Ah, well, we might as well have our fun where we can-- and glad my post was helpful!
I've been to several different salons and I have had some of the funniest experiences since I started waxing. Gee, I maybe could write a book and call it Adventures in Waxing-- think it would sell??
WARNING: more candor below. But we ARE talking girlfriend to girlfriend here, and some of this you need to know!
I forgot to say that different salons have varying approaches to the modesty issue. Some will cover everything except what is being worked on at the moment with a drape, you know, kind of like you're having surgery. Some will cover the half of you not being worked on with a drape, leaving the other half: yes, nekkid. I went to an amazing Lebanese waxing salon in Chicago-- Sisters in WaterTower-- man, the results are fantastic and they get you in and out in 15 minutes-- but it is not for the faint-hearted, as all they do is to place a strip of paper strategically in the middle of the area, and don't even give you a drape for when you were waiting for them to come in with the strip of paper! HELLO! What about those men I saw in the waiting room? I guess not an issue since the back of the aesthetician entering the room blocks all views of me au naturel?? I still puzzle over that one. But I can assure you, after 8 months of nothing but a strip of paper, I am *totally* over the modesty thing. My current aesthetician (Jenny at Spa Boudoir in Raleigh, NC) who is FANTASTIC, btw, doesn't even bother with a drape for me now. (Attention, anyone who was thinking of visiting Jenny: hold that thought! She has, and will gladly use, a drape on anyone! She is absolutely the best waxer ever. Seriously, you can hardly feel it.)
As to the menu question, you basically have 2 options with a brazilian. You can go totally bare front and back (I was shocked to find it was necessary to spruce up the back porch too-- WHO KNEW?!): that's the bare or stripped Brazilian. Or you can ask to have everything removed except for the so-called "landing strip" or a little triangle. The aesthetician will usually ask you what you prefer unless you've clearly specified "take it all off!"
The cleanliness issue is actually the reason I started getting the waxes in the first place. Working out as we do with our dearest whip-cracker Cathe, I certainly sweat a lot. With the brazilian, I find I sweat less *there* and I feel a lot cleaner. But that's just me.
Not to put too fine a point on it, biologists tell us that the purpose of well, what we get rid of with the Brazilian-- is to trap odor. Personally, I'd just as soon pass on that one. But again, that's just me! My aesthetician, Jenny, told me that waxed skin does tend to produce less perspiration.
And one final piece of advice, so you won't be shocked if it happens to you (not an issue for me): Jenny says that some women find there is more of a need to AIM in the bathroom once the state of bareness has been achieved. (LOL, maybe those lucky ladies have more sympathy for those pesky menfolk with less than perfect results hitting the target!) I wouldn't want you to go home and have a nasty shock, thinking, OMG-- they broke something!
HTH! Good luck, Deb! I think you will find the results of the waxing to be much more comfortable than your current approach.