Lifting like girls

Legs and laundry. Just a typical Monday around here! Tom, sorry your team disappointed again! They are testing your loyalty. Karen, hope you are doing awesome!

Laundry and Mark Lauren. That’s about it. Temperature in the 20’s last night. Think the garden is gone. I did pick all the tomatoes Saturday, (yes, green tomatoes too) there was a ton of cherry and yellow pear tomatoes. Didn’t pick them. No room. Glad it’s all done. That’s it!

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I "thought" I had to get up a little early today so I set my alarm for 4:40,couldnt manage to make it for back and bis, reset the alarm, went over and found they had given me the wrong day! At least it gave me another chance at back and bis so I headed to the dungeon...better late than never! 3 sets of chins, x8x7x6, ( not pushing these right now) low cable rows 3x10 and lat pulldowns 3x10 and 2x8 db rows (85s). Bis were all 40# dbs curls x8x8x8x10 and 2x8 of conc curls. I actually rode the bike for 3 miles after (not fast but this old guy gets tired!), I think I will go get a pneumonia shot, just for kicks (prevnar??) and should get the flu shot tomorrow at work...good times!
Hope y'all are doing well, having done legs and laundry AND the light at the end of the tunnel for canning, all should be well!!
I need to post! I’ve been cleaning out my house. I’m tired of all my stuff, so I’m donating most of it. Looking for simplicity, aesthetics and less stuff. Accumulated too much “stuff” over the last 44 years. It will be a big shock for DH. He loves his “stuff.” He has about 10 bicycles, you can only ride one at a time, some of them need to go. I won’t touch his “stuff,” I don’t need to go there. But all his “stuff” is going to the garage, and he can go through it.
Yesterday was a workout from a program I bought years ago. “Kettlebell Burn” by Geof Neupert. I’ve got some DOMS going. It’s a 90 day program, and I did the first program of the first month. Fifteen minutes of Turkish Getups. One to three reps each side. That’s the strength segment. Fifteen minutes of goblet squats and one arm rows, alternating sides. The metabolic segment. Ten minutes of finishers, KB swings. Forty seconds on 20 seconds rest. It’s a three days a week program. Every month the metabolic exercise change. There is always Getups and Swings. It’s a very good program, and he knows his “stuff.” But I get bored very easily, and by the third month. I’m looking for a change.
If you don’t hear from me for awhile, I may have become trapped in my “stuff” clean out. Have a great day, all!
Oh Tom, 4:40, sounds so early. Since I retired, I have become a late sleeper. As late as the dogs will let me.
Lisa, hope you are all well. What’s new?

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Sheesh, a 4:40am wakeup call and all for nothing? I'm with Karen. That's way too early! Hope your day is better today.

Karen, 15 mins of TGs sounds like death to me! Should we call in Dateline NBC and do a hoarders show at your house? Seriously only teasing. I am sure you don't hold a candle to my Depression Era great grandparents who had toilet bowls and helicopter propellers in their front yard because having the "stuff" brought them comfort, I guess. They could not understand how anyone would throw those "gems" away. Good luck purging. It always feels good.

Yesterday was GS Chest and Triceps. I conquered those pushups, or at least that's the fairy tale that I am telling myself. Today was a Yvette Bachmann Kickboxing Cardio from YouTube. Rock your Wednesday everyone!
That’s funny Lisa. I think what got me going on this “purge,” is watching the show on Hulu called Hoarders. Oh my gosh, how do people live that way? Some of these shows are so gross, I had to look away, so I wouldn’t puke. I’m not there, but it feels good to lighten the load.

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That’s funny Lisa. I think what got me going on this “purge,” is watching the show on Hulu called Hoarders. Oh my gosh, how do people live that way? Some of these shows are so gross, I had to look away, so I wouldn’t puke. I’m not there, but it feels good to lighten the load.

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Yes, so grody! Especially when there are pets involved. Despite the poor pets being neglected (probably), can you just imagine drowning in STUFF and S$%T? The smells, the chaos.

