Lifting like girls

Tom, you're probably sore because your body was totally confused by your deload! That, plus doggie sitting and pool time = DOMS.

Karen, did you have a good weekend?

Last Thursday's Low Impact Boot camp was my workout of choice. Not as sweaty as Saturday, praise Heaven, since it's low 60s out there.

Good day to you both!
Upper body, 30 sets. 11 sets of bench and I think I lost a little last week. I did warm up sets at 115x8, 165x5 185x3 205x3 and 215 x3 x2, dropping to 3x5 at 195. I took out the block and did sets at 165 and 135, getting as close to my chest as I could without peeing!! Accessories were 3 x8 chins, 3 sets of seated BB militaries and 2 sets of side laterals/ front raises, 2 sets of skullcrushers and 2 sets of pushdowns and a burnout set of kickbacks. For bi's, 2 sets of easy bar curls, 2 sets of alt db curls and 2 sets of conc curls. Tomorrow is leg day..hopefully!
Karen..SNOW?? It was 82 here today...but not rubbing it in LOL!! Does call for nasty stuff later this week, tornados and all! All I got friends..later!
I don't know what came over me. In a trance-like state this morning, I zombie walked to my DVD collection and selected Meso 2 Week 1 Legs. Well, let me say that I got myself into one whopper of a workout. Those trisets get my thutt in particular.

Hope you are all having a great Tuesday ! No snow for Karen, and no tornadoes for Tom. I hope, I hope!
Didn't make it!! Just plain tired, looking like Thursday Iegs...,AGAIN!! Don't blame you If you " excomunicate me from the sect!! Upper body tomorrow...routine yet to be determined! Lisa, sts legs a killer, especially when you have not been doing sts!! Well, enough negativity, tomorrow is another day...hopefully a more.." commando like" day!
Hey guys! Today was a heavy lower body workout, however I wimped out. I was very hungry when I got home from work. So, I pressure cooked a chicken and made a great salad. Oh it tasted so good. So, I guess tomorrow will be heavy Legs day. Yesterday was an upper body workout. It was quite pathetic. I blame it on all my weed pulling and hoeing, ( can I say that?)it has a whole different meaning now days. Hoeing the dirt, well that sounds worse, but you know what I mean. I spent Friday and Saturday doing yard work, (and then it snowed on Monday)and my abs and back were screaming, so upper body was a bust. So far Monday and Tuesday have been great for lifting. Not! That’s it for now, will give it a go tomorrow, and see if something happens.

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Went to bed last night about 9;30, woke up and thought I slept pretty well, looked at the clock and it was 11:30!! And that was it..boom, awake! Finally got up a little after 4 and lifted. Sounds like Karen and I are both worn out...Karen from tons of yard work and me from a BRUTAL deload week! Wait just a second..I need to upate my status...PANSIE A$$!!! There, I feel better! Karen, your wimp out is justified, mine, not so much! I do hope I'm not rubbing off on our "iron matriarch"! lol
Today I did a real light bench day but tried to hit the accessories pretty hard. I just did 4x8 on bench without the block and near touch, just cant quite get there. Sets were 115x8 135x8 155x8 175x8. Following were db rows 3x8 (90s), seated db press x15 x12 x10 (50s) then supersetted skullcrushers and seated db curls (40s for both) x15 x12 x12. Hopefully will crash tonight and get some sleep to prepare for.....MAKE UP LEG DAY YAY!! Happy hump day all.
Karen, your difficulty incorporating "hoeing" into your post...LMAO!!!! Thanks for that, I needed it! The pressure cooker chicken sounds tasty. Do you use the pressure cooker often? I hear they are amazing. I use my crock pot a lot, but high and fast is sometimes better than low and slow! Hope you are feeling more energetic.
Same to you, Tom. Nothing bad about off days. You are both so consistent, ain't nothing gonna slow you down. Does not make you a pansy a$$, Tom!

