Lifting like girls

Karen, if I were you I would quote myself as well. You speak lots of wise quotable quotes! Have you ever watched King of the Hill, the cartoon? The main character had a newspaper column at one point : "Peggy's Quotable Quotables." Replace Peggy with Karen, and we're all set... do I have to much time on my hands? This was a ridiculous post on my part, but at least better than weeding around dog urine.
Leg day Monday and I made it! Lower Body Trisets Live 9/27/15. I was inspired by last week's wandering into Meso 2, wanted more trisets legs! Feeling good, hope you both are too. Have the best Monday possible. Tom, hope that puppy is behaving, and Karen, thinking about you and everything you have going on. Wishing you the best
Just finished my weights. Much better this week. Upper body. Last week was the 4th week of this program, but I am having a do-over this week. I will start the next four week session next week. This is kinda, sorta like STS. First four weeks are endurance, then hypertrophy, last is strength. But, the workouts are much shorter.
Have a great evening! More tomorrow!
  • Karen, what program are you doing? I like short!! Today was a crazy 8 chest and back day. 8x8 bench, nothing heavy but still got worked, I did sets of 8 at 115 135 155 175 155 and 3x8 at 135, Back was 3x8 chin ups 2x8 1 arm cable pulls and 3x8 db rows.
    The new pup is really cute! If I was young again and hitting on girls, that dog is "girl catnip"!! Wow, every female that saw her melted....WOULD BE GOLD!! She was put in her kennel at night and she yelped and yelped. I got stern and she quit,,,started again in 20 stern again and she was good for the nite. We figured the flight would be a nightmare with her barking the whole time, BUT SHE NEVER MADE A NOISE! We were shocked, but I think she is going to have a great temperament!
    Looks like my fellow iron heads have been thriving, although Lisa looking for more triset legs makes me question her mental health....just kidding my friend! Do it right, or at least DO IT Ladies! All I got...have a great Tuesday!
Today the workout was a three mile walk to get my truck out of the shop. And of course, they couldn’t find a damn thing wrong with it. Friday morning I was almost ready to pitch a tent in the Costco parking lot. I couldn’t get it in gear. First, reverse nothing. Finally got it to roll a little, and got it in gear. Then it happened at a stop sign, on the way home. Took it to the shop Monday morning, and it worked perfectly. So they drained and flushed the transmission fluid, checked the clutch, and $180 and a three mile walk later, it’s home. Uh huh, we’ll see what happens!! I must have mistreated automobiles in a previous life, paying for it now. Anyway, that’s about it, will be lifting tomorrow!!
Oh, as an add on. Yes Tom, puppies are girl magnets!! A guy with a puppy?? Oh yea!

And, I’m doing a paper program. I will look it up, and let you know.

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Tom's got a new title: Tom, the Dog Whisperer. Training that puppy to sleep like a champ! I'd say we could also nominate you to take your girl magnet puppy and be the next Bachelor on reality TV, but I think your DW would have a thing or two to say about that!!!

Karen, sorry about your car troubles. Is that truck a stick shift? I never learned to drive that way. I hate it when you "know" something is wrong and people stare at you like you're crazy. At least you were at Costco when it all happened. I can't think of a better place to be stranded, they've got everything you could ever need...supersized!

Yesterday was XTRAIN Chest, Back, Shoulders. Today was Total Body Boot camp Live from Oct 2017. Sounds like weights but was really cardio. This afternoon will be a showdown between DD2 and the pediatric dentist. There's no way she's going to open her mouth for the exam. Tom, any tips, lol? Or are you just glad to not be a pediatric dentist?!?!
OK, didn't do it! Tomorrow will be leg day and maybe some deads, but just enjoyed a good night sleep....for a change.
Lisa, I got"nuttin" on DD2, but she may surprise you...Pedodontist are pretty good at this, at least hopefully and YES, I am glad my Pedo days are over. I loved the kids, but they can "stress the ^^$# out of you...never wanted to be the guy in the story that started...when I was a kid, the know.
Karen, you have been on a lousy roll, at least vehicle wise, and I hope it gets better!
I am going on record, TOMORROW IS LEG DAY!! My story and I am sticking to it. Adios friends!
Well I put on my big boy pants, grabbed the bull by the...yunno, those little round things, and did leg day...nothing to brag about,EXCEPT it was done! 3 sets of bench squats, not heavy 135 155 175 x8 on all and the funny thing is, 135 was more painful than 175? 3x10 gob squats 3x12 sumo squats 3x8 reverse lunges and 3x20 kb swings. Calves were 3x25 BB calf raises and 3x20 single leg calf raises, Next were 3x20 cable crunches and finished with light deads 205 x8 (sumo) and 225 x 8 (conv). I say light, but didn't feel light after leg day...geeze!
I guess we( meaning DW, myself, AND our new addition) are off to by flowers (I feel the testosterone draining out of my body)! DW has some planters etc, not my thing, but will take one for the team! May your Thursday be more "anabolic" than mine!!
Hey guys! Change of plan today. The weather channel predicted rain all weekend, so I decided to mow the lawn today. Lawn mowing was the WOD. I hadn’t mowed it for two weeks, and it was a pain, but I gotter done. So, tomorrow will be weights, so until tomorrow.........take care!
Oh one more thing. When DS2 had his first dentist visit, he came out of the room happy as a clam. Told me that he was sitting in a rocket ship, and he went to Mars. I told the dentist that I wanted what DS2 had. The whole room cracked up.

