Lifting like girls

A bit of a "light and long" w/o today. I decided to hit a little of everything, (except chest), lighter weights and longer sets. I dropped to 35# db for the first three exercises and did seated shoulder db presses 2x20, db curls 2x20 and kickbacks 2x20, then cable ab crunches 2x20 and finished with deadlifts 205# 2x10 (sumo) and 2x10 (conv). 2x10 =1x20...right?? I don't know why, but I just seem to like to do silly games like this on some workouts..guess I want organization, just not really capable of it! The longer sets were tough, even though the weights were light, this old guy is NOT used to sets of 20 LOL!! This may be my last w/o for a few days and not sure what my web access will be there, but I will try to follow your exploits! Hit it hard my friends!
This may be my last w/o for a few days and not sure what my web access will be there, but I will try to follow your exploits! Hit it hard my friends!

Tom, enjoy yourself and have a great holiday weekend vacation with your fam!

Karen, hope you and your DH are having lots of romantic dinners, long walks on those UT beaches, etc. :)

Today was Shelly Dose, one of her many YouTube kickboxing workouts . I'm just trying to keep working out, definitely not hitting any PRs this week.
1A Elastic Resisted Dead Bugs
1B Hip Thrusts
2A Stepback Lunges
2B Landmine 1 arm split stance row
3A Tall Kneeling to Standing
3B Cat Camel Stretch
4A BB or DB Farmer Carry
4B Perfect Push-up
Wednesday OFF
1A BB Ab Wheel Rollout
1B BB Front Squat
2A BB Bent Over Row
2B KB Swing
3A Body Weight Cossack Squat
3B DB Row
4A Chin-up
4B Glute Ham Raise

Enjoy Tom! Take care Lisa!
Just did a little this morning, 3 sets, supersetting pushups x 30 20 15/ chins x 10 7 5/ and ab wheel roll outs x 20 15 10...,,short and sweet!. Off in about 3 hours, weather sounds like rain the WHOLE time..,ugh!! 6 dogs, and 7 kids IN LOCK DOWN!!! Can't wait lol!
Well, made it back and the charter was terrific! Had a great weekend with the fam.
Today I hit it when I got back, 8 sets of flat bench, most were sets of 10 (light and long) 115 135 155 175 (x8x7) 155 and 2 x10 at 135 to finish flat bench. After flat bench I did 2x8 incline bench (135) to finish chest. Nothing earth shaking at all, but I did get the smaller block from Amazon and used it for all the flat sets...better stretch! I did 9 sets of tris. 3x10 of skullcrushers, tri pushdowns and kickbacks and finished with 1x100 alt knee to chest in plank position, cable crunch x 30 and 1 min side plank each side. Felt good to lift again...guess I missed it! New format was a little confusing but guess I will get used to it...had to remember "ye ole password" (tough on old guys!), Hope y'all had a great Memorial weekend!
B,ack and bi, kept it simple..chins 3x8 pullovers 3x8 and 1 arm side cable pulls 3x8. For bi's, ez bar curls 3x8 db curls 3x8 and conc curls 3x8. I have been doing the cable pulls from the front but these were from the side, had to back down the weight but wow..really worked! Back to work today and Friday which, by the way, wont be as special as Karen's Friday but gotta luv ALL Fridays! Make the day yours friends!
Leg day in the books! Started with bench squats and I was able to go heavier than I have in a long time. Bench squats were 115x8 135x5 155x5 175x5 195x3 215x3 225x2. Knee seemed to hold up great and happy for that. Next were db squats (60s) 2x8 gob squats (50# kb) 3x12 rev lunges (30)s 3x8 kb swings( 50# kb) 3x15. For calves standing BB calf raises (225) 3x20 and single leg unweighted calf raises 3x25. Felt good and probably the best leg day in awhile! (if there is ANYTHING like a good leg day) Hope I am sore (sad, but that seems to best the best indicator for me of a good w/o.
Speaking of sore, my upper body is sore! Chest is sore and I have trouble getting there, and surprised because though I did longer sets, nothing was very heavy, but I did use the shorter block and I think that added more stretch. I love me some DOMS....probably indicates some mental imbalance! Hope you all are well and Karen, I feel like I need to have a party in your honor tomorrow, congrats again! Lisa, hope you are balancing law, little ones and lunges!
Tom, lol "balancing law, little ones, and lunges!" Funny how those overlap...laying down the law with my kids, lunging to catch them from falling after they've climbed up bookshelves, etc. :) So glad you had a great time on your adventure. Chartering a flight is something from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, at least in my mind. Congrats on leg day today!!! you did it!!! What is the "smaller block" that you purchased from Amazon for flat bench sets?

Karen, if I'm remembering, today is your last day of work!!! Welcome to retirement. My DD1 "graduated" from Kindergarten today (not sure why they do that, because who DOESN'T pass Kindergarten...but I digress). Pretty sure Kindergarten graduation and Retirement are on the same wavelength...not! Hope you party hard, celebrate your entire life of hard work.