Also just LOLing about getting to sleep for as long as the dogs allow. Yet another way kids are dogs and dogs are kids!

Speaking of, Tom how is that new doggy at your house doing?
Got through raising kids with my sanity. Now I’m raising dogs! Something wrong with this picture. I’m just too old for this.
Speaking of hoarders. One episode....a woman. When the police finally got involved, they found animals in cages, that had died. Nothing in the cage but skeletons. I can’t even imagine the smell in that place. And the poor animals. Oh my!

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Today I hosted a "shoulder Slaughter" in the "delt dungeon of doom". 30 sets, 467 reps, but everything lighter but many different types of excercises. I started with 8x8 seated shoulder press, but I usually decline the bench slightly and today it was a 90 degree back. Then alt side laterals with holds on the opposite arm, 3 sets...brutal! Then 4x10 conventional side laterals. Next were 5x12 rear delt flys but bench supported, taking the lower body out of it. Following this I did 3 sets of alt front raises, again with holds on the opposite arm, then 4x10 conventional front raises. I finished with 3 long sets of heavy db shrugs. I was going to do some light clean and press with the ez curl bar but it absolutely tore my right hand and forearm up.....guess I may have to check the explosive stuff off, getting too fragile in my old age....geeze
All for me, tomorrow is arms if I'm still alive!!
Lisa, new doggy is fine. DW was in FL, Nebraska first so she boarded the pup. With me working and being gone sometimes I couldn't really watch her, but the reunion was great! The boarding is more like "Doggy Disney" so far from isolation!
Karen, we need a purge as well!! Might take a backho because 40+ years in the same house is "accumulative" for sure!!
Have a "goodun" friends!
Karen, seriously animal skeletons? Sounds like a crime scene. How horrible! Poor animals!

Tom, my childhood dog used to go to those doggy retreats when my family took vacations. She loved it and was definitely sad to leave.

Today was Gym Styles Back Shoulders Biceps. This is one of Cathe's best biceps routines, IMHO.

Karen, did you preorder Lite? I did. Looking forward to it but I do definitely miss Amanda (although I love that Nicole from Live classes is now on the DVD crew).

Have a great weekend! Tom, hope your team wins. Be back Monday
Yes I did order, I can’t wait. I like Amanda too. But I do like Nicole. Cathe’s Gym Style is killer! I love that program. Geez Tom, I just re-read your post on your shoulder work. That was a real killer. My dogs need a retreat. Or, I do.
Today is Mark Lauren’s Circuits. Have a great week-end guys!

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Arm day. 24 sets and instead of supersetting I did 12sets tris then 12 sets bis. Different stuff today, all sets to fail on last set. Tris were 4 sets of Cathe's side db tri extensions, 4 sets of pushdowns and 4 sets of kickbacks. Bis, I started with decline curls but couldn't do them so went with 4 sets of db curls, 2 sets of cable curls ( new to me) 3sets of conc curls and 3 sets of 21s to finish. Had to go light but this w/o was pretty intense and my arms were fried! The variety was welcome.
Karen, ( not asking you Lisa cause you are still an " embryo" lol!!), do you ever feel like your joints and structures just aren't up for it? I feel like I always have to modify or use alternatives just to "get er done"! Just the price to pay for still being here I guess! Have a great Sat all....I am preparing for another potential lousy day, but hope not!!
Karen, ( not asking you Lisa cause you are still an " embryo" lol!!), do you ever feel like your joints and structures just aren't up for it? I feel like I always have to modify or use alternatives just to "get er done"! Just the price to pay for still being here I guess! Have a great Sat all....I am preparing for another potential lousy day, but hope not!!

Tom, I laughed so hard at "you're still an embryo" spit out your coffee, roll on the floor, wet your pants (which I guess is what we embryos do) laughter. Thanks for that!!!

My DH told me Nebraska brought home a win for you yesterday. Yay!

