Yesterday I finished a fifth week of my program. One extra week. This next week I start month three. I'm liking this, quite a bit of variety. I'm all over the map with push-ups. When I was working I would get on the floor and hammer out fifty. This program has me doing a suitcase carry then immediately dropping to the floor and popping out max number of push-ups. Three sets. After the suitcase carry, my arms can only get 8-10 push-ups. It's always a crap shoot. That's about it! Enjoy the rest of your week-end. I'm brining chicken today. Some will go on the grill, the rest in the smoker. Feet up, and kickin' back!
When I left work, my co-workers all chipped in and bought a bunch of garden tools, and gift cards to Home Depot and Lowe's. I'm lovin' my garden time. I worked with a great bunch of people! Will always treasure their friendship, kindness and generosity.
One more thing! I'm always into tidbits of information and fun facts. (not always fun, and most the time, not factual. But, I read it on the internet, so it must be true; right?) Utah has the highest incidence of skin cancer of all fifty states. The sun is so intense here. Hot and dry. When I was a teenager, we were told that the sun was good for us. Vitamin D and all that. Now, I dress like Nanuck of the North when I go outside. I've already had one cut out of my nose. Thank goodness it wasn't disfiguring. In fact, you can't see the scar. But, who needs that? Cover up! Later guys!