Lifting like girls

Today I did the Monday workout from my program. I was already two days down, and I thought WTH. It's been non stop garden work this week, and tomorrow will probably be the same. If not, and it's too damn hot to work outside, I will be doing the Tuesday workout. I start month 3 of this program on Monday. Then again, if it's more yard work; maybe not. I already love being retired. I can do what I want.
Take care!
Retirement is fun eh Karen! Even though I am "semi", sure beats the 5 day grind! Today was shoulder day for me and I did lots of sets, trying to be more strict. I did 8 sets of strict press, nothing very heavy but that was because it wasn't there! 45x10 65x10 85x10 105x5 115x2 105x5 85x12 8. Next were light side laterals, 4 sets with the first set holding the db out while doing the movements with the other hand..brutal and had to go very light, starting with 20s and had to drop to 15s!. The next 3 sets were conventional side laterals, very light and strict (stayed with 15s WTH). Rear delt flys were, again light, strict and slow (30s) and alt front raise, the first set again holding the opposite db out while repping the other hand and last 3 sets were conventional, light and strict 20s). To finish shoulders I did db shrugs x30 x25 x25 (90s) I added 9 sets of abs, 3x20 cable crunches side planks x60 sec 45 sec 30 sec and running alt knee to chest in plank position x100 x80 x60. Good to be able to "dally in the dungeon" again and sounds like y'all been "killin it" so good on ya!!
Karen, you work so hard in your yard. I bet it is beautiful!

Tom, welcome back to the dungeon!

Today was LIS Series Trisets Legs. I've said it a million times but it's never enough...the music on this workout, UGH!!!!

Nice workouts, everyone! Have a good one
Less than spectacular arm day, 18 sets but no enthusiasm. All supersets, pushdowns 3x8/ ez bar curls 3x8 skullcrushers 3x10/ db curls x8x10x10 kickbacks 3x15/ conc curls 3x8 and that was it! About 35 minutes of BLAH! Off to work and create some much needed "oral vacancies"! Enjoy your Friday friends!
Hodge-podge day. Today I did a circuit of supersetting pullups x12 x10 x8 x6/ pushups x40 x30 x25 x20/ deadlifts (225) x10s x8c x6s x4c and finished with some cable crunches x25 x20 x15 x10. The pushups were really hard. I guess it's been a long time since I was doing 400-600 a day at work..seemed really easy compared to today....40 was a struggle and back then sets of 50 were routine. W/o took about 45 min, but anymore I take as much time as I need between sets, and sometimes that can be 2-3 minutes, sometimes less than a minute. I did feel worked so I guess that's good! Have a great weekend friends!
Yesterday was Warrior Kickboxing Live and today was HiiT for 20 mins + a drop sets upper body lifting session. I feel good for getting it done but it was just "meh" while I was doing it.

Tom, I am so bipolar with pushups. Some days I nail them like a rock star and other days you'd think that I've never worked out before. Ah well.

Karen. Hi!

Have a great weekend!
Actually did a leg day...yay! 7 sets of bench squats, up to 225 (but only a single), 3x20 gob squats, 1 set only of 1 leg dead lifts(back a little sore from yesterdays deads so didn't push it) and 3x20 kb swings. For calves, standing BB calf raises (225) x20 x20 x15 and 3x20 1 leg calf raises. Only took about 50 minutes, but, of course it is NEVER my favorite 50 min lol! I will get a chest day in tomorrow morning then I have to go back up north for 1 lousy appointment ..geeze! May try to do a little dumbbell work if they have them Tuesday morning, we will see? Do your thing all!
Yesterday I finished a fifth week of my program. One extra week. This next week I start month three. I'm liking this, quite a bit of variety. I'm all over the map with push-ups. When I was working I would get on the floor and hammer out fifty. This program has me doing a suitcase carry then immediately dropping to the floor and popping out max number of push-ups. Three sets. After the suitcase carry, my arms can only get 8-10 push-ups. It's always a crap shoot. That's about it! Enjoy the rest of your week-end. I'm brining chicken today. Some will go on the grill, the rest in the smoker. Feet up, and kickin' back!
When I left work, my co-workers all chipped in and bought a bunch of garden tools, and gift cards to Home Depot and Lowe's. I'm lovin' my garden time. I worked with a great bunch of people! Will always treasure their friendship, kindness and generosity.
One more thing! I'm always into tidbits of information and fun facts. (not always fun, and most the time, not factual. But, I read it on the internet, so it must be true; right?) Utah has the highest incidence of skin cancer of all fifty states. The sun is so intense here. Hot and dry. When I was a teenager, we were told that the sun was good for us. Vitamin D and all that. Now, I dress like Nanuck of the North when I go outside. I've already had one cut out of my nose. Thank goodness it wasn't disfiguring. In fact, you can't see the scar. But, who needs that? Cover up! Later guys!
Chest day and chest day only. A 10 set pyramid of bench, absolutely NOT outstanding and only 10 sets, but kind of a quickie w/0 before taking off. I used the short block for all and I was going to do some chins but when I grabbed the bar I new it was too soon after the last pull up day and gave it up!
Karen, the parting gift from coworkers just shows that your coworkers think you are special...and that just confirms what we already knew! We are quite a bunch....a shovel wielding, full coverage wearing, bodybuilding engineer, a bipolar pushup, leg day loving Mommy-lawyer and a correctional cold steel and sunshine leg day hating, only in America or at least only on Cathe's Forums!! Be all you can be friends!
Well, Tom couldn't be more right. Loved your description of our crazy trio. I proved you right by loving my Lift It HiiT it Legs Live this morning, and I did legal stuff this weekend, and then there's the Momma thing always going on!

Tom, at least you got something in this morning. Good call on saving those chins for another day. No point in getting injured.

