Lifting like girls

Back and bi day, 15 sets back and 8 sets bi. 3x5 chin ups ( these have been killing me lately joint wise and tendon wise so shortened these up). Funny, I can do neutral grip without issue but pronate and supinate are killer. Wish I had a way to do these at home. Next 3x8 pullovers, 3x8 1 arm cable pulls 3x8 pendlay rows( almost never do these) and 3x8 lat pulldowns. Bi's were 3x8 ez curls, and db curls x8x10x10 and conc curls 2x8. Everything was lightened up, short setted chins, stayed at 90 on ez bar curls, but dropped to 35s on db curls and conc curls. I used 165 on pendlays but those are tougher on the lower back than anything else. Dropped to 40s on pullovers and 120 on lat pulldowns. At least I did make an appearance and even rode the airdyne after....ok, just 1 mile but still!!!
All for me, tomorrow is shoulders and gonna try to self sacrifice!!
Tom, you can buy contraptions (straps) to attach to your pullup bar to achieve different grips. Would any of those help? Proud of you for showing up.

Today was an old Live, maybe from 2015? Boxing and Legs, I almost typed "Kegs" Live. The news is getting into my subconscious!!!!

Raining like cats and dogs here today. It's definitely Fall! Got to brag that I already have all my Christmas shopping done, except for the stocking knickknacks. I blame Costco. It's already in full on Christmas mode, and you have to buy the toys NOW at Costco or they will be gone.
I loved it when I had Christmas done early. Shopping on Christmas Eve, is not a good time. Will post this week after my workout today. Legs and butt are so sore. Mark Lauren and Kristina Nekayia (spelling) are beating me up.

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Today was shoulders, 5 sets of seated db press..35sx10 45sx10 55sx10 45sx12 and 35x12. Side laterals 25s 3x10 rear delt flys 45s 3x12, and front raises 25s 3x12 and BB shrugs 225 3x20. I finished with cable crunches x25 25 20. No BB presses, that range between clavicle and ear is I nixed those today!
All for me, tomorrow is a quick arm day then off to a yearly homecoming get together! Have a great Friday!!
Wednesday was Mark Lauren Ladders. This is my least favorite workout of Mark Lauren. It's a difficult move, and you go up the ladder to 5 reps. Then down the ladder. Right and left. Sweating big time when I finish. Yesterday I did a HoCo workout. I realized why I dislike the Wednesday ladder workout from Mark. It's basically a HoCo workout. Then I did some stretching with Kristina Nekyia. Today will be Mark's Friday workout. It's circuits. Yesterday and today, it's been raining off and on. Last night it poured all night.
That's about it! Have a great week-end. Enjoy your homecoming, Tom.
realized why I dislike the Wednesday ladder workout from Mark. It's basically a HoCo workout
Weeping from laughter! But laughing with you. Not at you, of course! Rain is gone here but now it's downright cold. Mr Man puked on us at the store today. Poor little guy. Fun times for us. Thank goodness for kind Fred Meyer employees. Here's hoping no one else tosses their cookies...and ironically he'd just started eating a free kid's cookie from the bakery.

Karen, have you begun the countdown to your DH'S return?

Tom, sorry for your neck pain. Don't get too crazy this weekend! Have fun, stay safe!

Today was Ready for Action Bootcamp Live from this past Thursday. Fun!

Have a great weekend all
Arm day and this was different! I did a "Cathesque" "slow and not very heavy". Just 6 excercises, and really dropped weight trying to have a more joint friendly day. Each rep on all the sets was 4-5 count eccentric and 6 count concentric. All the db work was with 25s. Skullcrushers 2x8 db curls 2x8 pushdowns 2x8 ( dropped 30 lbs) hammer curls 2x8 ( these hurt, guess that's why I don't do them anymore) and kickbacks 2x8 conc curls 2x8. This was interesting as I haven't done anything like this for a long time. I may revisit someday. I did get some burn and really tried to contract at the top of the movement, but certainly no boost for fast twitch fibers!!
Have a fun weekend, ours looks WET!! UGH!
Leg day "in da books"! 5 sets of bench squats 115x5 165x5 185x5 205x3 225x3.(that last rep bout didn't get there), 3x12 gob squats (50 kb) 3x8 rev lunges (35s) 3x20 standing BB calf raises (225) and single leg unweighted calf raises 3x20 (right) and 3x25 left. Finished with some ab work, crunches x50x30x20 and cable crunches x30x20.
LIsa, I don't really have any neck issues but I have shoulder spurs and the low range stuff is killer. Once I get it to about ear level it is much better!
Well, me Huskers took it on the chin again but looking better, do some great things, just not enough!! Penalties still killing them..lead the nation in those!
Karen, hope you are surviving Mark and least you are brave enough to do it......... (said chicken man)!
We are wet here and looks like we will be for several days but basement still far!
Have a great Sunday friends!
Chest and tris and I guess I am too old to count, but was a good screw up! Bench was light short warm up sets up to 215x2 ( I thought it was 205 but added 30 to 185 so how stupid am I). I was pretty disappointed until a started changing plates and had to recount about 5 times! Now I was recharged and did 205x4 185x8 165x10 7 5. Again I played with doing a deload week but just couldn't "pull the trigger" and glad I didn't. True were 3x8 pushdowns and skullcrushers x12 10 8. I finished with 2 miles on the bike.
Hope Monday is going well for " yousinns"!!
Tom, legs yesterday and 2 miles on the bike today? Wowza! Nice work my friend. I'm most impressed by your glass half full football attitude! Sadly, my family (not my DH, but brothers, dad, etc) are all BYU fans. They are perpetually upset because the Cougars pretty much always suck. When I was growing up, my dad used to throw temper tantrums during the games. It was actually pretty pathetic...he still does it, too.

