Let's talk BRAZILIAN Waxing....anyone?


Okay, so I am ready to take the plunge into the painful world of bikini/brazilian waxing. Thankfully, I am not a very hairy person...that being said, I am still scared to death. I cannot for the life of me imagine myself in a salon having my private parts waxed...dunno, just me. SO, have any of you attempted waxing at HOME? If so what kits have you found to do a good job? Thanks for chiming in...you guys are always so helpful. :)

I would love to do this, but I get lazy and just shave (sorry if that's too much info x( ). I've tried waxing at home ~ it wasn't pretty.
Not too much info...I figure after childbirth everything is relative.;) Anyway, thanks for your input...dang, I am so hoping to do this at home and spare my dignity. deb
Hi Deb,

I'm a very, very modest person -- and if I can survive salon waxings, I'm sure you can, too! ;-)

In all seriousness, I did try doing bikini waxing myself, as well as using an epilator (sp?), and both were awful and painful. If you find a good waxing salon near you, it is *so* worth it to have it done professionally.

The place I go to also sells this product called No Scream Cream; if you put it on about 30 minutes before your appointment and also take some Advil, the pain is a lot better! It's also worst the first time; if you keep it up, the pain really decreases and the hair re-growth is a lot less. I also started with regular bikini waxing before building up to . . . er . . . going for broke, so to speak. ;-)

ETA: I also see the owner of the waxing salon. She's been doing this for 18 years, and I feel a whole lot more comfortable with her since she's an older, more experienced woman. When she was sick once, I got put with a younger gal, which was a bit more awkward at first. But just remind yourself that they're professionals . . . and they've been doing this awhile! ;-)

HTH! :)
I've never had one. A friend of mine had the brazilian done, and the lady who was doing it told her, "It's for the mens." ;-)
I started having them done at a day spa a year or so ago. I was totally freaked at first because I'm a modest person too. But the girl was awesome and made me really comfortable. I even said to her "I don't see how you can do this." She said "if you have something I don't, we need to talk." :) I don't think I could do it at home. Once you get used to it, it's no big deal.

Honestly, I would recommend going to a salon to get this done. Just think of where you are going to be putting the wax and then imagine if you happened to make a *mistake.* OUCH!!

I know how you feel about sort of exposing yourself but, really, these women are doing this a lot, everyday. It's their job. The place I go has a minimum 7 year experience rule before they hire anyone. One of the two women I see for Brazilians told me that she has days where that is the only type of waxing she does. I think after a while it becomes just like anything else to them. I really don't even feel like they are *looking* at me now.

Now,of course, it is still a little nerve-wracking for me. But having a professional do it is a.) faster, b.) less painful(they know what their doing and I would probably get incredibly nervous just anticipating what was going to happen if I was doing it myself) and c.) going to more assuredly give me the result I want. Also, I'm not sure how one would do the *back* themselves.

I agree, the first time is the worst and, if you do decide to go to a salon, I would tell the aesthetician about your concerns. That way, they can do things to make you more comfortable(a lot of places even offer paper *bikini bottoms* so you don't feel as exposed.) And I second the Advil suggestion. HTH!
Hi Leanne!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the input and honesty on this subject. I WILL be seeking out the help of NO SCREAM cream. I appreciate you willingness to speak about this subject. I think I may take your advice on seeking a professional.

One more question if I may...how often do you have it done? AND how long does the hair have to be? Should I "trim" the area first? Okay, I'm done now. Thanks again Leanne! Deb
>Hi Leanne!
>Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the input and
>honesty on this subject. I WILL be seeking out the help of NO
>SCREAM cream. I appreciate you willingness to speak about this
>subject. I think I may take your advice on seeking a
>One more question if I may...how often do you have it done?
>AND how long does the hair have to be? Should I "trim" the
>area first? Okay, I'm done now. Thanks again Leanne! Deb

Hi Deb,

Glad to help! It's funny b/c my first instinct was to be shy about responding (the modesty thing again!), but I know I've had such great help from all the lovely folks on this forum that I wanted to help out. :)

I usually go about every six to eight weeks during the regular year, and maybe every four weeks during summer, when I'm wearing a bathing suit more often. If you keep going on a regular basis, the hair doesn't grow in as much, and it really does become less painful.

I would call the place you're thinking about going to to ask them about hair length. The hair does need to be a certain length; the place I go to recommends about three weeks' worth of growth, and you don't need to do any preparation beforehand. :)

Here's some info from the place where I go that gives some tips about waxing:


It's definitely more costly to go to a salon, but, as others have mentioned, I think it would be really hard to do it yourself!