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Arm superset day...yay! Even that was hard to get up for, but doable. started with tri pushdowns 4x8/ BB curls 4x8 skullcrushers 3x10/ DB curls 3x10 double arm kickbacks 3x16/ conc curls 3x8 incline tri ext 2x12/ dec curls 1x12 1x10.
Karen, I worked on a little and we used nitrous on kids. When we came out to see Mom, Mom asked how she did and the little one said " great, we went to Cuba"! I about died laughing because I missed the trip I guess!
All I to create oral space.
Oh yeah, love that laughing gas! Tom, do you keep a supply of it at your house, lol!!! Well, I am happy to report that DD2 did a great job! I think the kicker was that she remembered the drawer of princess toys for the patients who cooperate. My kids can be bought! She'd do anything for that fairy wand. Of course, 6 months from now, all bets are off and she'll clench her jaw shut!

Ugh, Karen, it's supposed to rain all weekend here, too. Already started. I know why. I scheduled outdoor family pics for tomorrow and our clothing is...wait for it...Beach themed, as in bright tank tops and shorts and sandals. It's supposed to be 75 and sunny this time of year. WTH??? I don't know what we'll do. Our photographer lives in Utah but comes up every so often to take pics for clients in my area. I could look for another photographer, but she's a mom of 5 so she's probably the only person out there patient enough to not strangle my kids!!!

Tom, how's the puppy? Proud of you for showing up for leg day the other day.

Yesterday was HiiT cardio + heavy biceps and triceps. Today was the newest Live, Kickboxing Cardio and Cardio Barre (or something like that). Rock your Friday night, my friends!
Revisited an old shoulder day routine today, I feel that I have been less intense on shoulders during the bench emphasis program so I did a 20 set shoulder day. 8 sets standing BB military press, nothing to write home about, but really haven't done the standing presses for a long time. Next was 3x10 of side laterals, rear delt flys, front raises, and bb shrugs x 10x 20 x20(first set was without grips, 2 and 3 were with grips, I had gloves on and felt like the BB was slipping so I "strapped up"!).
The puppy is great, into EVERYTHING, but great. We didn't do a great job of "puppyproofing", but too late now! We do have several kennels, one upstairs and one downstairs and a gate to confine her to a room at least...for now. We are going up to Nebraska today, my brother and sister in law are vets and we are going to get a chip for her as well as plan a road trip this summer. I was born in Washington, and we planned to head west and see Glacier National and revisit Aberdeen Washington to see if they have a statue of me there yet!! I heard they blew all their money on one for Kurt Cobain and had to wait on mine!
All I got my friends....make the weekend great again!
Tom, I am sure that your statue is next to Kurt's! I had no idea you are from Washington! Cool. Nice shoulder shredder today.

Karen, hey!

Total Body Giant Sets Live today.

Happy Mother's Day weekend to you, Karen, and to your DW, Tom. May we all avoid the emotional landmines that this weekend presents!
Tom, had I known you were a Washingtonian, I would have looked for your statue. I did find the Statue of Lenin. Evidently when the Soviet Union was disbanding, they had a spare statue of Lenin. Being on the "Left" coast, Seattle snatched it up in a heartbeat. Lots of famous people from Washington. Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Bill Gates to name three. Oh, and my DH. I love road trips, sounds fun.
Today was a lifting day, I did manage to get it done. Looked at the program, for my next four weeks. I lied, it won't be short workout days anymore. The program is called Tensile Strength, if anyone is interested.
It's been a miserable cold and rainy day today, and now the sun is deciding to peek out.
Happy Mother's Day Lisa, and to your DW Tom. My mother has passed, and all my kids like me, so no emotional landmines here! Thank Goodness! Take care friends!
Some days are good days, some days..not so much and this one was NOT SO MUCH! 8 sets of bench, nothing noteworthy in fact, PATHETIC is a better word. 3x8 chins, 3 sets of seated DB press x15 10 10, 3x8 pushdowns and DB curls x12 x12 x10. Every rep was a struggle, never was into it! Guess some days are just like that, but I hope it is not the new norm. Oh well, life goes on..till it doesn't!
DW and SIL got our trip planned out while Bro and I watched movies....ahhhh, life as it should be! Gotta leave the planning to the planners!
Be better than me Iron Sistas!
Leg day......PRESENT! Nothing again notable about today except I was there. 3 x8 DB squats, 3x8 gob squats, 3x10 sumo squats, 2x8 rev lunges and 2x20 kb swings and for calves, 2x25 heavy db calf raises and 3x25 single leg calf raises. I added 1x30 cable crunches and 1x80 alt knee to chest in plank position. All for me....have a "goodun" friends!

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