Did an Upper Body Pump Live, or something like that, for UB day yesterday. Enjoy the rest of Sunday!
You’re cracking me up Lisa!! (Embryo) spit your coffee! LOL!
Yes Tom, everyday. It would be so easy to spend the day in an easy chair. I’m sure I have some kind of arthritis in my thumb joints. It’s just been recent, but occasionally they hurt, and HoCo and Pushups are sometimes bothersome. But, the more I sit, the more I want to sit. So, I do something every day, just to keep moving.
Yesterday was one of Cathe’s Hiit, chased with a half hour of yoga. Some days are better than others. Have a great day guys!

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Yessss, Big Red laid the wood down yesterday! They have been finding unbelievable ways to lose, but yesterday finally figured out how to win 1..hopefuly first of many!
Lisa, I certainly meant no offense, youth is wonderful..wish I could "revisit", but I didn't have the self control to workout like you do when I was your age..wish I did! I have so much respect for you doing it with all the other irons you have to put in the fire, its pretty amazing!
Karen,speaking of amazing,the things you can do are mind blowing...I want to be like you when I grow up;)
OK, enough bragging on you two. today was LEGS! %$#@!@#$@Q Freakin hate mine! Today I started with regular BB squats, no bench and not heavy (nothing past 135) but "cheek to crete" and only 4 sets but it wiped me out and the rest of the w/o felt like "lactic limbo"! Next were 3 sets of bench squats (nothing past 205), 3 sets of reverse lunges, 2 sets of gob squats and 2 sets of 1 leg straight leg deads with an ez curl bar. For calves 2 sets of BB calf raises and 2 sets of single leg calf raises. Getting back upstairs was an issue and its an hour later and I am still wiped! Those first 4 sets really changed the day, pre exhausted everything I guess. I haven't done full ROM BB squats since I cant remember, just didn't think I could, and maybe I was right cause they sure "kicked my thutt".
You ladies inspire, old age or not, I gotta try to keep up with the fast company I'm hanging with!
All for me, keep with it friends!
Chest and tris, 12 sets of chest and 8 sets of tris. Bench was short warm up sets to 205x3 215x2 195x5 185x7 165x8 135x13. Tried some incline bench but that just didn't work so did incline flys x10 and light db incline press x20. Tris were skullcrushers x10 10 10, pushdowns x10x8x8 and kickbacks 2x15. I am getting so slow and rest a lot. This took me 80 minutes!! (what a slacker!) It just seems I need more time between sets than I used too or maybe just not willing to breath as hard, dunno?
I'm out friends, make today splendid!
Hey everybody. This is my last week of intermediate Mark Lauren. Next week I’m starting advanced. I don’t know how long I did intermediate. It was longer than four weeks. His programs always give me DOMS from my armpits to my butt. Total core, back and front. It’s not the usuals that get sore. It’s deep inside muscles. Very different sore. Still purging my 44 years of “stuff.” If I had known I would just be getting rid of it someday, I would have never acquired it in the first place. What a pain. That’s about it, see you tomorrow.

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Back and bi day. Tried to start with pullups but that was a no go, so did 3x12 low cable pulls, 3x12 lat pulldowns and pullovers 3x10. Bis were 4 sets of db curls and 3 sets of conc curls. Lightened everything and tried to concentrate on the muscle groups being worked. Lighter with focus may be necessary as time goes on just to attempt to be more joint friendly!
That was my day, not too intense or long, but at least body parts were worked!
I'm out friends, have a great day!
Karen, DOMS in your armpits? I thought I had heard it all, but nope! Sounds painful.

Tom, slow and steady wins the race. You gave your dungeon what you had in your tank today. Always a victory when that happens.

Today was one of those days where I could not handle the thought of picking up any weights, so I did cardio with an emphasis on core. Probably a good thing as I've been slacking on the core work lately. Yesterday was legs. Can't remember if I posted or not. Have a good one!

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