I've still been at it. Monday was Cardio Calorie Crush Live, or something like that. Tuesday was leg day--a combo of Shelly Dose and Melissa Bender, two workout people from YouTube. Yesterday was UB. Today was Jabs and Kicks Live. Looking forward to doing the 200th Live sometime very soon.

Have a great Thursday!!!
Well guys!! That's it, I'm a retired person now!! Already lovin' it!
I'm really impressed with this program from Dean Somerset. Before you begin the program, there is an assessment, to check your mobility and range of motion. there is also a movement pattern test. Some people can squat to a certain depth, and then everything locks up, and it's kinda like they're just stuck there. So these tests are great for checking all this out. Four different programs, depending on how you move, and your mobility. I'm in quadrant 2, and I work out 4 days a week. I'm noticing soreness in places that I have never been sore. For example, the muscles around my lower back have never been sore. Now, I feel every muscle there. I can squat A to G, and I have a great overhead press. But, I can't do it at the same time. Low squat with a barbell over my head, was not going to happen. This program is helping with that, and I like this guy. Just kinda low key. Some of the exercises are very different, but, I always end up with a good butt kicking. Think I will do all six months. Today was my lifting day off. I moved everything back a day because of the holiday, and I did Cathe Live from a couple of weeks ago, possibly the one you did, Lisa. Crush something like that.
Sounds like you had a super weekend Tom. Nice! Lisa, nice work balancing law, little ones and lunges! I'm sure you juggle as well. Keep up the good work, guys!!! I'm back, and here for the duration!
Arm day, just like old times! 9 sets each using supersets. Pushdowns 3x10/ ezbar curls 3x10 (90) for the rest I used #45 db's skullcrushers 3x12/ db curls 3x10 single arm kb 3x15/ conc curls 3x8 and finished with 2x20 cable crunches 20 sets in all and about 40 min.
Karen, so happy for're gonna luv it, if you survive Dean! Lisa, the block is thinner so the bar comes closer to my chest, providing more stretch and better ROM. I'm off to work today, unlike Karen!! Sounds like all is well!
Nice job on Old School Crazy Volume Tom Arm Day! Yes, that's a thing.

Karen, those workouts sound very scientific, from the name down to the style. No wonder it is working for your engineering mind. You may be retired now, but I am thinking that your brain is never gonna stop moving and grooving like an engineer. I'm the same way with squats...A to G, but not while my arms are overhead!

Leg day today. I crushed it. Ended up being very flute focused. I am okay with that!

Have a terrific weekend! Love these short work weeks for my DH!
Last lifting day for a few..heading north for some "med stuff", should be back at it Thursday..hopefully! Nothing was really heavy but tried to be more strict and concentrate on form. Today, shoulders were primary 6x8 sets of seated shoulder press (db), the heaviest were 3 sets with 55s. 3x8 single arm side laterals (dropped to 25) 3x10 rear delt flys (45s) single arm front raise x8x8x10 (also 25) and 2x20 BB shrugs (225). Then did some ab work 3 circuits of cable crunches/alt knee to chest in plank position/ side planks and finished with some really light flat bench to stretch the chest out 115 3x15 trying to go very deep and it did provide a great stretch!
Lisa, gotta love a w/o that is "flute focused" flutes still hurt!! Karen, how good can a week get...hubby came home...RETIRED....and killin it with Dean! Great work friends...keep firing on all cylinders!
LOL!!! Stupid auto correct! You'd think my phone would have figured out that I'm a total workout-aholic by now??? Apparently, instead of "sucking wind" with my glutes workout, I was practicing on a "woodwind" instrument with my flutes workout. Oh, Tom, you smart a$$, you know what I meant!!! LOL!

Tom, hope all goes well with your "med stuff." Take care. We'll be ready for you when you come back.

Karen, HI HI HI!

Today was Upper Body, no flutes involved. :) Did Buff Upper Body Live. Have a great weekend!
My motel does have db's, up to #50's so I did a quick upperbody w/o today. I Started with 30s to warm up and did db bench x10, curls x 8 and skullcrushers x 10. Then curls x 8/ skcx10 with 40s, then a set of curls x 8/ skc x10 with 45s and 2 sets of db bench x 20 x15/ db curls x 8 and skullcrushers x 10 with 50s. I didn't eat any REAL food from Sat evening until Monday at noon due to colonoscopy prep, but no bad news so I guess it's worth it! Will spend today and tomorrow at some appointments and head home Wed afternoon. Lisa, so sorry to pick on your flutes, but when you can terrorize an attorney, you gotta "go fer it"!! Do good my friends!
Metabolic Mash-up Live 3/3/16 for today.

Karen, hope retirement is going well. How's your Somerset lifting program coming along?

Tom, glad to hear all is well. From what I know, colonoscopy prep is horrendous. Glad you put your "big boy pants" on and did it anyway. We need you around in our check-in ... you can't go anywhere!

Happy Tuesday! Burn some fat, build some muscle, and drink a good coffee *or beer, in Tom's case.

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