Karen, I didn't know about UT and skin cancer! So interesting! I knew about the opioid epidemic, and bankruptcy epidemic, and female depression epidemic, but not the skin stuff! You are SMART to cover up. You and me can be in our nun garb together. I am the same way....well, except that I totally suck at gardening. I would Love to see how you have put those gift cards to use. I am sure it is magazine worthy, award winning Better Homes & Garden material. But who is Nanuck of the North??? She sounds cool, lol!
I think Nanuck of the North is native Alaskan. Dressed head to toe in caribou fur and mucklucks.
So today is the first day of month 3. I know I’ve told you before, but I love this program. Now it is definitely getting more difficult, with mobility moves thrown in for good measure. I will list all the moves on Friday. I’m going outside to release my 1500 ladybugs on my Roses, and vegetable garden. The aphids have moved in and are eating my plants alive. One ladybug can eat thousands of the little green monsters. You release the ladybugs onto the plants at dusk, they won’t fly away when the sun is down. So, let’s talk tomorrow!!

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Now I'm prepared with my Nanuck of the North factoid. Jeopardy, here I come! Thanks, Karen! Who knew about lady bugs...besides you. Another factoid full of fun. Maybe I can share one...if you ever live in a scorpion infested area, release some gecko lizards into your yard. They prey on scorpions and other hideous desert creepy crawlies, but are quite gentle (and even sell insurance, lol). Pesticide typically doesn't work on scorpions because their bodis are elevated, so they don't get exposed to the poison like other bugs do. Did I mention that I hate scorpions? ????

I wasn't planning on cardio today but didn't have weight lifting in my brain today, so I did a KCM Kickboxing. I'm surprisingly sore from yesterday's lower body Live!

Tom, hope your last round of appts go well!
My workouts for Monday and Tuesday:
1A Kneeling KB Halo 5 sets 10 reps each way
1B DL w/eccentric pause 5 sets 8 reps
2A Hanging latstretch 3 sets 8 reps
2B Elastic Resist dead bug 3 sets 8 reps
3A Double KB clean to Bottoms up press 3 sets 7 reps each arm
3B Lateral lunge w/pulse 3 sets 8 reps each side
4A Rockback five point rotation 3 sets 8 reps
4B Lindmine straight arm rotation 3 sets 10 each

1A 1/2 kneeling elastic rotation 4 sets 6 reps each side
1B BB back squat 4 sets 5 reps
2A Downdog lunge inside rotation 3 sets 8 reps each side
2B Smith pullup Iso hold 3 sets 10 second hold
3A DB one arm squat & press 3 sets 8 reps each side
3B one leg landmine RDL 3 sets 6 reps each leg
4A cable rope overhead extensions 3 sets 15 reps
4B Standing BB curls 3 sets 12 reps

One sweaty hot mess!

Ladybugs working like a charm. I hate scorpions too!! Anything that creeps around, crawls or slithers, yucko!

Hope you are both well! Tom, hope you aced this last round of appts.!!
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Did NOTHING!!! Motel didn't have weights and I really didn't get any sleep Mon night, so today I hit alarm 2 and got another hour! I will do something tomorrow....I have 4 early days in a row...Wed Thur and Fri are work THEN Sat I have to leave at 6 to take my car in and stay there until 5....BORING!! Anyway, My sleep deprived story and I'm sticking to it! Y'all are killin it...motivates me!
Today was a sort of a hodge podge deload day. Supersets of chins / seated military press (100#) and bench (160)/ deadlifts (205#). All were sets of 3x8. Hard to get motivated so I decided to turn the rest of the week into a deload.
Karen, your w/o hurt my mind AND body...geeze and the lady bugs were good thinking. Lisa, sounds like pumped upperbody is like my leg day and you go into survival mode..way to persevere! All I got your thing!!
Intentions; deload arms because it would be something I would get up for...reality; NOT a deload, but was arms. Pretty much normal arm day. 3 sets of skullcrushers/ db curls 3 sets of pushdowns/ ez bar curls 3 sets of inclined skullcrushers/ declined curls and finished with 3 sets of cable crunches. Since I have to leave the house at 6 tomorrow or earlier, prob will take tomorrow off or that's the plan! Have a great weekend lifter ladies!
My program for Thursday and Friday:
1A Side Plank 4 sets 10 second hold
1B DB Goblet Squat lateral rocker 4 sets 8 each side
2A BB DL 20 sets 1 rep each set (I guess that means heavy, damn)
3A Elastic Pull Aparts 4 sets 20 repa
3B BB Hip Thrusts 4 sets 15 reps
4A Plank one arm elastic rows 3 sets 12 reps each side
4B 1/2 kneeling rope chops 3 sets 8 reps each side

1A Lunge Elbow to instep 4 sets 8 reps each side
1B Front Squats 4 sets 5 reps
2A Pushup Pop Press 4 sets 8 each side
2B Batwing Rows 4 sets 10 second hold 4 each side
3A Pullups 4 sets 5 reps
3B Bench Press 4 sets 5 reps
4A BB or DB Farmer Carry 3 sets 30 yards
4B KB swings 4 sets 20 reps

All this looks harmless on paper, but it is busting my chops!
Will let you know what I really think after my Friday workout
Nope, Karen, looks like a challenging program. Definitely not harmless. Something about the down dog into lunge and torso twist from earlier this week sounds so fun. Just a cool athletic move.

Tom, I have auto mechanic all-day dread on your behalf! I hope it's within walking distance to stores or food or something! !!

Yesterday was a Fitness Blender legs workout. Today was cardio and core. Tomorrow will be upper body.

Tom, Happy Father's Day wishes to you, and also to Karen's DH. Have a great weekend!

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