillion pulses and low ends range, I go bonkers and start screaming at the television. Nice job on your long walk. Sounds like you need a GPS for the fog.

Today I did Boxing with Leg Blasts Live (4/30/15). The last 20 mins is like CLB, minus the step--cardio legs alternated with moderate weighted leg moves. It's surprisingly tough.

Have a great day, everyone!

Today I did shoulders. I am signing up for IHLDA ( I hate leg day anon)! I really don't, but it seems if I skip a day THAT is usually it!!! Well I skipped it yesterday, again maybe I can make it up this weekend. I decided to try to make my days 20 set /part days. Today I started with dumbbell shoulder press 30s x 8 40s x 8 50s x 8 40s x 10 40s x 6 next was side laterals 4 sets x 10 with 25s then barbell front raises 4x10 45# next was rear delt flys 35s 3x10 military press 85 x 5 x 4 (pretty po0ped and not proud to post, but elected to do militaries late in the w/o) and finished with barbell shrugs 155# x 10 x 10 I also did 2 sets of in and outs (seated leg lifts) 25 x 20. Total time was about 45 minutes. Lisa, I am PROUD of that title!!! THANKS ( could I be a "commando BROTHER of the SISTERHOOD????) Justine if I plan to do 20 sets /day will that help with the migraine??? I truley wish I was half as organized as you! Karen. how long does your hoco last? It seems to be a pretty long program, but you must feel it really works to stick with it like you have! Roz..the last time I did farmer carries was when I was moving my son out of his apartment and I carried his powerblocks to his car...damn near died!!! Couldn't show indifference for a week!!! Have a great day everyone!!
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Tom, to be honest, HoCo has a huge dread factor for me. I only do it because I'm going to conquer it if it kills me, (may happen) and it's the best thing to happen to my abs in many years.
Tonight I will be doing HoCo. Arrrrgggghhh!
Commando BROTHER of the SISTERHOOD, too funny, but it works. I don't know how you can get out of bed, after your ten mile walk, Justine!
Liz, are you still out there? What have you decided about Nia?
Lisa, I tried the cookie butter workout, last night. I could get in to that!
Keep workin' it, Roz, I know you are!
Have a fabulous day, everyone!
Karen, you're so good. Doing stuff with a huge dread factor. I think that's what I like most about lwf - no dread factor because each workout is new!

Anyway, I'm back in love with Nia. The second workout was much better, or at least I judged which progression to do more accurately. Squats to a box, pull ups and pike push ups. I did her bonus work too (mountain climbers, face pulls and tricep dips) and then a 10 minute finisher. Perfect.

Tom, love the sound of what you're doing. You're certainly getting the volume in.
Lisa, I'm breathing easy now you know what's next on your list!

I've my goddaughters and their mum coming to stay this weekend (I'm just about to fetch them from the train). So I get to do Halloween again! Yeah, a bit like having grandchildren....

Like the idea of the commando sistas and bro.
Today was a modified quickie. I did 75 pushups, 30 ab wheel roll outs, 50 bw squats and 100 calf raises. Was short on time and will do arms tomorrow. Karen, I admire anyone who can do dread factor're made of good stuff!! Justine, enjoy the godchildren..sounds like fun, that w/o sounds challenging,Lisa..Roz..REPORT!! !Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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