Be brave and try it, but maybe start with a regular bikini wax first. To psych yourself up for it and not be embarrassed, just keep reminding yourself, as Kim and Pippa also said, that the aestheticians really are pros! :)
Hey Kim,
The comment your pro said was hilarious! I hope I find someone like that...humor at this point would help allot! I know their is some "psychology" involved in helping make this procedure less traumatic.:)

Hi Pippa,
When you mentioned "nerve wracking"...exactly what do you mean?:7 What are bikini bottoms made of paper? Sounds like anything I would wear paper or not would..um, get in the way. Thanks for the info I really appreciate your input. deb
You know, my husband could care less. But, if it helps...well then, after 22yrs. of marriage it could be a good thing then right? :7 deb

Thanks again for the info. Man, I knew I could count on you guys. I have decided to go with the bikini first and then perhaps the whole shibang, as it were. Thank you for the link of info...looks like a nice place.

Also, I love your short hair-cut in you pic-trail...Very cute. I wish I could find the courage to cut my hair, guess I should find the courage for a bikini wax first huh? Your daughter is adorable! I am sending mine to college this year. Don't blink, it goes by sooooo fast:( . Deb
The girl who does mine is quick and efficient. The entire procedure is relatively painless because it's over with in a heartbeat. The key is a an experienced professional in a reputable salon.

The results are worth it, trust me ;-).
Talk about the most helpful thread ever! This is one of those things I've always thought about and never gone through with. Tried an at-home kit once- nope, nope, nope, never again.

So, here's another question- Are there more than two choices i.e. a full on brazilian or a more conservative approach? Do you need to specify exactly what you want to the ladies? Is there some sort of menu? :7
>Hi Pippa,
> What are bikini bottoms made of paper? Sounds like
>anything I would wear paper or not would..um, get in the way.
>Thanks for the info I really appreciate your input. deb

Paper bikini bottoms would definitely get in the way of a Brazilian since ALL hair "fore and aft" is removed. I haven't had a Brazilian, just a regular bikini one, but I got the full scoop from a friend who had one. After her description, I'll stick with the regular ones!

From now on, I'm going to be more decisive. Possibly.
By nerve-wracking I just meant that I still get a little nervous every month about *exposing* myself. :)

I actually use the paper bottoms and they do NOT get in the way. The aesthetician just moves them around. Now, they really don't provide any coverage so I wouldn't go into it thinking that you won't have to expose yourself if you use them but they certainly make me feel a little more comfortable and all of the aestheticians at the place I go have no problem working with the bottoms.

FWIW, I have had it done without the bottom and I did feel a little more self-conscious since I was pretty much just on *display* the whole time. But, like I said, those bottome don't provide much coverage so I know it was just a psychological thing. :)
>So, here's another question- Are there more than two choices
>i.e. a full on brazilian or a more conservative approach? Do
>you need to specify exactly what you want to the ladies? Is
>there some sort of menu? :7

At the place I go the only question they ask is if you want to leave any type of well, *strip* at the top. I suppose you could tell them to do whatever you want but I would suggest telling them right away if you want something different. I can't imagine that a salon wouldn't accomodate you but, if you made an appointment for a Brazilain, I doubt they will ask anything than what I mentioned.

The first place that I went to did offer a sort of in-between wax but not the place I go now.:)
I do my own bikini waxing at home. The Brazilian is completely hairless, right?

Well I went to Sally's beauty supply about a year ago and just got the warmer and wax I do all our brows, upper lips and my own bikini. For me its better than shaving as the area stays bare longer.

It takes a few tries for the bikini area to be waxed but after wards its a snap. I do it for myself as I like the landing strip look and as another poster mentioned after 23 yrs with my husband he also could care less what I look like down there. lol

It can be done at home with a steady hand ;)
Wow! I would never ever in a million years give myself a wax at home. I'm so clumsy I can only imagine the pain I'd put myself through!

I've been getting Brazilians for a few years now, at the same spa with the same professional, so I don't even blink an eye as far as modesty goes anymore. Even if I switched persons I don't think it would bother me because it's like going to the ob-gyn, that's what they're looking at all the time so why make the experience harder on yourself by worrying about that. Now the pain.. oh the pain... that's something I gotta psyche myself up for because I have coarse hair so no matter the growth - it's always painful. But, yes, it does diminish over time although not to the point of being painless. I never tried Advil or anything for the pain though. I guess it's so quick that it's been bearable thus far.

But you gotta try everything at least once... so good luck!

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