Today was ICE Compound Total Body Live. Between that and STS...oh my poor, poor legs and glutes!
Nothing in my body or mine was into this one, and not just because it was leg day because even an upper body day would have been miserable! Last night I did sleep better. I took some melatonin and had some weird of them was me eating my foam knee sleeve!! DW said that's when you wake up and find half of your pillow missing!
Leg day was $h!!ty!! I started with bench squats and did 115 x 8 and 135, but stopped at 2 reps..just felt awful, knees, hips, EVERYTHING. I about quit there, but fought thru 2 sets of 2x8 db squats, 2x10 gob squats, 2x20 kb swings, and 2 x30 standing BB calf raises and 2 x 25 single calf raises. Next were light deadlifts and did 205 x 8 (sumo) and x 8 (conv), I knew it was a bad day when that felt like a house! Last up was 2 x 20 cable crunches. Tomorrow we are flying to FL to pick up a new friend. DW has really wanted a mini golden doodle and after much research decided to get one from a breeder down there. She has been to see them and finally they are ready and we (she) will pick HER out Saturday. I wont be lifting (probably) at all over the weekend and I am not sure I will even lift tomorrow, think the time off may be needed!
Karen, the "hoeing" cracked me up and Lisa, you are definitely a "glutton for punishment" for your "double whammy hammy slammy"!! Have a great weekend and Friday friends.
Have a great weekend and Friday friends.

Tom, sorry it was so rough for you today. Are you in a different time zone? Is it Friday where you are already???? (You know I have to give you a hard time whenever I can.) Travel safely to Florida. Hopefully the sunshine and rest will restore your mojo. And don't eat any pillows, I don't recommend it! What will you be naming the little doggie?

Today was Pumped Upper Body Live from Feb 2018. Wanted to do Today's Live but couldn't sync up my schedule with it. Thank heavens for the Live archives.

Karen, hope all is well!

Happy Thursday.
Well, I would like to tell you I had a great week of lifting, and hit a bunch of PRs. Sorry none of that going on here. Just not feeling it right now. I’m thinking that 05/31/18 will be my last day of work. It’s so hard, because we have such great health insurance, and benefits. But, I think I’m done!! So, I’m stressing myself out, and still hoeing the back 40, and taking care of dogs, and registering cars, and basically driving myself nuts. Believe me when I tell you it’s a short drive. So there we have it!
Tom, does a golden doodle shed? Cuz my two golden boys leave their hair everywhere. Love a dog that doesn’t shed, and I know a poodle does not. Good job Lisa! Glad you’re getting it done for all of us. Tom and I seem to be stuck in neutral this week! Here’s hoping next week is better!
Take care all!

Tom, put the pillow down!

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Karen. Hang in there..,a lot on your plate and it's tough when you are doing it all!! Golden doodles are kind of a CRAP shoot on shedding,depends on whether the poodle or golden dominates genetically on that genome. They do say that if they do it seems to be " clumpier" and easier to pick up. We had a golden as well.,sweetest dog in the world BUT, hair hair everywhere! Hoping your stress level decreases and you can get back to making the rest of us feel "insignificant"! Lisa has taken over on your break lol!! Keep kicking friends!
Could not resist the call of the wild and did lift this morning. 8 sets of bench, nothing big, heaviest was 205 x4x4x3. Next were 2x8 chins and 1x8 heavy 1 arm cable pulls. 2x8 seated militaries with 115 and 1x10 side laterals/front raises. For arms I tried some different stuff. For tris I did decline skullcrushers at a lighter weight (35s) because I didn't know how it would go to get back up lol! These were 2x12 and 1x8 tri pushdowns and for bi's I did 2x10 slow hammer curls (again dropped to 35s) and did them simultaneously instead of alternate, and 1x10 slow regular simultaneous db curls. I finished with a set of lighter 21s. Guess I am glad I did something, maybe wont be eaten up with guilt the next 4 days.
Hey Lisa, I'm an easy target AND I love the abuse!! ROCK IT Commandos!!
Aw, Karen, as one who is already living in the crazy house, I can honestly say it's not so bad. Come on, drive on over! (((HUGS))) to you, you've got more than a full, hefty serving of life on your plate. Just follow your gut and you'll be all right. It might suck in the meantime but you will conquer. Tom and I will be cheering you on.

Bad news that Goldens shed. I have always viewed that as my breed if choice. They just seem like a perfect balance of smart and sweet. I guess I should add hairy hairballs to that list.

Tom, glad you got up with the cock-a-doodle-doo this morning.

Today was Cardio Boxing plus Stability Ball Abs Live. It's a great workout, but not gonna lie...I was watching the clock this morning, doing a mental countdown.

Sounds like we all need a good, recharging weekend. Let's crush some relaxation, and perhaps some alcohol as well, shall we??? :)
I would love to post a pic of our new addition but have 0 idea on how!! We did pick her out and she is with us...what a cutie!! Lisa, I'm pretty sure She did some " check max" ....didn't want to know..,didn't care!! She did puke on DW on the way back to son 2....priceless!!!!

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