Karen, how are you?

We had a great weekend and I started the day with legs! Feel good about that! Enjoy your afternoon friends! Hope the rain stops and that none of us get flooded!
Hi guys! Well, we went from Summer to Winter overnight. No Autumn for us. So I turned on the heat this morning. I’ve been doing my usual Mark Lauren and throwing in some Cathe (or someone else) on alternate days. DH is back in the 48, he’s now in Minnesota consulting on something. I sometimes wonder if he’s a spy or something. I can’t keep up with his comings and goings. I’m doing the tail end of my canning. This weekend I will pick all the tomatoes that are left, and put them on the windowsill to ripen. I’m still getting zucchini from the plant from hell. Time to get ready for birthday season and Christmas. Evidently, my kids thought that Christmas was a good time to have babies. But they’re so cute, and Grandma spoils them. That’s about it. Hope all of you are well.

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Finally made it down to the dungeon...DRY dungeon I might say and since my screening got postponed due to flooding...I feel pretty fortunate! Just couldn't do it Tues and Wed, dunno why, just wasn't in to it but rallied today and did some shoulders and back. Lightened up shoulders and did 3x8 seated BB militaries, 3x15 seated db presses, 3x8 side lat/front raise and 3x12 rear delt flys. Back was 3x8 low bar cable rows (new for me, at least haven't done them in 5 or 6 years) and 5x8 lat pulldowns. I rode the bike a mile to warm up and a mile after and called it a day!
I think they will reschedule the screening in a couple weeks, flooding was so bad school was cancelled at least 2 days and probably again tomorrow.
Lisa, glad your basement is dry too..its the simple things huh! Karen, glad canning is about caput!! Probably feels good to have hubby back in the 48 contiguous, even if he is into espionage!! Good to hear from ya friends, hope life is treating y'all well!
Lol, Tom, my basement is "imaginary" so it can't flood! Glad you are safe. Hope it dries up over there. I hear you on those no motivation days. Glad you got some energy back today.

Karen, perhaps it's time to commit "herbal homicide?" I won't report you if you kill that zucchini plant! Happy to hear your DH is home-ish. At least closer than before, no oceans to cross. Nice rotation you've got going there. I'm sure that you are not getting any mercy from Mark or Cathe! It went directly into Winter here, too. We've been at least 10 degrees below normal temps. But usually more like 15 below. Gross. At least you've got a those cute grandkids to spoil!

Today was legs. My own creation. It kicked my a$$. In a good way. Happy Thursday!
Arm day here in cold wet Missouri! Back to supersets and tried to go pretty heavy. 18 sets, skullcrushers (45s) x8x12 12/ ez bar curls (bumped back to 100#) 3x8 pushdowns x8x1010/ db curls (45s) 3x8 kickbacks (40s) 3x15/ conc curls (40s) 3x8 I'm not sure the 100# on ez curls was any harder (on the joints) than 80 or 90, but was DEFINITELY harder! After the w/o, I did ride the bike 1 lousy mile...just didn't have it to do more!
All for me ladies, hope your weather is better than this!
3x15/ conc curls (40s)
Hey Tom, don't know if you get Cathe's email newsletter, but last week it included an article analyzing a study that showed that concentration curls are the top banana of all biceps exercises because they reduce involvement from supporting muscle groups better than any other biceps move. With a name like "concentration," guess that makes sense. No wonder why I hate them so much!!! Wowza on that 100# ez bar, too! We've got sun here today, so definitely doing better than your homeland. Sorry 'bout that.

Karen, hey hey hey!

Today I did a DVD. I know, what are those??? Who even uses those anymore?!?! It was a KCM Upper Body and I added some boxing as well. Have a great weekend! Most of mine will be spent working, since my DH can whisk the children away (the only option for me to have quiet, brain-functioning time!).
After watching my team give up a 10 point lead with 5 min left and LOSE.........AGAIN, I decided to go do something in the basement. Wasn't up for much so I decided to do alternate set of bench and air squats. 6 sets of each to start with bench were sets of 10 at 115 135 155 155 155 and 135, while squats were sets of 25. When I was done with the 6 alternate sets I decided to finish out air squats to a total of 250, so I finished those with sets of 35 25 20 20 to get there. A friend on facebook was doing a 30 day challenge that at the end of 30 days you do 250, I just bumped it up a bit...anything to get out of a legit leg day!
Lisa, I did see that on conc curls, hard to believe but maybe??
I'm out friends, thinking about drinking....but probably won't!
Abs and light deads today. Was going to take the day off but seemed silly so deads were 205x10(sumo) 10( conv) and 255x5 (sumo) and5(conv) and and were 100 crunches (x50x30x20) side planks(5 min..x60 sec 45 30 15 each side) and 100 cable crunches (4x25). I videoed the 255x5 conv and it's UGLY!! I've mentioned it before but wow, becomes a straight leg deadlift quick! Butt goes up then straight leg it is! I think that's why I am liking sumo better, less bending over and less " glomed up" over the bar. At least something done and no back surgery...,yet! Enjoy Sunday friends.
Chest and tris today and maybe it was a little too soon after doing 6x10 sets Sat afternoon, even though they were light. Not a good day Bench wise. Up to 205x2, 2 sets of 195x3 and finished with 175x8..8 sets total. Next I switched to inclined bench, hadn't done these in a long time and did 155x5x8x4 and finished these with 2x8 at 135. Next were inclined flys ( also been awhile) 45s 3x10. Felt good to hit the accessories, need to more often! Tris were skullcrushers x10 9 6 and pushdowns 3x8, then a mile on the airdyne at a pretty fast pace for me...breathing hard!!
That's my Monday effort, hope y'all are having a "tolerable one"!

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